노인들이나 어린아이, 임산부를 위해서는 각별한 배려가 대중교통에서는 필요합니다 - 서울시 -
(Special care is needed for the elderly, children and pregnant women in public transportation - Seoul City -)
1. 배려[配慮] : [=배의(配意)] 여러모로 자상하게 마음을 씀. 염려해 줌. (caring in many ways); consideration; solicitude; care; concern; [=진력] trouble; [=알선] effort; good offices.
* 여러모로 : in many ways
* 자상한 : thoughtful, considerate, attentive
* 자상[仔詳] : a noun form of 자상한
* 자상하다 : a verb form of 자상한
* 마음 : mind; heart; feeling
* 쓰다 : (1) use (2) write
* 마음을 쓰다 : take care of
* 자상[刺傷] : a stab, a pierced wound
- 자상이 깊다 / 상처가 깊다 : have a deep wound
* 상처[傷處] : injury, abrasion; wound; cut; bruise, contusion; scratch; scar
* 깊은 : (1) deep; bottomless (2) remote, isolated; (3) profound; serious; strong
* 깊다 : a verb form of 깊은
* 염려[念慮] : fear, worry, concern, anxiety, uneasiness
* 염려하다 : (literary) care, worry (about), concern oneself (about/with), be worried (about), be uneasy (about)
- 염려 붙들어 매라 : Rein in your worries.
2. Examples about "배려".
ㆍ세심한 배려 : thoughtful consideration / scrupulous care
ㆍ …의 배려로 : through the good offices of ‥.
ㆍ 상사의 배려로 나는 제주도로의 전근을 모면했다 : Thanks to the kindhearted help of my boss, I escaped being transferred to Cheju-do
ㆍ 그녀는 아이들에게 어머니로서의 배려가 부족한 것 같다 : It seems she doesn't give as much care to her children as a mother should
ㆍ 그녀는 남을 위한 자상함과 배려가 없다 : She lacks delicacy and consideration for others
ㆍ 배려하다 : take care; give consideration ; take the trouble
ㆍ 배려해주셔서 감사합니다 : I am obliged to you for your (kind) consideration. / Thank you very much for your trouble[your concern]
ㆍ 제 아들에 대해 배려해 주셔서 감사합니다 : I appreciate your thoughtfulness toward(s) my son
ㆍ 지연되지 않도록 배려해 주세요 : Please see to it that there is no delay.
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