
Let’s learn about "결정이 힘들다”, “시간을 더 주세요”

1. When It’s hard for you to decide you can say like these :

1) The above can be expressed

(1) Without honorific to the younger

- 결정이 힘들다.

- 결정이 힘들어. (very very often)

- 결정이 힘드네! (very often)

- 결정이 힘들구나! (very often)

- 결정하기가 힘들다.

- 결정하기가 힘들어. (very often)

- 결정하기가 힘드네! (very very often)

- 결정하기가 힘들구나!

- 쉽게 결정할 문제가 아니네! (very often)

- 쉽게 결정할 문제가 아니구나!

- 쉽게 결정할 문제가 아니다.

(2) With a little honorific regardless age

- 결정이 힘들어요.

- 결정이 힘드네요! (very often)

- 결정하기가 힘들어요.

- 결정하기가 힘드네요! (very very often)

- 쉽게 결정할 문제가 아니예요.(very often)

(3) With honorific to the very elder

- 결정이 힘듭니다.

- 결정하기가 힘듭니다. (very often)

2) The above can be translated like these :

- It’s hard for me to decide.

- It’s difficult for me to decide.

- I’m having a hard time to decide.

- It’s not an easy matter. (쉽게 결정할 문제가 아니예요)

3) Dialogue of the above

<A person> 그래. 어떻게 할 거예요? 결정을 했어요? / 아직 결정 안 했나요? : So. What will it be? Have you decided yet?

<B pereon> 쉽게 결정할 문제가 아니예요. 시간이

필요해요 : Well, It’s not an easy matter. It takes time.

2. When it takes time for you to decide you can say like these :

1) The above can be expressed

(1) Without honorific to the younger

* 좀 is a short form of “조금”(a liitle bit; please)

- 좀 더 생각할 시간을 줘. (very very often)

- 좀 더 생각할 시간이 필요해. (very often)

- 좀 더 생각할 시간이 필요하다.

- 좀 더 생각할 시간이 필요하네.

- 조금 더 생각할 시간이 필요한 것 같다. (very often)

- 조금 더 생각할 시간이 필요한 것 같네.

- 조금 더 생각할 시간이 필요한 것 같어. (very often)

- 조금 더 생각할 시간이 필요한 것 같아. (very often)

(2) With a little honorific regardless age

* 제게 is a short form of "저에게”(to me)

- (제게) 좀 더 생각할 시간을 줘요. (very very often)

- (제게) 좀 더 생각할 시간을 주세요. (very very often)

- (제게) 좀 더 생각할 시간이 필요해요. (very often)

- (제게) 좀 더 생각할 시간이 필요하다.

- (제게) 좀 더 생각할 시간이 필요하네.

- 조금 더 생각할 시간이 필요한 것 같아요. (very often)

- 조금 더 생각할 시간이 필요한 것 같네요. (very very often)

(3) With honorific to the very elder

- (제게) 좀 더 생각할 시간을 주십시요. (very very often)

- (제게) 좀 더 생각할 시간이 필요합니다. (very often)

- 조금 더 생각할 시간이 필요한 것 같습니다. (very very often)

2) The above can be translated like these :

- (Please) Give me some more time.

- Allow me tonthink about it a bit more.

- I need more time to think about it.

- I’d like to have some more time to think about it, please.

- I need some time to think about it

- I think I need more time to think about it 

3) Dialogue of the above

<A person> 어떻게 할 거예요? 그 제안을 받아들일 거예요? : What are you going to do? Are you going to take the offer?

<B person> 조금 더 생각할 시간이 필요한 것 같네요 : I think I need more time to think about it 

Let’s learn about "사진 찍자” from Naver portal

함께 (사진) 찍자 (To the younger or friends)

함께 (사진) 찍어요 (Regardless age)

함께 (사진) 찍어실래요 (Regardless age)

함께 (사진) 찍읍시다. (Regardless age)

==> Let’s take picture together

1. is it 찍으실래요 or 찍어실래요

2. @캬라멜 함께 (사진) 찍어실래요 is right

That means "Shall we take a picture together"

함께 사진 찍어요 : Let’s take a picture together

(사진) 찍을래 : I want to take a picture

(사진) 찍어줘 : take a picture for me <— non-honorifix expression

(사진) 찍어주실래요 : take a picture for me <— honorifix expression
is it 찍으실래요 or 찍어실래요

<My answer>
@캬라멜 함께 (사진) 찍어실래요 is right
That means "Shall we take a picture together"
함께 사진 찍어요 : Let’s take a picture together
(사진) 찍을래 : I want to take a picture(사진) 찍어줘 : take a picture for me <— non-honorifix expression(사진) 찍어주실래요 : take a picture for me <— honorifix expression
함께 사진 찍어실래요 ..shall  we  take  picture together?
How  about  ?can  I   take  a  picture of  you  (연예인에게)한국어로 어떻게 말하나요. ..?  너의 사진을 찍을 수 있을까요?  
<My answer>

1) To the young : (죄송하지만) 사진 찍어도 돼요2) To the elder : (죄송하지만) 사진(을) 찍어도 괜챦을까요?3) To the very elder : (죄송하지만) 사진(을) 찍어도 무례가 아니겠죠?

Let’s learn about "이게 뭔지 아세요?"

* 이게 is a short form of "이것이”(this (is))

* 뭔지 is a short form of "무엇인지”(what ~)

1. When you ask someone of you know what this is, you can say like these :

1) Without honorific to the younger


- 이것이 무엇인지 아니?

- 이것이 무엇인지 아냐?

- 이것이 무엇인지 알아?

- 이것이 무엇인지 아느냐?


- 이게 뭔지 아니?

- 이게 뭔지 아냐?

- 이게 뭔지 알아?

- 이게 뭔지 아느냐?

2) With honorific regardless age


- 이것이 무엇인지 아세요?

- 이것이 무엇인지 알아요?


- 이게 뭔지 아세요?

- 이게 뭔지 알아요?

3) With honorific to the very elder


- 이것이 무엇인지 아십니까?


- 이게 뭔지 아십니까?

2. The above can be translated as "Do you know what this is?"

3. Explanation of the above

1) 뭐

(1) [=무엇] what, something

(2) [놀라움(Exclamation)] what, huh, why

2) 알다

(1) [=정보나 지식을 갖추다] know, learn, have (good) knowledge (of), be familiar (with)

(2) [=이해하다] understand, know, see, follow, appreciate, (informal) get, make out

(3) [=깨닫다•인지하다] realize, recognize, find, notice, sense, (formal) perceive, be aware (of), be conscious (of)

Let’s learn about "그런 변명은 안 통해요” from Naver Portal

* 그런 is a short form of "그러한”(such; that; like that)

1) Without honorific to the younger

이제 그러한 변명은 안 통해.

이제 그러한 변명은 안 통한다.

이제 그러한 변명은 하지 마! (imperative form)

이제 그러한 변명은 하질 마! (imperative form)

이제 그러한 변명은 하지 마라! (imperative form)

이제 그러한 변명은 하질 마라! (imperative form)

이제 그런 변명은 안 통해.

이제 그런 변명은 안 통한다.

이제 그런 변명은 하지 마! (imperative form)

이제 그런 변명은 하질 마! (imperative form)

이제 그런 변명은 하지 마라! (imperative form)

이제 그런 변명은 하질 마라! (imperative form)


2) With a little hinorific regardless age

이제 그러한 변명은 안 통해요.

이제 그러한 변명은 하지 마세요.

이제 그런 변명은 안 통해요.

이제 그런 변명은 하지 마세요.

3) With honorific to the very elder

이제 그런 변명은 하지 마십시요.

이제 그런 변명은 하지 마십시요.

2. The above can be translated as "You csn’t pull that on me anymore!"

3. Explanation of the above

▷ 하지 마세요 : you can’t do; can’t do

▷ 안 통해요 : It doesn't work

- 안 : not

- 통하다 : (1) [바람·피·전기 등이] go through, flow through; [기체·액체 등이] circulate; [공기] ventilate; [전기] conduct (2) [길·도로 등이] lead (to/into), open onto, give onto (3) (마음·뜻 등이)

* 바람 : wind

* 피 : blood

* 등 : and so on; etc

* 기체[氣體] : gas

* 공기는 여러 가지 기체로 구성되어 있다 : Air is composed of various gases.

* 공기 : air

* 기체[機體] : [=비행기의 몸통] fuselage, airframe

* 기체 왼쪽이 완전히 부서졌다 : The left side of the fuselage was completely broken.

* 비행기 : airplane

* 몸통 : body; frame

* 액체[液體] : liquid, (formal) fluid

* 고체[固體] : solid, solid matter

* 액체에서 고체로 변하다 : change from a liquid (in)to a solid (state)

* 물이 얼면 액체에서 고체로 변한다 : Water changes from liquid to solid when it freezes

* 길 : path; way

* 도로[道路] : road

* 도로를 건설하다 : construct a road

* 도로 : [=다시] again; [=되돌아서] back

* 그는 왔던 길을 도로 갔다 : He went back the way he came

* 전기[電氣] : [에너지] electricity, (electric) power

* 전기가 나갔다 : The power was out

* 전기[前期] : [=앞의 시기] the former part (of)

* 조선 전기의 생활상 : life during the early days of the Joseon Dynasty

* 생활상 or 생활의 모습 : the appearance of life

* 모습 : (1) [=사람의 생김새] figure, form; image, reflection (2) [=자취] trace, track

* 생활[生活] : life, living, livelihood, live

* 간신히 생활하다 : subsist on

* 마음 or 맘 : heart: mind

* 뜻 : meaning

▷ 안 : (1) [=내부] the inside, interior (2) [= 이내] in; within (3) [의견, 제안] suggestion, idea, proposal (4) [=안건] item

▷ 변명[辨明] : excuse (for), justification (for), pretext (for), explain oneself, justify (oneself), make an excuse (for)

Ex) 변명을 늘어놓다 : keep making excuses 

Let’s study more about “가다” #3

95) 우리 팀의 단결에 금이 갔다. 우리팀 단결이 금갔다. 우리팀 단결이 깨졌다. Cracks appeared in the unity of our team.

우리 팀의 : our team <—우리(we, our) + 팀(team) + 의(a suffix makes a word possesive)

단결 : unity, cohesion, union; combination; solidarity <— 단(only (one); single; sole; alone; once; no more than) + 결(unite, join)

* 단 : (1) but; however; only; provided [except] (that) (2) a bundle; a bunch; a sheaf; a load; a faggot (3)  a hem; a fly (4) only (one); single; sole; alone; once; no more than (5) a band; a group; a party; a body; a team; a gang (6)  a platform; a raised floor; a stage; a rostrum (pl. ~s, -ra); a dais; a pulpit; a terrace; a podium; an altar (7) decision; judgment; resolution (8) 1) a tan (about 0.245 acres) (9) a column; a grade; a class; a rank (10) a paragraph; a passage; a step; a stair; a flight of steps

* 단 as suffix or prefix : (1) n] sphere; ball; something shaped like a ball [2] [n] mass; lump [3] [n] group; party; mission; organization; society [4] [n] regiment, consisting of three battalions of foot soldiers

* 결 : (1) [v] knot; tie; weave [2] [v] unite; join; connect [3] [n] knot [4] [v] congeal [5] [v] form; found; constitute [6] [v] bear fruit; [n] result [7] [v] pay; settle (account, etc.) [8] [n] node

~~에 : a place suffix

금 : (1) crack (2) gold

~~이 : a suffix makes a word subjective

가다, 간다 : go, become, have/got

갔다 : past tense of 가다

깨지다 : break

깨졌다 : past tense of 깨지다

96) 나이 육십에 홀연히 갔다[죽었다, 돌아가셨다]. pass away[die] suddenly at the age of sixty.

나이 육십에 : at the age of sixty <— 나이(age) + 육십(sixty: 육(six) + 십(ten)) + 에(a place/time suffix)

홀연히 : suddenly; all of a sudden; on a sudden; abruptly; unexpectedly; in an instant; in a flash <— 홀(careless) + 연(really, if so) + 히(a suffix makes a word adverb)

가다, 간다 : go, pass by, pass away

갔다: past tense of 가다

죽다 : die

죽었다 : past tense of 죽다

돌아가시다 : die (to the elder persons with high respect meaning)

* 홀 : 1) (be) careless; heedless; inadvertent; inconsiderate; negligent; hasty; rash; thoughtless

(2) be of little importance; be of no account [value]; (be) frivolous [insignificant]

* 연 : (1) (be) prominent; conspicuous; preeminent; unrivaled (2) yes; most certainly; permission; right; correct (3) however; but; still; nevertheless; on the other hand (4) really; if so (5) same as $ (burn)

97) 하늘나라로 갔다. gone to one's last home (in peace).

하늘 : 1) the sky; the heavens; the air; ether (2) Heaven; Destiny; Olympus (3) Heaven; Providence; God; (4) sphere

나라 : 1) a country; a state; a nation; a land

(2) a world; a realm; a region (3) shore (4) one's (native) country; one's home[mother] country; one's homeland[fatherland / motherland]

* 나다 : spring up; break out, happen, occur; teethe, grow teeth (about an infant or child); come out, be exposed

하늘 나라, 천당, 천국 : Heaven; Paradise; the heavenly kingdom; the kingdom of Heaven <— 천(sky, heaven, God) + 당(shrine; a hall), 천(sky, heaven, God) + 국(a nation, a country, a realm)

* 한국, 대한민국 : korea <— 대(large) + 한(three han dynasty, greater) + 민(peope, democracy for people) + 국(a nation, a country)

* 일본 : japan <— 일(the sun) + + 국(a nation, a country)

* 미국 : america <— 미(beauty) + 국(a nation, a country)

당 : (1) shrine (2) a hall (3) justice; righteousness; propriety (4) this; our; the said; that; in question; at issue (4) sugar (5) a party; a faction; a clique

98) 그는 가고 없다.(1) He is dead and gone. He is no more. (2) he is away just now. he has gone just now. he is gone there, then he is not here.

* 그는 죽었다. 그 분은 돌아가셨다. : He is dead and gone. He is no more

그는 : he <— 그(he) + 는,은(a suffix makes a word subjective)

가다, 간다 : go, pass by, pass away

없다 : there is no here

가고 없다 : (1) be dead and gone, be no more are (2) be away. has gone. be not here

죽다 : die

죽었다 : past tense of 죽다

그 분은 : he, that person <— 그(that, it, the, he) + 분(a person, human being with very respectful nuance) + 은,는(a suffix makes a word subjective)

돌다 : turn, rotate

가다, 간다 : go

돌아가다 : turn, rotate <— 돌다 + 아(a suffix makes new word from two verbs) + 가다(go)

돌아가시다 : die (with very respectful nuance) <— <— 돌다 + 아(a suffix makes new word from two verbs) + 가다(go) + 시(a letter has a lot of respect nuance) + 다(a suffix makes a word verb)

99) 전깃불이 (나)갔다. The electric lights

 out[have gone out]. Electric lights has failed.

전기 : electricity <— 전(electricity, electric; lightning; short for cable or telegram) + 기(air; spirits; energy; strength; vitality; vigor; stamina)

* 전기 : (1) electricity; electrical machinery and appliances; electrical equipment [supplies] (2) a life; a biography; a life history (3) the former term; the first term; the preceding [first] half year; the first semester (4) above-mentioned; foregoing; aforementioned; said (5) the time for fighting [battle]; a record [an account] of war; a war [military] history (6) a turning point

전기불 : an electric light <— 전기(eletricity) + ㅅ(an inserted letter for easy pronounciation) + 불(light, fire)

가다, 간다 : go

나가다 : go out <— 나다(come out) + 가다(go)

나갔다 : past tense of 나가다

100) 어젯밤에는 폭풍우로 전깃불이 갔다. Our electric light was cut-off by a storm last night.

어제 : yesterday

밤 : night

~에(는) : a time suffix. 는 is a intensified suffix

폭풍우 : a rainstorm; a storm; a tempest; a typhoon; a hurricane <— 폭(strong) +풍(wind) + 우(rain)

~로 : by (doing) something

전기 : electricity <— 전(electricity, electric; lightning; short for cable or telegram) + 기(air; spirits; energy; strength; vitality; vigor; stamina)

* 전기 : (1) electricity; electrical machinery and appliances; electrical equipment [supplies] (2) a life; a biography; a life history (3) the former term; the first term; the preceding [first] half year; the first semester (4) above-mentioned; foregoing; aforementioned; said (5) the time for fighting [battle]; a record [an account] of war; a war [military] history (6) a turning point

전기불 : an electric light <— 전기(eletricity) + ㅅ(an inserted letter for easy pronounciation) + 불(light, fire)

가다, 간다 : go

나가다 : go out <— 나다(come out) + 가다(go)

나갔다 : past tense of 나가다

101) 시가/싯가로 백만 원 가는 골동품. a curio worth of a million won in today's money.

시가,싯가 : today’s noney <— 시(time, current time) + ㅅ(a letter for easy pronounciation) + 가(price)

시가, 싯가로 : in today’s money <— 싯가 + 으로,로(as, by some price)

백만 : a million <— 백(100) + 만(10 thousands)

백만원 : korean’s 1,000,000 Won <— 원(won) is korean money unit)

가다, 간다 : go, be worth of some price (this was changed from the meaning has “go to some price)

골동품 : curios, rattletrap, antiques; objects [articles] of virtue, nick-nack <— 골(bone, skeleton; frame; framework) + 동(curio; supervise; oversee, rectify, correct) + 품(product, thing)

102) 이런 종류의 시계는 10만 원은 갈 겁니다. A watch of this kind will easily cost a hundred thousand won.

이런 종류 : this kind

이러하다, 이렇다 : be this way, be like this, be as follows; such, this, of this kind[sort], like this.

이렇다 is a short form of 이러하다

이런. 이러한 : this, such (a) <— 이러하다 + ㄴ(a suffix makes a word adjective)

이런 is a short form of 이러한

종류 :  a kind; a sort; a class; a species; a variety; type <— 종(a sort; a kind; a class; a category; a variety; a species; a seed; a grain; a breed; a stock) + 류, 유(a class (of insects, ferns) 

* 종 : (1) a sort; a kind; a class; a category; a variety; a species; a seed; a grain; a breed; a stock (2)  a servant; a slave; a thrall (3) the end; the finish (4) a bell; a buzzer; a doorbell; a handbell; a gong; chime; carillon

* 유, 류 :  (1) a class (of insects, ferns) (2) an order (of carnivores, hymenoptera) (3) a type; a style; a mode; a manner; a way; a system (4) order; rate; class; rank

* 류 becomes 유 when 류 is first letter of a word.

~의 : a suffux makes a word possesive

시계 : (1) a watch,a clock <— 시(time) + 계( a meter; a gauge) (2) the field of vision; visibility <— 시(eye) + 계(a world; circles; quarters)

는, 은 : a suffix makes a word subjective

10만원(은) : 100,000 won <— 10(ten) + 만(10 thounsand) + won(korean money unit) + 은(a suffix intensify a word)

가다, 간다 : go, be worth

갈 겁니다 : i think that it is worth <— 가다 + ㄹ(a letter makes a word future tense) + 겁니다(i think that)

103) 쌀 한 가마에 십만 원 간다. The market price of rice is 100,000 won a bag.

쌀 : rice

한, 하나 : one <— 한 is a short form of 하나

가마니 : a bag

~~에 : by (a bag) <— this is a place suffix

십만 원 : 10 thousand won <— 십(10) + 만(10,000) + 원(korean money unit)

간다, 가다 : go, be worth <— “be worth” was made from “an scale go(=mark) on a meter”

104) 그것을 한국에서 사면 십만 원 이상 갈 겁니다. It would be worth more than 100,000 won in Korea.

그것을 : that <— 그(that, it, the, he) + 것(thing) + 을,를(a suffix makes a word objective)

한국에서 <— in korea <— 한국(korea) + 에,에서(a place suffix)

사다, 산다 : buy

사면 : if buy <— 사다 + 면(if)

십만 원 : 10 thousand won <— 십(10) + 만(10,000) + 원(korean money unit)

이상 : (1) more than; above-mentioned; since; now that <— 이(by means of, from this) + 상(upper) (2) strangeness, oddity <— 이(different) + 상(normal) (3) an abnormal condition; a malfunction <— 이(different) + 상(normal image) (4) an ideal; the goal (of ambition); the ultimate object <— 이(ideal) + 상(dream)

* 이하 : less than <— 이(by means of; from this) + 하(lower)

가다, 간다 : go, be worth

갈 겁니다 : i think that it is worth <— 가다 + ㄹ(a letter make a word future tense) + 겁니다(i think that)

105) 첫째 가다. 첫째간다. 첫번째(로) 간다. rank first.

첫(번)째 : the first (place), No. 1 <— 첫(first) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

둘째, 두번째 : the second (place) <— 둘,두(second) + + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

셋째, 세번째 : the third (place) <— 셋,세(third) + + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

넷째, 네번째 : the fourth (place) <— 넷,네(fourth) + + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

다섯(번)째 : the fifth (place) <— 다섯(fifth) + + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

여섯(번)째 : the sixth (place) <— 여섯(sixth) + + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

일곱(번)째 : the seventh (place) <— 일곱(seventh) +  + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

여덟(번)째 : the eighth (place) <— 여덟(eighth) + + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

아홉(번)째 : the ninth (place) <— 아홉(ninth) + + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

열번째 : the tenth (place) <— 열(ten) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

열한번째 : the eleventh (place) <— 열(ten) + 한(one)+ 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

열두번째 : the twelveth (place) <— 열(ten) + 두,둘(two) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order) 

열세번째 : the thirteenth (place) <— 열(ten) + 세,셋(three) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

열네번째 : the fourteenth (place) <— 열(ten) + 네, 넷(four) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

열다섯번째 : the fifteenth (place) <— 열(ten) + 다섯(five) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

열여섯번째 : the sixteenth (place) <— 열(ten) + 여섯(six) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

열일곱번째 : the seventeenth (place) <— 열(ten) + 일곱(seven) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

열여덟번째 : the eighteenth (place) <— 열(ten) + 여덟(eight) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

열아홉번째 : the ninteenth (place) <— 열(ten) + 아홉(nine) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

스무번째, 스물번째 : the twentieth <— 스무, 스물(twenty) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

스물한번째 : the twenty first (place) <— 스무, 스물(twenty) + 한(one) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

* 한번 : once

* 두번 : twice

105) 그는 언제나 자기 반에서 으뜸 갔다 .He was always at the top[head] of his class.

그는 : he <— 그(that, it, the, he) + 는,은(a suffix makes a word subjective)

언제나 : always <— 언제(when) + 나(or)

자기 : oneself, one’s own <— 자(self, private, personal; from; natural, naturally) + 기(self; oneself; personal; private; one's own)

* 자기 : (1) oneself, one’s own; honey, darling (2) ceramics[pottery / porcelain] <— 자(ceramics) + 기(an instrument; implement; utensil; tool; piece of apparatus; magnanimity; talent; ability; capacity)

(3) magnetism <— 자(ceramics) + 기(

* 기 : (1) air; gas; steam; vapor (2) spirit; morale (3) breath (4) influence (5) smells; odors (6) [v] be angry; be indignant; rage; anger (7) bearing; manner (8) [v] provoke; goad; make angry; annoy (9) weather

* 기후 : weather, climate, clime <— 기(weather) + 후(situation, condition)k

* 후 : (1) [v] wait; expect (2) [n] period; time; season (3) [n] situation; condition (4) [v] pay (bills); take care of the bill (6) [v] greet; inquire after

반에서 : in the class <— 반(class)

자기 반에서 : in his class <— 자기(his, his own) + 반(class) +에서(a aplace suffix)

으뜸 : top, head

으뜸 가다 : be at the top/head of something

가다, 간다 : go

갔다 : past tense of 가다

106) 부산은 한국에서 둘째 가는 대도시이다. Pusan is the second largest city in Korea.

부산 : Pusan, this is a second largest city of korea.

은, 는 : a suffix makes a word subjective

한국에서 : in korea, of korea <— 한국(korea) + 에서(a place suffix)

둘째, 두번째 : the second (place) <— 둘,두(two) + 번(number) + 째(place, sequence, order)

둘째 가는 : be the second largest something.

대도시 : large city <— 대(large, largest, great, greatest) + 도(cultivated, civilized) + 시(city, town)

이다 : be, become

107) 이 공장은 그 규모에 있어서 첫째 간다. This factory ranks first in size.

이 : this

공장 : factory <— 공(make, do) + 장(place where)

은, 는 : a suffix makes a word subjective

그 : that, it, the, he

규모 : size, scale <— 규(a pair of compasses) + 모(model)

규모에 있어서 : in size/scale <— 규모 + 에(a place suffix) + 있다(be, become, exist) + 서(a suffix makes a word adjective)

가다, 간다 : go

첫째 간다 : ranks first

* 규 : (1) rules; regulations; customs; law; usages (2) a pair of compasses (3) [v] plan; scheme (4) [v] advisee so as to correct; admonish [5] [v] copy; imitate

* 모 : (1) model; standard; norm (2) [v] imitate; copy

108) 한물 간 과일. 철 지난 과일. fruits out of season.

한물 : the season, the best time, the prime

가다, 간다 : go

간 : past tense of 가다

과일, 실 : fruit <— 과(fruits of a plant, effect, result) + 일, 실(seed; real; true; actual; practically)

철 : season

지나다 : pass by

지난 : past tense of 지나다

* 열매, 씨 : a fruit, a nut, a berry; bean

109) 굴은 이제 한물 갔다. Oysters are now out of season.

굴 : oyster

은 : a suffix makes a word subjective

이제 : (just) now

한물 : the season, 

가다, 간다 : go

갔다 : past tense of 가다

* 귤 : an orange, a tangerine, a mandarin

110) 연말에 가서. toward the end/close of the year.

연, 년 : year 

* “년” changed into “연” when “년” located as first letter by korean “두음법칙”

* 연말 : close of the year, year-end <—연(year) + 말(end)

* 연초 : the beginning of the year <— 연(year) + 초(beginning)

* 연중 : (all) the year round; throughout the year; the whole year; every day of the year; all times of the year; always(항상) <— 연(year) + 중(centre; always)

* 매년 : every year; yearly; annually; per year <— 매(each, every) + 년(year)

* 수백년동안 : during hundreds of years <— 수(number; several; many, much) + 백(hundred) + 년(year) + 동안(during)

* ~동안 : (1) (a space of) time; a period; a span; a while; (2) an interval; a space (3) in; for ; during ; between; throughout (4) in the course of ; as[so] long as

* 과거 5년 동안 : for the past five years

  - 과거 : past

  - 년, 연 : year

* 그동안 : meanwhile / in the meantime

  - 그 : that, it, the, he

* 오랫동안 : for a long time[while]

 - 오래다 : be a long time; long; of long standing; long continued; of many years

 - 오랫 : long <— 오래다 + ㅅ(a suffix makes a word adjective

* 살아 있는 동안(은) :  as long as one lives / while one lives

 - 살다 : live

 - 있다 : be, exist

 - 살아 있다 : live. this word is more intensified than 살다

 - 있는 : being, existing <— 있다 + 는,은(a suffix makes a word adjective)

 - 동안은 : while <— 동안 + 은(a suffix makes a word intensifiing)


* 10분 동안을 두고, 10분 간격으로 : at intervals of ten minutes

 - 분 : minute

 - 을, 를 : a suffix makes a word objective

 - 두다 : put, place

 - 두고 : adjective form of 두다

 - 간격으로 at intervals of some time <— 간격(interval) + 으로(by some unit)

* 일정 기간 동안에 : within a certain[given] period of time.

 - 일정 기간 : certain period of time

* 일정 : (1) certain period (2) schedule

그녀는 결국 연말에 가서(야) 공부를 끝냈다. in the end she has finished the studying close of the year

그녀는 : she <— 그(that, it, the, he, she) + 녀,여(female) + 는,은(a suffix makes a word subjective)

결국 : after all <— 결(the end) + 국(a phase)

* 연말(에) : year-end <—연(year) + 말(end) + 에(a time suffix)

가다, 간다 : go

연말에 가서(야) : 연말(year-end) + 에(a time suffix) + 가다(go close) + 서(a suffix makes a word adjective) + 야(a suffix for intensifying)

공부 : learning, studying <— 공(labor; work; worker; laborer; engineering) + 부(man; male adult; those eligible for military service; husband; master)

* 부부 : husband and wife; man and wife[woman]; a (married) couple <— 부(man; male adult; those eligible for military service; husband; master) + 부(married woman; woman; female; matron;  the wife of one's son)

* 부군 : one’s husband <— 부(man; male adult; those eligible for military service; husband; master) + 군(male, adult male)

* 부인 : one’s wife <— 부(married woman; woman; female; matron;  the wife of one's son) + 인(human being)

* 주부 : housewife, housekeepr, housemaker; madam <— 주(house, home) + 부(married woman; woman; female; matron;  the wife of one's son)

를,을 : a suffix makes a word objective

끝내다 : finish

끝냈다 : past tense of 끝내다

111) 결국에 가서는. 결국에는. in the long run, in the end, at last, after all.

결국 : after all <— 결(the end) + 국(a phase)

에 : a time suffix

가다. 간다 : go

가서 : after gone, in some time, within some time <— 가다 + 서(a suffix makes a word adverb)

는 : a suffix for intensifying

112) 얼마 안 가서 in a short time, before long.

얼마 : how much

안 : not, never

가다, 간다 : go

가서 : after gone, in some time, within some time <— 가다 + 서(a suffix makes a word adverb)

113) 아무리 씻어도 얼룩이 가지 않는다. 아무리 씻어도 얼룩이 안간다. The stain will not come out, however hard I may to try to wash them off.

아무리 ~~어도, 아무리 ~~해도 : however; whatever; however much ... may, ever so

씻다 : wash something off

얼룩 : stain

이 : a suffix makes a word subjextive

가다, 간다 : go

않다, 안하다 : do’t do <— 않다 : 안(not, never) + 하다(do)

가지 않는다, 안간다 : don’t go, won’t come out

114) 옷깃에 묻은 때가 여간해서 가지 않는다. The grime on the collar won't come out.

옷깃 : collar <— 옷(clothes, garment) + 깃(collar)

에 : a place suffix

묻다 : (1) stick (2) bury, put in the ground and cover with dirt; (3) question, ask, enquire

묻은 : sticked <— 묻다(stick) + 는,은(a suffix makes a word adjective)

때 : (1) grime (2) time, occasion, hour, tide

여간 : (1) ordinarily; normally; commonly (2) hardly, barely, scarcely; a little, a bit, a few <— 여(as good as, equal to) + 간(how many, how much)

여간해서 : 여간하다 + 서(a suffix makes a word adjective)

여간해서 ~ 않다, 여간해서 ~ 않는다 : won’t do

가다, 간다 : go

* 여 [1] if; supposing [2] as if [3] like; as [4] as good as; equal to [5] [v] follow (advice); listen to [6] [v] go to; arrive at [7] should; ought [8] on time; in time

* 간 : [1] [v] oppose; offend; invade [2] [v] jam (radiobroadcasts, etc.); interfere; intervene [3] [v] concern; involve [4] [v] seek; beseech [5] [n] bank (of a river, etc.) [6] [n] shield [7] (how) many; (how) much; [n] group [8] [n]stem; the celestial stems

가다, 간다 : go

않다, 안하다 : do’t do <— 않다 : 안(not, never) + 하다(do)

가지 않는다, 안간다 : don’t go, won’t come out

* 간과 : (1) 방패(shields) and 창(spears) (2) passing over; failure to notice <— 간(shields) + 과(spears)

* 간과하다 : fail to notice; overlook; miss; pass over[by / up]; lose sight of

* 간구 : an earnest desire[request]; soliciting; begging; an eager wish[hope] <— 간(seek, beseech) + 구(desire, wish)

* 건구하다 :  beg; ask; request earnestly; solicit; hope; desire; wish.

* 구하다 : look for; seek (for / after); search for; pursue; want; need

* 간만 : (1) 간조/썰물(ebb, flux) and 만조/밀물(flow, reflux) (2) rise and fall; tide <— 간(ebb) + 만(flow)

* 간섭 : interference, meddling, intervention <— 간(interfere) + 섭([1] [v] wade [2] [v] cross [3] experience [4] [v] involve; entangle; implicate)

115) 썩어 가고 있는 과일. a half-rotten fruit.

썩다 : become rotten

가다, 간다 : go

썩어 : 썩다 + 어(a suffix makes a word adjective)

가고 있다 : be going <— 가고(going) + 있다(be, exist)

썩어 가다, 썩어 가고 있다 : be going a half-rotten state

과일, 과실 : fruit <— 과(fruits and plants) + 실,일([1] seeds [2] real; true; actual [3] practically)

* 과 : [1] fruit of a plant [2] [n] effect (in cause and effect); result; fruit; consequence [3] surely; really; truly; exactly [4] [v] stuff; fill [5] succeed

* 건실 : steadiness; steadfastness; soundness; reliableness <— 건(sturdy) + 실(real)

* 건 : [1] strong; healthy [2] vigorous; capable [3] fond of; inclined to; liable to [4] [v] strengthen; toughen

* 건실하다 : be steady; be steadfast; be sound; be solid; be reliable.

* 강건 : sturdiness; fortitude and robustness; manliness; virility; vigor. <— 강(strong) + 건(sturdy)

* 강건하다 : be strong and sturdy; be virile; be vigorous; be manly

116) 병이 나아 가다. 병이 나아가는 중이다. be getting better.

병 : (1) illness (2) a bottle

이 : a suffix makes a word subjective

낫다 : (1) recover ; get well; become well; be cured; heal (2) be better; be superior ; be preferable ; be best ; surpass; excel; exceed; outdo; have an advantage

가다, 간다 : go

나아 가다 : get better <— 낫다(ㅅ erase when meet 가다) + 아(a connection suffix) + 가다

중 : (1) centre (2) ~~ing

나아 가는 중 : be getting better <— 나아 가다 + 는(a suffix makes a word adjective) + 중(~~ing)

* the pronunciation of 낫다, 낮다, 낳다 are equal

* 낫다 : : (1) recover ; get well; become well; be cured; heal (2) be better; be superior ; be preferable ; be best ; surpass; excel; exceed; outdo; have an advantage

* 낮다 : be small (than), be low (than)

* 낳다 : bear, give birth; earn, receive as a result of work or other service performed; reproduce, procreate, bear children; breed, raise animals; kitten, give birth to kittens; foal, give birth to a young horse; farrow, give birth to a litter of pigs

117) 해가 점점 짧아져 간다. The days are shortening[getting shorter].

해 : (1) the sun (2) the days

가 : a suffix makes a word subjective

점점 : more and more

* 점 : point, spot

짧다 : be shorter (than)

지다 : (1) lose, yield, bear, fall, set, sink, come off, (2) shade, (3) become, (4) lose out, (5) droop

짧아지다 : 짧다(be shorter) + 아(a connection suffix) + 지다(become)

가다, 간다 : go, become

짧아져 간다 : be shortening, be getting shorter <— 짧아지다 + 어(a connection suffix) + 간다(“go” has a “~ing”)

118) 그는 20세가 되어 간다. 그는 20세가 다 됐다. 그는 스무살이 다 됐다. He is going on for twenty

그는 : he <— 그(that, it, the, he) + 는,은(a suffix makes a word subjective)

20세, 스무살 : 20 year old <— 20 + 세(year old, age, this is from chinese), 스무(20) + 살(year old, age, this is original korean)

가 : a suffix makes a word the center of issue

되다, 된다 : become

가다, 간다 : go

되어 간다 : is going on <— 되다 + 어(a connection suffix) + 간다

다 : all, completely, close (to)

되었다, 됐다 : became, been close to something state