64) 냉동 식품은 냉동실에 넣어 두면 아주 오래 간다. Frozen foods keep very long (when they are) in a freezer.
냉동 : refrigeration; freezing; cold storage <— 냉(coldness) + 동(coldness, freezing, ice)
식품 : foods <— 식(eat) + 품(food; product, thing)
은, 는 : a suffix makes a word subjective
냉동실 : 냉동 + 실(a room; a chamber; an apartment; a compartment; a thread; an error; a truth, a reality; seal)
에 : a place suffix expresses “in”
넣다 : (1) put in; take in; bring in; let in; pour in; pack in (2) set in; put in; insert; stuff (3) store something
두다 : (1) put; place; lay; set; deposit (2) keep; store; hold (3) put into; add; stuff
넣어 두다 : put in, place in, store in, deposit in <— 넣다 + 어(a connection suffix express B verb(두다) after A verb(넣다))
두면 : 두다 + 면(if)
아주, 매우, 엄청 : very much
오래 : long time
가다, 간다 : (1) go (2) last/hold/keep (for) some duration
오래간다 : last/keep/hold (for) long (long)
65) 이 냉장고는 오래 가겠다. This refrigerator will be durable[last long].
이 : this
냉장고 : refrigerator <— 냉(coldness) + 장(a wardrobe; a chest of drawers; a cabinet; a closet; a cage) + 고(a warehouse; a storehouse; a garage)
은, 는 : a suffix makes a word subjective
오래 : long time
가다, 간다 : (1) go (2) last/hold/keep (for) some duration
가겠다 : i think that something go or last/hold/keep (for) some duration <— 가다 + 겠다(a suffix has a meaning of “i think that ~”
66) 이 드라마는 1시간이나 간다. This cassette tape lasts as long as one hour.
이 영화는 두시간이상 간다. this cinema lasts as long as two hours
이 : this
드라마 : drama
영화 : cinema
는, 은 : a suffix makes a word subjective
1시간, 한시간 : one hour
2시간, 두시간 : two hours
한시간이나 : 한시간 + 이나(a suffix means “as long as some numeric digits”) <— 한(one) + 시간(time, hour) + 이나
두시간이상 : 두시간 + 이상(a suffix means “over some number”) <— 두(two) + 시간(time, hour) + 이상
* 이하 : under/below
간다, 가다 : go, last (for) some duration
67) 그 건물은 앞으로 아마 백년은 더 갈 것이다. The building will stand another century.
그 : that, the (something)
빌딩 : building
앞으로 : ahead, in the future <— 앞(before something or somebody’s face, ahead) + 으로, 로(towards, to)
아마 : probably, maybe
백년은, 100년은 : 100 years <— 백(100, one hundred) + 연, 년(year, years) + 은,는(an auxilliary suffix intensify a before-word)
더 : more, further
가다, 간다 : go, last (for) some duration —> the meaning are extended as “stand, endure”
갈 것이다 : 가다(go, last, stand, endure) + ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense) + 것이다(i think that ~, i may be sure that ~, i can predict that ~)
* 할 것이다 : have a plan to do <— 하다(do) + ㄹ(a suifix makes a verb future tense) + 것(a thing like a plan) + 이다(be, this case means “have”)
68) 그 환자는 앞으로 (아마) 사흘을 가지 못할 것이다. The patient will not outlive three days.
그 : that, the (something or somebody)
환자 : patient <— 환(sickness) + 자(a man, a person; a thing; one’s son and one’s daughter)
* 자식 : child, children, one’s son and one’s daughter; offspring; creature(= god’s creature) <— 자(one’s son and one’s daughter) + 식(one’s children)
* 작업자 : a worker <— 작업(work) + 자(a person)
* 작업 : work; performance ; operations; fatigue duty <— 작(make, manufacture, do) + 업(a job; a work)
앞으로 : ahead, in the future <— 앞(before something or somebody’s face, ahead) + 으로, 로(towards, to)
아마 : probably, maybe
사흘 : four days —> see the numeric system i taught
사흘을 : 사흘(four days) + 을,를(a auxilliary suffix intensify before-word)
가지 못할 것이다, 가지 못할꺼다, 못 갈거다 : will not last, will not go, will not outlive
가지 못할 것이다 : 가다(go, last, outlive) + 지(a connection suffiz between two words) + 못할 것이다(i think someone can’t do)
못하다 : can’t do <— 못(a letter make a word negative —> no, not, never) + 하다(do)
못할 것이다 : 못하다 + ㄹ(a suffix makes a word future tense) + 것이다(i think that ~)
~것이다 : have a thing to do —> the meaning is extended as “i think that ~”
가지 못할꺼다 : this is contracted from “가지 못할 것이다”. 꺼 is made from “것” + “이”
못 갈거다 : can’t do, can’t last, can’t outlive <— 못(a letter make a word negative —> no, not, never) + 가다(go, last, outlive) + ㄹ(a suffix makes a word future tense) + 거다, 꺼다, 것이다(i think that ~)
* 거다 is another form of 꺼다.
68) 그의 아버지는 중병이어서 오래 가지 못한다. 걔 아버지는 중병이어서 오래 못 갈거야. His father is so ill that it is only a question of days with him.
그의, 걔 : his <— 그(that, he) + 의(a suffix makes a word possesive), 걔 is conatracted from “그” + “의”
아빠 : dad
아버지 : father
아버님 : father with very respexful nuance <— 아버지 + 님(a suffix makes a word respectful nuance)
아바이 : a vernecular of “아버지” or an old saying
엄마 : mom
어머니 : mother
어머님 : mother with very respexful nuance <— 아버지 + 님(a suffix makes a word respectful nuance)
오마니 : a vernecular of “어머니” or an old saying
애비 : my son, grandson’s father, daughter-in-law’s husband
남편 : one’s husband <— 남(male) + 편(side)
여편(네) : one’s wife <— 여(female) + 편(side)
아내, 처, 집사람, 안사람, 안식구, 마누라, 여편네 : wife
* 아내 : 안(in, inner) + 애(a place suffix meaning of “side”, 애 is contracted “ㅎ”(a letter meaning “side”) + “에”(a place suffix)
* 내 마누라 : (with little respectful nuance) my wife
that is, “마누라” is used to call down a wife(“아내”)
* 여편네 : (when we call my wife with little respectful nuance) one’s wife, a (married) woman <— 여(female) + 편(side) + 네(this is changed from “에”(a place suffix) when meets last letter like “ㄴ”)
집사람 : 집(home, house) + 사람(human being) —> a human being mainly live in home become into “wife”)
안사람 : 안(inner, in) house) + 사람(human being) —> a human being mainly live in home become into “wife”)
안식구 : 안(inner, in) + 식구(a family) —> one member of family mainly live in home become into “wife”)
부인 : other person’s wife with respectful nuance <— 부(a married woman) + 인(human being)
중병 : a serious [severe] illness <— 중(heavy, serious, severe; centre) + 병(illness; bottle)
중병이어서 : because of serious illness <— 중병 + 이어서(a suffix has a meaning of “because (of/that)”
오래 : long time
가다, 간다 : go, last/hold/keep (for some duration), outlive
가지 못한다 : can’t go, can’t last for some duration, can’t outlive <— 가다 + 지(a connection suffix between two words) + 못(no, not, none, never; this makes a word negative) + 한다, 하다(do)
~지 못한다 : can’t do (ex) 하지 못한다 : can’t do, 적지 못한다 : can’t write, 오지 못한다 : can’t come
negative —> no, not, never) + 하다(do)
못할 것이다 : 못하다 + ㄹ(a suffix makes a word future tense) + 것이다(i think that ~)
~것이다 : have a thing to do —> the meaning is extended as “i think that ~”
가지 못할꺼다 : this is contracted from “가지 못할 것이다”. 꺼 is made from “것” + “이”
못 갈거다 : can’t do, can’t last, can’t outlive <— 못(a letter make a word negative —> no, not, never) + 가다(go, last, outlive) + ㄹ(a suffix makes a word future tense) + 거다, 꺼다, 것이다(i think that ~)
* 거다 is another form of 꺼다.
69) 맛이 간 맥주. stale[flat] beer.
이 맥주는 맛이 간거 같다. 이 맥주는 맛간거같다[맛간거같어/맛간거같에/맛간거같네] this beer goes stale[flat]
이 : this, these
맥주 : beer <— 맥, 보리(barley) +주(wine; liquor; alcoholic drinks)
* 술” of a word has only been used mainly as one letter. this is equal to 주. but 주 is not used independently as a meaning of alcoholic drinks)
맛이 간 : stale, flat <— 맛(taste; flavor; savor) + 이(a suffix makes a word subjective) + 간(a adjective form of “가다, 간다”(go), 간 : 가다 + ㄴ(a letter makes a word adjective or passive tense)
맛이 간거 같다[같어/같에/같네], 맛간거같다[맛간거같어/맛간거같에/맛간거같네 : i think that this beer goes stale[flat].
“맛간거” is contracted from “맛이 간거”
~ 거 같다[같어/같에/같네] : it seems be ~, i think/feel that ~ * 다/어/에/네 is a suffix has a nuance of “i think that ~”
70) 이 두부는 맛이 좀 갔다. 이 두부는 좀 맛간거같다[맛간거같어/맛간거같에/맛간거같네] This bean curd has turned a bit sour.
이 두부 ; this bean curd
좀 : a (little) bit
맛이 간 : stale, flat, turn sour <— 맛(taste; flavor; savor) + 이(a suffix makes a word subjective) + 간(a adjective form of “가다, 간다”(go), 간 : 가다 + ㄴ(a letter makes a word adjective or passive tense)
맛이 간거 같다[같어/같에/같네], 맛간거같다[맛간거같어/맛간거같에/맛간거같네 : i think that this bean curd has turned sour.
“맛간거” is contracted from “맛이 간거”
~ 거 같다[같어/같에/같네] : it seems be ~, i think/feel that ~ * 다/어/에/네 is a suffix has a nuance of “i think that ~”
71) 이 나물은 맛이 갔다. 이 나물(은) 맛간거같다[맛간거같어/맛간거같에/맛간거같네] This vegetable dish lost its flavor.
이 나물 : this vegetable dish
은, 는 : a suffix makes a word subjective
맛이 간 : stale, flat, turn sour, lost its flavour <— 맛(taste; flavor; savor) + 이(a suffix makes a word subjective) + 간(a adjective form of “가다, 간다”(go), 간 : 가다 + ㄴ(a letter makes a word adjective or passive tense)
맛이 간거 같다[같어/같에/같네], 맛간거같다[맛간거같어/맛간거같에/맛간거같네 : i think that this vegetable dish lost its flavour
“맛간거” is contracted from “맛이 간거”
~ 거 같다[같어/같에/같네] : it seems be ~, i think/feel that ~ * 다/어/에/네 is a suffix has a nuance of “i think that ~”
72) 날씨가 더워지면 생선은 금방 간다. Fish will go bad quickly in hot weather.
날씨, 일기, 기후 : weather
덥다 : be hot
더운 : hot <— 덥다(be hot; ㅂ erased because difficult pronounciation) + 운. ㄴ(a suffix makes a word subjective)
더운 날씨[일기/기후] in hot weather
금방 : soon, quickly
생선 : fish <— 생(raw, alive) + 선(fish)
* 어선 : a fishing boat [vessel, craft]; a fisher boat
<— 어(a ship, a boat) + 선(fish)
선장 : a (ship's, sea) captain; a commander; a master (of a ship); a master mariner; a skipper <— 선(fish boat) + 장(leader, captain)
은, 는 : a suffix makes a word subjective
가다, 간다 : go; go bad
금방 간다 : will go bad quickly * 금방 mean “soon”, “will quickly”
73) 간 음식은 버려라. Throw away stale food[spoiled food, food which has gone bad].
가다, 간다 : go, become stale, be spoiled, go bad
상하다 : become stale, be spoiled, go bad; be heart-broken
간, 상한 : became stale, been spoiled <— 가다 + ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past (present) tense; 상하다 + ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past (present) tense
음식 : food <— 음(drinking) + 식(eating)
은, 는 : a suffix makes a word subjective
버리다 : throw away, abandon
버려라 : let’s throw away, do throw away <— 버리다 + ~어라, ~여라, ~라(an imperative suffixes)
74) 마음이 가다. 마음이 간다. 맘이 간다. become fond of, take a fancy to[for] , have a liking for[to].
* 마음, 맘 : this word is very important. 맘 is contracted form of “마음” (1) mind; spirit; heart; soul; idea; thought; mentality (2) consideration; sympathy; tenderness; heart; kindness (3) mind; attention; interest; care (4) will; intention; design; inclination (5) fancy; taste; liking; a mood; humor; a frame of mind
이 : a suffix makes a word subjective
가다, 간다 : (1) go (2) go my mind[heart] to somebody —> become fond of, have a loking for[to] somebody[something]
75) 호감이 가다. 호감이 간다. 호감간다. be favorably disposed[inclined] toward.
호감 : good feeling; goodwill; a favorable [good] impression <— 호(good, nice, kind, liking) + 감(feeling)
이 : a suffix makes a word subjetive
가다. 간다 : go, go to, go toward
[some diaglogue]
<A person> 저 사람 어때 ? how about that boy[gentle man/man]
저 : that
사람 : human being
<B person> 정말 호감 가는데 ! he has a so much favorable impression to me !
정말 : very much, truely, heartly
호감 가는데 ! : 호감간다 + 는데(a suffix expresses a little bit exclamation)
76) 이해가 가다. 이해가 간다. 이해간다. can understand. cab make out
이해 : understanding
이해한다, 이해하다, 이해간다 : understand
이해한다. 이해하다 : 이해 + 하다, 한다(do, have something)
이해간다 : 이해 + 간다(go, make out something)
~가 : a suffix makes a word subjective
이해 : 이(profit, gain, benefit, returns) + 해(damage)
해가 되다, 해가 된다, 해된다, 해가 간다, 해가 가다, 해가다: hurt, damage, give a baneful influence
되다, 된다 : become
가다, 간다 : go, give something
이득 : gain; profit; benefit; returns <— 이(profit, gain, benefit, returns) + 득(gain; profit; benefit; advantage; saving)
이익 : gain; profit; benefit; returns <— 이(profit, gain, benefit, returns) + 익(&a help, addition, a support, become rich)
유익 : being helpful, being useful, being beneficial, being instructive, being profitable <— 유(exist) + 익(익(&a help, addition, a support, become rich)
유익하다 : be helpful, be useful, be beneficial, be instructive, be profitable
77) 납득이 가다. 납득이 간다. 납득간다. 납득된다. be convinced .
납득 : [승낙] assent; consent; compliance; [이해] understanding; [확신] conviction; [만족] satisfaction
<— 납(admit; take; receive; accept; adopt; offer as tribute; enjoy; feel) + 득(get; obtain; acquire; gain; attain; effect; win; gain; profit; benefit; advantage; saving)
납득하다, 납득한다 : understand, grasp, comprehend
* 납부 : payment; delivery <— 납(offer as tribute) + 부(give something; pay (money, tax); deliver (goods); hand over; consign; dismiss off the mind; entrust; request, ask)
* 납부하다, 납부한다 : pay (taxes); deliver (goods); supply (goods)
* 득점 : marks; a point; a score <— 득(get; obtain; acquire; gain; attain; effect; win; gain; profit; benefit; advantage; saving) + 점(point, score, degree, counter)
* 득점하다, 득점한다 : score, gain, earn a point (in a game, etc.) <— 득점 + 하다(do, have/get something)
* 승낙 : assent, consent, compliance
* 승낙하다, 승낙한다 : have a ascent, have a consent, have a compliance <— 승(receive; inherit; succeed (another in a task, etc.); undertake; make it one's responsibility) + 락,낙(promise; pledge; assent)
* 이해 : understanding <— 이(profit, gain, benefit, returns) + 해(damage)
* 이해하다, 이해한다 : understand
* 확신 : conviction <— 확(sure; certain; real; true; secure; valid) + 신(believe, belief)
* 확신하다, 확신한다 : be [feel] convinced (of); believe firmly; be [feel] confident (of); be sure (of); feel certain (of); hold (a firm belief); be assured (of)
* 확실 : certainty; reliability; trustworthiness; authenticity; assuredness <— 확(sure; certain; real; true; secure; valid) + 실(the truth [reality]; actuality; sincerity)
* 확실하다 : be certain; be sure; be secure; be reliable; be trustworthy; be true; be authentic; be valid
* 사실 : a fact; a reality; actuality; truth <— 사(affair; matter; fact; event; happening) + 실(the truth [reality]; actuality; sincerity) + 실(the truth [reality]; actuality; sincerity)
* 사실이다 : be true, be in reality
* 만족 : satisfaction; gratification; complacency; contentmen <— 만(full; fully) + 족(a foot; a cloven foot; a hoof; the leg; the shank; the trotter; shoe)
—> this word is made from that the meaning is “enough shoes to fill up (money, rice,..)
* 만족하다. 만족한다 : be pleased [satisfied] (with); be gratified (with a person, at a matter); be content (with)
* 족하다 : be sufficient; be enough; be adequate; suffice; serve; answer; do <— 족(full of shoe) + 하다(do, make)
78) 그가 한 것[짓]은 이해가 가는 처사이다. the thing done by him is an understandable[a comprehensible] measure.
그 : that, it, the, he
그가 : he, by him
하다 : do
한 : done
것, 짓 : (the) thing
그가 한 것[짓] : the thing done by him
* 짓 : this should be said to the the younger or the same age
이해 : understanding
이해하다, 이해되다, 이해가 간다, 이해간다, 이해가 된다 : understand, comprehand
이해 : 이(profit, gain, benefit, returns) + 해(damage)
해가 되다, 해가 된다, 해된다, 해가 간다, 해가 가다, 해가다: hurt, damage, give a baneful influence
되다, 된다 : become
가다, 간다 : go, give something
이해가 가는 처사 : 이해가 가다 + 는(a connection suffix makes a word attributive) + 처사(measure)
처사 : a measure, a step; treatment; management (of an affair); dealing[handling] with (a matter); conduct; disposal <— 처(a place; place, position) + 사(thing)
* 처 : (1) a place, place, position (2) a wife, a spouse
* 처하다 : be placed; get faced with; cope with; deal with; manage; conduct oneself; act <— 처(a place, position, place) + 하다(do, become)
* 조치 : a measure, a step; management <— 조(place, manage, arrange) + 치(place; put; establish; set; procure; purchase)
* 조치하다, 조치한다 : place; collect; arrange; manage; handle; make preparation for an undertaking; make plans
* 치우다 : tidy up, put away, lay aside, rid, side, pick up, put up <— 치(place, put) + 우다(a transitive verb suffix)
* 치워라 ! let’s put away, let’s lay aside ! <— 치우다 + 어라, 라(a imperative suffix)
79) 그는 호감이 가는 인품이다. He has a pleasing[pleasant] personality.
그 : he, that, it, the
그는 : he <— 그(he) + 는, 은(a suffix makes a word subjective)
호감 : liking <— 호(good) + 감(feeling)
호감이 가다 : feel friendly toward, become fond
<— 호감 + 이(a suffix makes a word subjextive or of interest) + 가다(go)
인품 : personality <— 인(human being) + 품(personality, characteristics)
호감이 가는 인품 : has a pleasing/pleasant personality
이다 : is or are
80) 그 때는 그의 의도가 이해가 가지 않았다. 그땐 그의 의도가 이해가 안됐어! I could not make out his intentions at that time.
그 : that, it, the, he
때 : time
그 때는, 그 땐 : at that time <— 그(that) + 때(time) + 는,은(a time suffix: at)
* 그 땐 is contracted from “그 때는”
그의 : his <—그(he) + 의(a suffix makes a word posessive case)
의도 : an intention; an aim; a purpose; a design <— 의(thought; idea; sentiments; opinion; intention; inclination; expectations; meaning; hint; suggestion) + 도(diagram; chart; map; picture; portrait; seek; pursue; plan; scheme; conspire; intention; aim; purpose)
이해 : understanding
이해하다, 이해되다, 이해가 간다, 이해간다, 이해가 된다 : understand, comprehand
이해 : 이(profit, gain, benefit, returns) + 해(damage)
해가 되다, 해가 된다, 해된다, 해가 간다, 해가 가다, 해가다: hurt, damage, give a baneful influence
되다, 된다 : become
가다, 간다 : go, give something
이해가 가지 않다, 이해가 안되다: don’t understand <— 이해가 가다 + ~~지 않다(don’t do)/~가 안되다(don’t do)
이해가 가지 않았다 : didn’t understand <— 이해가 가다 + 지 않다 + 았다, 었다(a suffix makes a word past tense)
이해가 안됐어 : didn’t understand <— 이해가 안되다 + 었어, 았어(a exclamation suffix)
81) 나는 그에게 납득이 가도록 설명해 주었다. 나는 그에게 납득되게 설명했다. I explained it to him to his satisfaction.
나는 : i <— 나(i) + 는, 은(a suffix makes a word subjective)
그에게 : to him <— 그(that, it, the, he, him) + 에게(a suffix makes a wors a indirect objective case)
납득 : [승낙] assent; consent; compliance; [이해] understanding; [확신] conviction; [만족] satisfaction
<— 납(admit; take; receive; accept; adopt; offer as tribute; enjoy; feel) + 득(gain; profit; benefit; advantage; saving)
* 득점 : marks; a point; a score <— 득(gain; profit; benefit; advantage; saving) + 점(point)
* 득점하다, 득점한다 : score, gain, earn a point (in a game, etc.)
납득이 가다, 납득간다, 납득하다, 납득한다, 납득되다, 납득된다 : understand; persuade oneself; listen to reason; be convinced of <— 납득(이) + 가다/간다(go, become), 납득 + 하다/한다(do, become), 납득 + 되다(become)
납득이 가도록 : in order to understand <—- 납득이 가다(understand) + 도록(in order to do)
설명 : explanation, description; illustration; elucidation <— 설(speak; say; talk; utter; explain; clarify; description; narration; statement; theory) + 명(bright; light; brilliant; clear; understandable; clarify; understand; obvious; evident; intelligent; clever; eyesight; seeing faculty; day; daybreak; dawn; state; show; assert; next (day or year))
설명하다 : explain
주다 : give
설명해 주다 : give a explanation <— 설명하다 + 어 주다(give somthing) * 설명해 is contracted from “설명하” + “어”(a connection suffix between two word)
주었다 : past tense of 주다
했다 : past tense of 하다
82) 이 설명으로 납득이 갑니까? 이 설명이 납득되죠? Is this explanation enough for you?
이 : this
설명 : explanation, description; illustration; elucidation <— 설(speak; say; talk; utter; explain; clarify; description; narration; statement; theory) + 명(bright; light; brilliant; clear; understandable; clarify; understand; obvious; evident; intelligent; clever; eyesight; seeing faculty; day; daybreak; dawn; state; show; assert; next (day or year))
납득 : [승낙] assent; consent; compliance; [이해] understanding; [확신] conviction; [만족] satisfaction
<— 납(admit; take; receive; accept; adopt; offer as tribute; enjoy; feel) + 득(gain; profit; benefit; advantage; saving)
이 설명으로 : by this explanation <— 이(this) + 설명(explanation) + 으로(by; to, toward)
* 득점 : marks; a point; a score <— 득(gain; profit; benefit; advantage; saving) + 점(point)
* 득점하다, 득점한다 : score, gain, earn a point (in a game, etc.)
납득이 가다, 납득간다, 납득하다, 납득한다, 납득되다, 납득된다 : understand; persuade oneself; listen to reason; be convinced of <— 납득(이) + 가다/간다(go, become), 납득 + 하다/한다(do, become), 납득 + 되다(become)
납득이 갑니까 : do you understand ? <— 납득이 가다 + 까(a question suffix)
납득되죠 ? : do you understand ? <— 납득되다 + 죠, 요(a question suffix)
83) 당신 시계를 누가 훔쳤는지 짐작이 갑니까? 누가 당신 시계 훔쳤는지 짐작가(요)? Have you any idea who stole your watch?
당신, 너, 니 : you
* 당신 of this sentence means 당신의 <— 당신 + 의(a possesive suffix)
시계 : watch <— 시(time, o’clock) + 계(a meter; a gauge)
* 계기 : a meter; a gauge; a scale; an instrument <— 계(a meter; a gauge) + 기(an instrument; implement; utensil; tool; piece of apparatus; magnanimity; talent; ability; capacity)
~를, 을 : a suffix a word makes objective
누가 : who ?, which person, person which/who
훔치다 : steal
훔쳤다 : past tense of 훔치다 <— 훔치다 + 였다/었다/았다(a suffix makes a verb past tense). 훔쳤다 is contracted from “훔치” + “였다”
훔쳤는지 : who stole (you watch) <— 훔쳤다 + 는지(a suffix express the reason why ~
짐작 : [어림] guess; guesswork; (a) presumption; (a) conjecture; (an) inference; (an) estimation; (a) surmise; [판단] judgment.
짐작하다, 짐작이 가다, 짐작간다, 짐작이 된다, 짐작된다, : guess, presume, judge, estimate, conjecture
<— 짐작 + 하다(do, become), 짐작(이) + 가다(go, become), 짐작(이) + 되다(become)
짐작가, 짐작가요 ? : 짐작가 is omitted “요”(a question suffix)
85) 손이 많이 간 가구. furniture of elaborate workmanship.
이 음식은 만드는데 아주 손이 많이 간다. this food is si much hard to make.
손이 : 손(hand) + 이(a suffix makes a word subjective)
많다 : (1) be many; be numerous; be much; be plenty; be abundant; be plentiful; be copious; be exuberant (2) be frequent; be often; be prevalent; be current; be common; be rife (with errors)
많이 : adjective form of 많다. “이” of “많이” is a suffix makes a word adjective.
가다, 간다 : go
손이 많이 가다, 손이 많이 간다 : go so many hands —> need elaborate workmanship, cost[require] much labor.
간 : past tense of 가다/간다 or passive form of 가다/간다
가구 : furniture <— 가(home, house) + 구(a tool; an implement)
이 음식은 : this food is
만들다 : make
만드는데 : in order to make <— 만들다(ㄹ erased) + 는데(a suffix means “in order to do”)
아주 : very much
86) 손이 많이 가다. 손이 많이 간다. cost[require] much labor.
87) 이 계획은 손이 많이 간 것이다. This is a carefully worked-out plan. this plan is carefully worked out.
이 계획은 : this plan is
손이 많이 가다, 손이 많이 간다 : require[cost] much labour
88) 이것을 만들려면 많은 손이 간다. It takes[requires] a lot of time and labor to make this.
이것을 : this <— 이(this) + 것(thing) + 을,를(a suffix makes a word objective)
만들다 : make
만들려면, 만드는데 : in order to make <— 만들다 + 려면(if, in order to), 만들다(ㄹ erased) + 는데(in order to do)
많은 손이 간다, 손이 많이 간다 : require[cost] much labour, it takes[requires] a lot of time and labour to do
89) 주름이 가다. 주름지다. get creased[wrinkled].
나이 들어 보인다 get wrinkled look older (than age)
* you had better avoid using that this sentence is negative nuance
주름 : wrinkles, folds, creases
주름지다, 주름이 가다 : 주름 + 지다(become, get), 주름(이) + 가다(go, become, get)
나이 : age
나이들다 : get old <—- 나이 + 들다(become older; raise, lift up; carry)
보다 : look, watch, see
보이다, 보인다 : 1) see; catch sight of; be seen; be visible; show; be in sight; be open to the view; appear
(2) look; seem; appear <— 보다 + 이다(a suffix makes a word passive tense)
나이들어 보인다 : 나이들다 + 어(a connection suffix) + 보인다
90) 금이 가다. 금가다. be cracked, have a crack.
금 : (1) crack (2) gold
* 은 : (1) silver, siller, argent (2) grace, favour
* 동 : (1) copper (2) east
* 서 : west
* 남 : south
* 북 : north
91) 손해가 가다. 손해가 간다. 손해입다. lose / suffer a loss.
손해 : damage; injury; harm; a loss; casualties <— 손(loss; damage; disadvantage; a handicap; a hand; a guest, a customer) + 해(injury, damage, harm, mischief, hurt, detriment; the sun, a year, the daytime)
가다, 간다 : go, become
입다 : (1) put on; don; get into; slip on; wear; have on; be dressed in (2) owe; be indebted to; be due to; enjoy (a person's) patronage; be favored (with); (3) suffer (a loss);
손해입다 : 손해(loss) + 입다(suffer)
<some dialogue>
<A person> 너 요즘 주식투자는 잘 되고 있니 ? 너 요즘 주식투자 잘 하고 있니 ? Are you doing well in stock investment these days?
<B person> 그 놈의 정치가 개판이라 손해 많이 입었다. 아마 몇천만원은 될 걸... i have lost so much money because of bad politics. It's probably tens of millions of won.
요즘 : these days
너 : you
주식 : (1) stocks, shares <— 주(a share, a stock, an interest (in a biz); a tree) + 식((1) form; style; type; model; fashion; plan; a method; a system (2) a ceremony; exercises; rites; rituals (3) an (algebraic) expression; a (chemical) formula)
* 형식 : a form; a formality; a mode <— 형((1) shape; form; format (2) a model; a mold; a matrix; style; type; pattern (3) an elder brother; a senior (4) a punishment; a penalty; a sentence) + 식((1) form; style; type; model; fashion; plan; a method; a system (2) a ceremony; exercises; rites; rituals (3) an (algebraic) expression; a (chemical) formula)
* 형벌 : punishment, penalty (for a sin) <— 형(a punishment; a penalty; a sentence) + 벌(punishment; penalty; judgment)
* 벌받다 : be punished; take the penalty <— 벌(a punishment; a penalty) + 받다(receive)
* 주식 : (2) the principal [staple] food, a staple article of food <— 주(main, principal) + 식(food)
* 주식 : (3) lunch, luncheon <— 주(day; daytime; daylight) + 식(food)
* 주간, 낮시간 : daytime, daylight <— 주(day, daytime, daylight) + 간(between, among), 낮(day, daytime, daylight) + 시(time, o’clock) + 간(between, among) (예) 주간에는 : at daytime
* 주간 : a weekly; weekly publication; a week (예) 3 주간 : three weeks
* 주식 : (4) food and drink <— 주(drink) + 식(food)
투자 : investment <— 투(throw; cast; fling; pitch; toss; project; cast) + 자(money; property; wealth; capital)
* 자본 : a capital; a fund <— 자(money; property; wealth; capital) + 본(1) an example; a model; a pattern (2) family origin (3) principal; capital)
주식하다 : invest stock
투자하다 : invest (money)
주식투자 : stock investment
잘 : well
되다, 된다 : become, do
하다, 한다 : do
있다 : be ~ing, exist, is/are
잘 되고 있니, 잘 하고 있니 ? : are you doing well ?
그 : the, that, it, he
놈 : thing, man (* this can be used to something, but can’t be used to the elder person or the same age unfriendly)
그 놈의 : that thing, that man <— 그 + 놈 + 의(a suffix makes a word posessive or attributive) * “그 놈의” in this sentence means “that” intensified
정치 : politics, government; administration; political affairs <— 정(government, administration; management; politics; political affairs) + 치(govern; regulate; administer; control; manage; rule)
정치가 : politician, politico, statesman, senator <— 정치 + 가(a specialist; a professional; an authority; the (Kennedy) family)
* 가 : (1) a specialist; a professional; an authority; the (Kennedy) family (2) a song (3) the family name; the surname (4) [길] a street; an avenue; a district; a center; a quarter (5) a price; valence
정치가 : politics <— 정치 + 가(a suffix makes a word subjective)
개판 : utter confusion or disorder; a mess; a jumble <— 개(dog) + 판(1) a place; a spot (2) (the) state of affairs; (the aspect of, the phase of) the situation (3) the moment; the occasion; the case (4) a match; a game; a contest; a bout; a round
* this word was made from “a dog scatters all the thing by using legs when angry”
개판이 되다 fall into utter confusion. <— 개판 + 이(a suffix makes a word subjective) + 되다(become, fall into some state)
92) 이 찻잔에는 금이 갔다. There is a crack in this teacup.
이 : this
차 : tea <— the original pronounciation of “tea” is “cha”(차), “tea” was originated from a chinese pronounciation.
잔 : a cup
찻잔 : teacup <— 차 +ㅅ(a letter inserted for easy pronounciation) + 잔
~~에(는) : a place suffix. “는” of “에는” is a suffix for intensifying.
금 : (1) crack (2) gold
가다, 간다 : go
갔다 : past tense of 가다
금이 가다, 금가다 : there is a crack
93) 눈 주위에 주름이 가기 시작했다. I have begun to develop wrinkles round my eyes.
주름 : wrinkles, folds, creases
주름지다, 주름이 가다 : 주름 + 지다(become, get), 주름(이) + 가다(go, become, get)
눈 : (1) eye (with high tone) (2) snow (with lower tone)
주위 : near to somewhere, round, surroundings
에 : a place suffix like at, in, on, around, about
시작 : beginning, starting
시작하다 : begin to do, start to do
시작했다 : past tense of 시작하다
주름이 가기 시작하다 : begin to develop wrinkle[folds]
94) 노령과 고생으로 그의 이마에는 깊은 주름살이 갔다 Age and care have made deep lines on his forehead.
노령 : old age <— 노(old) + 령(year)
과 : and
고생 : a hard [tough] life; suffering; hardship; distress; adversity; toil; labor; pain <— 고(pain; suffering; hardship; difficulty; trouble) + 생(life)
* 고 : (1) pain; suffering; hardship; difficulty; trouble (2) height (3) a drum (4) the late; the lamented; the deceased (5) a manuscript (6) a warehouse; a storehouse; a garage (7) plaster; paste; ointment (8) a loop (of string, of ribbon); string [ribbon] ties
* 고저 : (relative) height; unevenness; rise and fall; undulation; fluctuation; pitch <— 고(high)+ 저(lower)
* 원고 : (1) a manuscript (MS., pl. MSS.); a copy; a draft <— 원(former; original) + 고(a manuscript)
(2) a plaintiff; an accuser; a complainant <— 원(a former, original) + 고(tell (one's superior); mention; speak about; inform; announce)
* 창고 : a warehouse; a storehouse; a garage, a go-down; a magazine <— 창(granary; storehouse; warehouse; cabin, as in the ship; green) + 고(a warehouse; a storehouse; a garage)
* 반창고 : a plaster; an adhesive plaster [tape] <— 반(fetters; shackles) + 창(syphilis) + 고(plaster; paste; ointment)
* 창 : (1) a window; a sash window; a port (2) a shoe sole; sole leather (3) a spear; a javelin; a lance (4) a hole (made in paper or cloth); a tear; a rent
~~으로, ~~로 : by doing something, done by something
그의 : his <— 그(that, it, the, he) +의(a suffix makes a word possesive)
이마 : forehead
~~에(는) : a place suffix. “는” of “~~에는” is a intensifying
깊다 : be deep
깊은 : deep
주름, 주름살 : wrinkles, folds, creases
살 : skin
주름지다, 주름이 가다 : 주름 + 지다(become, get), 주름(이) + 가다(go, become, get)
주름살이 갔다 : past tense of 주름살이 가다
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