This is from ""
1. First sentence
정 대리는 욜로 족입니다. 저처럼 없는 집 자식으로 태어나 나이가 든 꼰대인 40대 중년의 눈에는 철 없고, 무책임하고 낭비나 하는 인생으로 보입니다.(… 솔직히 읽으면서 그렇게 느껴져서요.-_- 이게 세대 차이일지도.)
Mr. Jeong is YOLO. In the eyes of a middle-aged man in his 40s who was born as a child of a poor family like me and is old, it seems to be an immature, irresponsible, and wasteful life. (Honestly, I felt that way while reading it.-_- Maybe this is the generation gap)
* 정 : Last name of Korean people
* 대리 : a deputy-manager of a Korean company
* -는 : a subject particle after a word ends in a vowel
* 저 : I (honourific to the elderly or readers of a novel)
* 처럼 : like
* 없다 : be not; don’t have (money) or be poor in the sentence
* 없는 : 없(the stem of 없다) + -는(a suffix makes a verb present tense and attributive); having no (money) in the sentence
* 집 : a house; a family
* -의 : a possesive particle
* 자식 : a child; a son or a daughter
* 없는 집 사람 : a person who was born poor
* -으로 / -로 : as
* 태어나다 : be born
* 태어나 : 태어나(the stem of 태어나다) + 아/-아서/-어서(and then; this omitted)
* 나이 : age
* -가 : a subject particle after a word ends in a vowel
* 들다 : grow older; take [put] on years; be advanced in years [ages]
* 든 : 들(the stem of 들다; ㄹ erased beforr ㄴ) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past tense and attributive)
* 꼰대 : (1) A old or [upper class] person who has [fuddy-duddy], [aggressive] attitude toward young people and doesn't try to understand new things.
Ex: 꼰대: if you don't [like this] [country], [get out of here]! (2) Kkondae is an expression used in South Korea to describe a condescending person. The slang noun kkondae was originally used by students and teenagers to refer to older people such as fathers and teachers. Recently, however, the word has been used to refer to a boss or an older person who does so-called kkondae-jil (acting like a kkondae, in the Korean language), that forces the former's outdated way of thinking onto another person. [from Wikipedia]
* 이다 : be
* 꼰대인 : 꼰대 + -이(a stem of 이다) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past tense of attributive; 꼰대인 modify 40대 중년)
* 40 : forty
* -대 : a generation; an era
* 중년 : a middle-aged man
* 40대 중년 : a middle-aged man in his 40s
* -의 : a possesive particle
* 눈 : an eye
* -에는 : a place suffix means "to"
* 철 : (1) discretion; prudence; sense; good sense; wisdom (2) iron
* -이 : a subject particle after a word ends in a consonant
* 없다 : be not; don’t have
* 철이 없다 : be immature
* 없고 : 없(the stem of 없다) + -고(and)
* 철이 들다 / 철이 난다 : get ripe; get old; becoming prudent
- 들다 : (1) enter; get in (2) take to a habit; get [fall] into a habit (of)
- 나다 : (1) become; have; get (2) grow to be
* 책임 : responsiblity
* 무책임 : irresponsiblity; 무 means "without; have no"
* 무책임하다 : be irresponsible
* 무책임한 : irresponsible <— 무책임하(the stem of 무책임하다) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb adjective and attributive)
* 무책임하고 : 무책임하(the stem of 무책임하다) + -고(and)
* 낭비 : waste, squander, dissipation, wasting
* 낭비하다 / 낭비를 하다 : waste; dissipate; squander
* 낭비나 하다 : 낭비 + -나(always; this is used instead of -를 for emphasizes 낭비) + 하다
* ... -나 or ... -나 ... -나 : always
ex) 자나 깨나 (항상) 불조심 : awake and asleep, watch out for a fire always
- 자나 깨나 : 자다(sleep) + -나 + 깨다(get up) + -나
* 하는 : 하(the stem of 하다) + -는(a suffix makes a verb present progressive and attributive)
* 인생 : life
* -으로 / -로 : as
* 보다 : see; look; watch
* 보이다 : be seen; look like; seem <— 보(the stem of 보다) + -이(a suffix makes a verb passive) + -다(a non-honourific descriptive basic verb ending suffix)
* 보입니다 : 보이(the stem of 보이다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
* 솔직한 : honest
* 솔직히 : honestly
* 읽다 : read
* 읽으면서 : 읽(the stem of 읽다) + -으면서(while
* 그렇게 : that way; such; like that
* 느끼다 : feel
* 느꼈다 : 느끼(the stem of 느끼다) + -였/었/았(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + -다(a non-honourific descriptive basic verb ending suffix)
* 느껴져서요 = 느꼈습니다
* 느껴져서요 : 느끼(the stem of 느끼다) + -여져서/-어져서(because of; owing to) + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* 느꼈습니다 : 느꼈(the stem of 느꼈다) + -스( a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
느껴져서요.-_- 이게 세대 차이일지도.)
* 이게 : a short form of 이것이
* 이 : this
* 것 : a thing
* 이것 / 이거 : this; this thing
* -이 : a subjec particle after a word ends in a consonant
* Contraction order : 이것이 —> 이거이 —> 이게(this is ~)
* 세대 : generation; era
* 차이 : difference
* 이다 : be
* 일지도 : 이(the stem of 이다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -지(if; whether) + -도(even)
* -ㄹ지도 (모른다) : may [might] (be, do); perhaps; maybe; possibly
* 모르다 : don’t know; this omitted
* 모른다 : present form of 모르다 : 모르(the stem of 모르다) + -ㄴ다(a suffix makes a verb present tense)
2. Second sentence
그는 버는 족족 이런 저런 물건을 사는데 정신 없는 모습을 보입니다. 그것도 소위 고급이나 명품 같은 부류만 쫓고 있으니, 소설 초반에 제가 얼마나 욕을 했을지 짐작이 가실 겁니다. 그러다가 결국은 그 분에 넘치는 소비가 인생의 발목을 잡는 부분까지 갑니다.
He seems to be busy buying one thing or another. It's only chasing so-called high class and luxury goods, so you can guess how much I cursed at the beginning of the novel. Then, in the end, Excessive consumption patterns compared to making his money leads to the part that hinders life.
* 그 : he
* -는 : a subject particle after a word ends in a vowel
* 벌다 : earn
* 버는 : 벌(the stem of 벌다; ㄹ erased before 는) + -는(a suffix makes a verb present tense and attributive)
* -족족 : every [each] time; whenever; time (that)
* 이런 = 이러한 : this way; one thing
* 저런 = 저러한 : that way; another thing
* 물건 : thing(s); product(s)
* -을 : object particle after a word ends in a consonant
* 사다 : buy
* 사는데 : 사(the stem of 사다) + -는데(a place where who do something)
* 정신 : (1) spirit; mind; soul (2) conscience
* -이 : a subject particle after a word ends in a consonant; this omitted
* 없다 : be not; not exist; have no
* 없는 : 없(the stem of 없다) + -는(a suffix makes a verb present tense and attributive)
* 정신(이) 없다 : be out of mind; be chaotic
* -는데 정신(이) 없다 : be busy
* 모습 : (1) appearance; figure; form; image (2) trace; track
- 참모습 : a true picture (참- : true)
* -을 : object particle after a word ends in a consonant
* 보다 : see; look; watch
* 보이다 : be seen; look like; seem <— 보(the stem of 보다) + -이(a suffix makes a verb passive) + -다(a non-honourific descriptive basic verb ending suffix)
* 보입니다 : 보이(the stem of 보이다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
* 그 : that
* 것 : a thing
* 그것 / 그거 : that; that thing
* -이 : a subjec particle after a word ends in a consonant
* Contraction order : 그것이 —> 그거이 —> 그게(that is ~)
* 그것도 : 그것 + -도(also; too; this is used instead of -이 for emphasizing 그것)
* 소위 : so-called
* 고급 : high-class; high grade <— 고(high) +-급(level)
* -이나 : 이(the stem of 이다) + -나(or)
* 명품 : luxury; a fine article; a gem <— 명(famous; fine) + 품(a product; an item; an article)
* 고급이나 명품 : luxury like Gucci
* 같다 : (1) be the same (2) seem; look like in the sentence
* 같은 : like; 같(the stem of 같다) + -은(a suffix makes a verb adjective and attributive)
* 부류 : a class; a kind; a head; a category; Types that are classified according to a common personality
* -만 : only
* 쫒다 : (1) pursue; run after (2) follow up; chase (3) keep up with
* 쫓고 : 쫓(the stem of 쫓다) + -고(and; this makes a verb progressive as the form of "-고 있다")
* 있다 : be; exist; have
* -고 있다 : be
* 있으니 : 있(the stem of 있다) + -으니(because of)
* -으니 : (1) as; so; since; because (of); for (2) when; as; (and) then
* 소설 : a novel
* 초반 : the opening part (of a game, of baduk, of novel) <— 초(beginning) + -반(phase)
* 중반 : middle phase <— 중(middle) + -반(phase)
* 종반 : final phase <— 종(final) + -반(phase)
* -에 : a time suffix
* 제 / 저 : I (honourific to the elderly or readers)
* -가 : a subject particle after a word ends in a vowel
* 얼마나 : how much
* 욕 : (1) [=욕설] swear word; curse, (informal) cuss word, insult; abuse; abusive[foul, profane] language; (formal) profanity (2) [=치욕] shame, disgrace, humiliation, insult; [=능욕] rape
* -을 : a object particle after a word ends in a consonant
* 하다 : do
* 욕하다 / 욕을 하다 : (1) swear (at) (2) speak ill of, criticize, (informal) badmouth
* 욕을 퍼붓다 : hurl abuses[insults] (at)
- 퍼붓다 : (1) hurl (2) pour down; rain in torrents
* 욕(을) 먹다 / 욕(을) 얻어먹다 : catch a scolding
- 먹다 : (1) eat (2) get a scolding; be insulted; be disparaged; be abused; be scolded
- 얻어먹다 : (1) go (about) begging (2) be blamed [censured] (for)
* 욕을 당하다 : be humiliated
- 당하다 : (1) encounter; come across (2) suffer; undergo; be afflicted with
* 했다 : past tense of 하다; 하(the stem of 하다) + -었/았(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + -다(a non-honourific descriptive basic verb ending suffix)
* 했을지 : 했(the stem of 했다) + -을(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -지(whether ... or not)
* -ㄹ지 / -을지 : whether (or not); if
* 짐작 : guessing; conjecture
* 짐작하다 / 짐작을 하다 : guess
* -이 : a subject particle after a word ends in a consonant
* 가다 : (1) go (2) lead (to); take (to) in the sentence
* 짐작이 가다 : can guess
* 가시다 : an honourific form of 가다 to the elderly <— 가(the stem of 가다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -다(a non-honourific descriptive basic verb ending suffix)
* 갈 : 가(the stem of 가다) + -ㄹ( a suffix makes a verb future tense)
* 가실 : 가시(the stem of 가시다) + -ㄹ( a suffix makes a verb future tense)
* 겁니다 : a short form of 것입니다
* 것입니다 : 것(a thing) + 이(the stem of 이다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
* -ㄹ 것입니다 / -을 것입니다 / -를 것입니다 / -ㄹ 겁니다 / -을 겁니다 / -를 겁니다 : someone or something will ~
* 그러다 / 그러다가 : then
* 결국 : in the end; finally
* -은 : a suffix emphasizes 결국
* 그 : that; such; like that
* 분 : [a short form of 분수] social standing [status, position]; means; lot; the level that someone make money
* -에 : a place suffix means "at"
* 넘치다 : (1) overflow (the bank); run [flow] over (the brim); brim over; flood; inundate (the land); teem; swarm (2) exceed; pass; be more than; be above [over] in the sentence
* 넘치는 : 넘치(the stem of 넘치다] + -는(a suffix makes a verb present tense and attributive)
* 소비 : consumption; spending; expenditures; using up
* 분에 넘치는 소비 : spending too much; Consumption that exceeds the level of making money
* -가 : a subject particle after a word ends in a vowel
* 인생 : life
* -의 : a possesive particle
* 발목 : an ankle of a leg <— 발(a leg) + -목(a neck)
* -을 : a object particle after a word ends in a consonant
* 잡다 : catch; seize; take hold of; grasp; grip; clutch
* 잡는 : 잡(the stem of 잡다) + -는(a suffix makes a verb present tense and attributive)
* 발목을 잡다 : a phrase means "prevent a person from doing what he or she wants to do, doing, or hoping for"
* 부분 : a part
* -까지 : up to; until
* 가다 : go
* 간다 : predent form of 가다; <— 가(a stem of 가다) + -ㄴ다(a suffix makes a verb present tense)
3. Third sentence
내 그럴 줄 알았다.
혀를 끌끌 찹니다.
I knew it.
I'm choking my tongue.
* 내 : I (non-honourific to younger people or friends)
* -가 : a subject particle after a word ends in a vowel; this omitted
* 그러다 / 그러하다 : be such
* 그럴 : 그러(the stem of 그러다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and attributive)
* 주다 : (1) give (2) plan in the sentence
* 줄 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and attributive)
* 알다 : know; understand
* ㄹ 줄 알다 / -을 줄 알다 / -를 줄 알다 : this phrase means (1) "I know how to do it" (2) "I am able to do it" (3) "I think that ~; I make out ~"
* 혀 : a tongue
* -를 : a object particle after a word ends in a vowel
* 끌끌 : the sound of kicking your tongue because you don't like it
* 차다 : kick (one’s tongue)
* 찹니다 : 차(the stem of 차다) + -ㅂ(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
4. Fourth sentence
하지만, 정 대리는 왜 그렇게 돈을 물 쓰듯이 쓰는데 미쳐 버린 걸까요?
However, why is Mr. Jeong crazy about spending money easily like water-spraying!
* 하지만 : but
* 정 : Last name of Korean people
* 대리 : a deputy-manager of a Korean company
* -는 : a subject particle after a word ends in a vowel
* 왜 : why
* 그렇게 : like that; such
* 돈 : money
* -을 : a object particle after a word ends in a consonant
* 물 : water
* 쓰다 : (1) use; spray in the sentence (2) write
* 쓰듯이 : 쓰(the stem of 쓰다) + -듯이/-듯(like; as;; as if [though])
* 쓰다 : (1) use; spend in the sentence (2) write
* 쓰는데 : 쓰(the stem of 쓰다) + -는데(a place where someone do something)
* 미친 : crazy; mad
* 미치다 : be crazy; be mad
* 미쳐 : 미치(the stem of 미치다) + -여(a connection suffix between two verbs)
* 버리다 : (1) throw [fling,cast] away; cast aside (2) abandon; desert; discard; forsake; give up; renounce; leave (3) spoil; ruin
* 미쳐 버리다 : (1) go crazy (2) be crazy about; go out of one’s mind in the sentence
* 버린 : 버리(the stem of 버리다) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past tense and attributive)
* 걸까요? : a short form of 것일까요?
* 것일까요? : 것(a thing) + 이(the stem of 이다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + -까?(an interrogative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)
* -ㄴ 것일까요? / -ㄴ 것일까요? : Do you know that ~
- 왜 그는 미쳐 버린 것일까요? : Why did he go crazy?
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