
Let’s learn from Korean Subway Station Bulletin

1. 발 빠짐 주의 : Watch your step

* 발 : foot

* 빠지다 : (1) [머리•치아(hair•teeth)] fall out (2) [(타이어•공기(tires•air)] drain (3) [마음•힘•기운(mind•strength•vigour)] drain

* 빠짐 : a noun form of 빠지다 <— 빠지다 + ㅁ(a letter a verb a noun)

- 머리카락이 한 움큼 빠졌다 : A fistful of hair fell out

- 이 공은 바람이 빠졌다 : This ball is deflated

- 혼수상태에 빠지다 : lapse[go; slip; fall] into a coma

- 발이 빠지다 : lose one’s foot

* 빠짐 : a noun form of 빠지다 <— 빠지다 + ㅁ(a letter a verb a noun)

* 주의[主意] : the point; a gist; a tenor; an object; a purpose; the main meaning [purport]

* 주의[主義] a principle; a doctrine; a theory; an ism; a cause; a policy; a rule; a line; a system; a basis

 * 주의 [周衣] a Korean-styled overcoat

* 주의[注意] (1) attention; notice; heed (2) (a) care; watchfulness; caution; (a) warning (3) advice; suggestion (4) interest

* 주의하다 : pay attention [heed] to; notice; heed; attend to; take note of; listen to

2. 열차와 승강장 사이가 넓습니다 : There's a wide gap between the train and the platform.

* 사이 : (1) gap; space (2) relationship between

* 열차[列車] : train

* 승강장[乘降場] : (station) platform; (Am) taxi stand, cabstand, (Brit) taxi rank <— 승(rise; get on) + 강(descend; get off) + 장(place)

* 넓다 : be large, big, extensive, spacious, roomy, broad, wide

* 승강[乘降] : getting on and off(a car), boarding and alighting

3. 무리한 승하차는 안전사고를 유발할 수 있습니다 : Excessive and compulsory entry and exit can cause safety accidents

* 무리 : (1) group, crowd, party, bunch, (literary) throng (2) herd; flock; pack; shoal, school; swarm; pride

* 무리[無理] (1) unreasonable(ness); irrationality (2) compulsion (3) impossibility (4) excess; immoderation

* 무리한 : forced, compulsory, constrained

* 무리하다 : be unfair, be impossible, be excessive, strain oneself

* 승하차[乘下車] : getting on and off(a car), boarding and alighting

* 안전[安全] : safety, security, safe, secure

* 사고[事故] : accident, trouble; mishap, hitch, (informal) hiccup

* 사고[思考] : [=생각]thinking, thought

* 사고하다 / 생각하다 : think

* 유발[誘發] : cause, arousal

* 유발하다 : arouse, cause, trigger, lead to, give rise to, set off, touch off, induce 

* ~ㄹ 수 있다 : can

* ~을/를 유발할 수 있다 : can cause something

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