
Let’s learn about "감정/의견 표현 - 화제 전환 / 말 잇기 - 말 잇기" from Naver Portal

1. 감정/의견 표현 - 화제 전환 / 말 잇기 - 말 잇기 : emotion/opinion expression - subject change / connection a word with a word

* 감정[感情] : feeling; emotion; sentiment; passion; impulse

* 감정[憾情] : ill feeling; a grudge; resentment; indignation; ill [bad] blood

- 감정이 있다 : have an ill feeling

* 감정[鑑定] : judgment; an expert opinion; appraisal; estimation; criticism

- 감정하다 : judge; appraise; estimate

* 표현[表現] : expression; presentation; representation; manifestation

- 표현하다 : express; represent

- 표현할 수 없는 : inexpressible / indescribable / beyond expression.

* 화제[話題] : a topic[subject] (of conversation)

* 화재[火災] : a fire; a conflagration; a blaze

* 전환[轉換] : (1) [=바뀜] conversion; switch; [=변환] turnover; switchover (2) diversion

* 말 : (1) [=언어] word, language, speech, (literary) tongue; [=이야기] talk; expression term, ; [=단어] word; [=구] phrase (2) horse

* 잇다 : (1) [실•끈•조각 등] join (sth to sth), connect (sth with/to sth); piece (sth) together (2) [생계•말] continue, keep on (with) (3) [기업•전통] inherit, succeed, carry on, take over

* 잇기 : a noun form of 잇다 <— 잇다 + 기(a suffix makes a verb a noun)

* 실 : thread; yarn

* 끈 : [=줄] a string; a cord; a ribbon; a lace; a braid; a line; a plait; a band.

* 조각 : a peice; a bit; a fragment; a slip; a strip; [=얇은 조각] a slice; [=자투리] a scrap; a cut

* 생계[生計] : a living; (a) livelihood

* 말 : a word

* 기업[企業] : an enterprise; an undertaking; a business

* 전통[傳統] : (a) tradition; [=인습] (a) convention; [=유산] a heritage; [=역사] a history

2. See the original: https://phrase.dict.naver.com/detail.nhn?bigCategoryNo=11&middleCategoryNo=92&smallCategoryNo=385&targetLanguage=en

3. See the related lessons on my blog

1) 화제 전환 / 말 잇기 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/01/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_12.html

4. 대화(Dialogue)

<A person> 어디까지 말했었죠? : Where were we?

[other expressions]

- 어디까지 말했지? (to the younger or friendly)

- 어디까지 말했죠?

- 어디까지 말했지요?

- 어디까지 말했나요?

- 어디까지 말했습니까? (formal, polite)

- 어디까지 말했었지? (to the younger or friendly)

- 어디까지 말했었죠?

- 어디까지 말했었지요?

- 어디까지 말했었나요?

- 어디까지 말했었습니까? (formal, polite)


* 어디까지 : (1) up to where (2) how far; to what extent

* 말하다 : talk; speak; converse; utter; remark; chat (over); have a talk [chat](with); tell; put (in); state; mention; relate; explain; describe; say; bid; express

* 말했다 : past form of 말하다

* 말했었다 : present perfect or past form of 말하다.

* -지 of 말했지 / 말했었지 / 말했지요 : a questioning verb ending suffix

* -나 of 말했나 / 말했나요 : a questioning verb ending suffix

* -스 of 습니까? : a polite suffix to other. esp. to the elderly

* -까? of 습니까? : a questioning verb ending suffix

* -요 of 말했지요? / 말했나요? : a polite suffix to other. esp. to the elderly

* -죠 of 말했죠 / 말했었죠 : a short form of 지(a questioning suffix) + 요(a polite suffix to other)

* a verb + -지 / -지요 / -죠 / -나 / -나요 / -습니까? : a questioning verb ending suffix

<B person> 공항에서 내린 데까지 이야기했어요 : We were talking about landing at the airport. 

[other expressions]

- 공항에서 내린 데까지 말했네요. (might rude)

- 공항에서 내린 데까지 말했습니다. (formal)

- 공항에서 내린 데까지 이야기했어요.

- 공항에서 내린 곳까지 말했네요. (might rude)

- 공항에서 내린 곳까지 말했습니다. (formal)


* 공항[空港] : an airport; an aerial port; airdrome; an aviation field; an aerodrome

* 공항에 착륙하다 / 공항에 내리다 : land at an airport

* 에 of 공항에 : a place suffix like at/on/in

* 착륙[着陸] : (a) landing; alighting; touchdown; [rocket] a blastdown

* 착륙하다 : land; make a landing; alight; reach the ground; ground; touch[set / put] down

* 내리다 : take [bring] down; set [put] down; lower (a flag, a sail); let (a person) off (a car); land at/on a airport

* ㄴ of 내린 : a consonant makes a verb complete or past tense

* 내린 : past tense of 내리다

* 곳 / 데 : a place

* 까지 : up to; until; till

* 말하다 : say; talk; tell

* 말했다 : 말하다 + 었(a letter makes a verb past tense) + 다(a descritpive verb ending suffix)

* -스 of 습니다 : a polite suffix to other. esp. to the elderly

* 시 of 십니다 : a polite suffix to other. esp. to the elderly

* a verb + -워요 / -어요 / -네요 / -네요 / -습니다 / -십니다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix expresses a politeness by "-요” or "스” or "시”

5. 문장(Sentences)

1) 있잖아요... : By the way… 

[other expressions]

- 있잖아. (to the younger or friendly)

- 있잖니. (to the younger or friendly)

- 있잖냐. (to the younger or friendly)

- 있잖어. (to the younger or friendly)

- 있잖어요.

- 있잖습니까. (formal, polite)


* 있다 : be; exist; have

* -아 / -니 / -냐 / -어 : a descriptive verb ending suffix attracting the attention of the other party

* -요 : a suffix shows teller’s politeness to other

* -습니- of 습니까 : a descriptive verb ending suffix  shows teller’s politeness to other and means "be; do"

* -까 of 습니까 : a descriptive verb ending suffix attracting the attention of the other party

2) 말하자면... : So to speak… 

[other expressions]

- 말하자면요.


* 말하다 : say; tell; speak

* 자 of 말하자면 : A connection suffix means "I’d like do"

* 면 : if

* 요 : a verb ending suffix shows a politeness to other

3) 아시다시피... : As you know… 

[other expressions]

- (이미) 알다시피... (to the younger or friendly)

- (이미) 아시다시피 ...


* 이미 : already

* 알다 : know

* 아시다 : a polite form of 알다 to other. esp. the elderly

* -시피 : as one do

4) 사실은... : The truth is… / The fact is… 

[other expressions]

- 사실은 말이죠.

- 사실은 말입니다.

- 사실은 말입니다요.


* 사실 : truth

* 은 : a suffix makes 사실 subjective

* 말 : word

* 이다 : be

* -죠 : a short form of 지요

* -이죠 / 입니다 / 입니다요 : a polite descriptive form of 이다 to other

5) 그런데... : But…

[other expressions]

- 그렇지만...

- 근데...


* 그렇다 : [= 그러하다] so; such; like that; that way; Yes; No; That's right

* 근데 : a short form of 그런데

* 그런데 / 그렇지만 : but

6) 그뿐만 아니라... : Not only that… 

[other expressions]

- 그뿐 아니라...

- 그뿐 아니고...

- 그뿐 아니고요...

- 그뿐만 아니고...

- 그뿐만 아니고요...


* 그뿐 / 그뿐만 : a short form of 그것뿐 / 그것뿐만(only that) <— 그(that) + 것(thing; stuff) + 뿐/뿐만(only)

* 아니다 : not

* -라 of 아니라 : a descriptive and verb ending suffix shows a little imperative nuance

* -고 of 아니고 : a desxriptive verb ending suffix means "and"

* 요 : a verb ending suffix shows a politeness to other

7) 어쨌든... : Anyway… 

[other expressions]

- 어찌하든...

- 어찌했든... (어쨌든 is a short form of this)


* 어찌하다 / 어쩌다 / 어떻게 하다 : take some measure; do somehow; manage somehow; manage to do

* 어쨌든 : 어쩌다 + 했든 = at any rate; anyway

* 어찌하든 : 어찌하다 + 하든 = at any rate; anyway

* 어찌했든 : 어찌하다 + 했든 = at any rate; anyway

* -하든 : whatever one does

* -했든 : past tense of -하든

8) 글쎄요. : Well… 

[other expressions]

- 글쎄.


* 글쎄 : well

* 요 : a polite verb ending suffix

9) 글쎄 뭐랄까요 : Well, what can I say?

[other expressions]

- 글쎄(요). 무엇이랄까요.

- 글쎄(요). 무어라 말할까요.

- 글쎄(요). 무어라고 말할까요.

- 글쎄(요). 뭐라고 말할까요.

- 글쎄(요). 무엇이라 말할까요.


* 글쎄 : well

* 요 : a polite verb ending suffix

* 뭐랄까요 : a short form of 무엇이랄까요?

* 뭐 : a short form of 무엇(what)

* 무어 : another form of 무엇(what)

* -라 / -라고 : as; quote

* 무어라 / 무엇이라 / 뭐라고 : what

* -ㄹ까 of 이랄까요 / 말할까요 : This expresses the questioning nuance

* 요 of 이랄까요 / 말할까요 : a verb ending suffix shows a politeness to other

* 이다 of 이랄까요 : be

* 말하다 of 말할까요 : say; speak

* 말할까요 : Shall I say it?

* 이랄까요 : How should I say this?

10) 말하자면 길어요 : It's a long story.

[other expressions]

- 말하자면 기네요.

- 말하자면 깁니다. (formal, polite)

- 말씀드리자면 기네요. (more polite)

- 말씀드리자면 길어요. (more polite)

- 말씀드리자면 깁니다. (formal, more polite)


* 말 : word

* 말씀 : a polite form of 말 to the elderly

* 말하다 : say; speak; tell

* 말씀하다 : a polite form of 말하다 to other

* 말씀드리다 = more polite form of 말하다 to other

* 자 of 자면 : let’s do

* 면 : if

* 긴 : long

* 길다 : be long

* -어요 / -네요 / -ㅂ니다 : a polite descriptive verb ending suffix by "-요” or "-ㅂ-“

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