
Let’s learn about "-라고” or "-이라고"

1. -라고 / -이라고 means mainly "(saying) that it is; call-ing it (by name); quote".

2. 라고 : a postposition attached to the stem root of a noun ends vowel

3. 이라고 : a postposition attached to the stem root of a noun ends consonant

4. Usages of -(이)라고

1) this means quoting a person’s words

(1) -(이)라고 mean simply quoting a person's words.

- 세 시 차라고 합디다 : The station clerk said it was a three o'clock car.

* 세 : three

* 시 : o’clock

* 차 : car

* 라고 : quoting

* 하다 : do; say in this sentence

* 합디다 : somebody said that ~ (see 하더라)

- 그 아이가 자기 동생이라고 하더라 : the boy said he is his young brother

* 그 : that; the

* 아이 : a child; a boy

* 는 : a suffix makes 그 아이 subjective

* 자기 : self; his in this sentence

* 동생 : younger brother or sister

* 이라고 : quoting

* 하다 : do; say in this sentence

* 하더라 : somebody said that ~ (see. 합디다)

(2) -(이)라고 denote it as trivial after quoting a person’s word

- 재미있는 영화라고 해서 봤더니 별로더라 : They said it was an interesting movie, so I watched it and it wasn't that fun

* 재미있는 : fun

* 영화 : movie; cinema

* 해서 of 라고 해서 : 하다(do; say in this sentence) + -어서(and then)

* -어서 : a connection suffix that means the word becomes the condition, means, reason, etc. of the following words. it means "and) so; and then; so... that; because (of); on account of; for; as; from)"

* 라고 해서 : somebody said that ~, so ...

* 보다 : watch; see; look

* 봤다 : past tense of 보다

* 더니 of 봤더니 : a connection suffix indicates that a fact that is heard or experienced is the reason (cause, condition, premise) for another fact.

* 별로 : in particular; particularly; specially; especially; very; much

* 별로이다 / 별로 좋지 않다 : Nothing in particular

- 이걸 음식이라고 먹으라니... : I can't believe you're supposed to eat this as food.

* 이걸 : a short form of 이것을

* 이것을 : 이(this) + 것(thing; stuff) + 을(a suffix makes 이것 objective)

* 음식 : food

* 이라고 : somebody think as trivial after quoting a person’s word

* 먹다 : eat

* -(으)라니 : a short form of (으)라고 하니

* -(으)라고 하니 : a descriptive verb ending word that ends by asking questions again, or expressing dissatisfaction or dubious feelings.

- 재미있는 책이라고 해서 샀더니 볼 것이 없더라 : I bought it because they said it was an interesting book, but there was nothing to see.

* 재미있는 : interesting

* 책 : book

* 이라고 : somebody think as trivial after quoting a person’s word

* 사다 : buy

* 샀다 : bought

* -더니 of 샀더니 : It is attached to the words '-시-' of the word or the words '-시-' of the words or the tense '-았-았-겠·' and '-겠-겠-' to indicate that the facts heard or experienced are the reasons (cause, condition, premise) for other facts.

* 보다 : see; look; watch; read in this sentence

* 볼 : future tense or infinitive of 보다

* 것 : thing; stuff

* 이 : a suffix makes 볼 것 subjective

* 없다 : be not

* 볼 것이 없다 : be nothing to see

* -더라 of 없더라 : I have found that; it is known that; I hear [have been told] that; s verb ending suffix reminding of the past or expressing the recollection in a sentimental mood

(3) -(이)라고 notifys its meaning to others with a manner that refers to a universal and general concept,

- 총 쏘는 사람을 사수라고 한다 : s person who shoot is a shooter

* 총 : gun

* 쏘다 : shoot

* 쏘는 : present tense of 쏘다

* 사람 : human being; person

* 을 : s suffix makes 사람 objective

* 사수 : a shooter

* 하다 : do; say in this sentence

* 한다 : present tense of 하다

* -(이)라고 한다 : be as something or someone

- 직립 보행하는 동물을 사람이라고 한다 : Animals that walk upright are said to be human

* 직립 : upright

* 보행 : a walk

* 보행하다 : walk

* 보행하는 : present tense of 보행하다

* 동물 : animal

* 을 : a suffix makes 동물 objective

* 하다 : do; say in this sentence

* 한다 : present tense of 하다

* -(이)라고 한다 : be as something or someone

2) -(이)라고 indicates that it's nothing.

- 나라고 뭐 별다른 생각이 있겠니? : I can't say I have any particular idea.

* 나 : I

* 라고 : even me

* 뭐 : a short form of 무엇(what); 

* 뭐 : what; any in this sentence

* 별다른 / 특별한 : particular

* 생각 : thinking; idea

* 이 : a suffix makes 생각 subjective

* 있다 : be; have in this sentence

* -겠니 of 있겠니 : 겠(a suffix indicates possibilty attached to a verb or -이다) + 니(a questioning verb ending suffix)

- 뭐, 그 사람이라고 별수 있으랴 : well, 

* 뭐 : a short form of 무엇(what), but means "well" in this sentence

* 그 : that; the

* 사람 : human being; person

* -이라고 : even

* 별수 : (1) [=달리 어떻게 할 방법] a special[an effective] means[way]; a secret key[method]; the secret; the mystery; a magical formula; a capital[brilliant / particular] idea (2) [=여러 방법] every means; all resources

* 별수[別數] : [=특히 좋은 운수] special luck; extraordinary good fortune;  a very lucky[good] break

* (이젠) 별수 없다 : There is no help for it at this late date. / It's too late to do anything about it. / Now we are the end of our tether[resources]

* 있다 : be

* -(으)랴 of 있으랴 : a verb ending suffix attached to a stem ending with a consonant other than 'ᄅ' or 았(었)-’·‘-겠-’ indicates tense. it makes a sentence a ironic question

* 있으랴! / 있겠는가! : Could there be?

* 별수 없다 = 별수 있으랴 : there is not a special means.

3) -(이)라고 : a verb ending suffix shows the meaning of re-questioning a person's words. and this can be shortened to “-(이)라".

- 뭐, 내가 꼴찌라고? = 뭐, 내가 꼴찌라? : What, I'm last?

* 뭐 : a short form of 무엇(what)

* 내 : I

* 가 : a suffix makes 내 subjective

* 꼴찌 : last

* 라고 : re-questioning a person's words

- 그래 이걸 인삼이라고? : So this is ginseng?

* 그래 : so

* 이걸 : a short form of 이것을

* 이것을 : 이(this) + 것(thing; stuff) + 을(a suffix makes 이것 objective)

* 인삼 : ginseng

* 이다 : be

* -라고 / -라 : a verb ending suffix shows the meaning of re-questioning a person's words.

5. - (으)라고 : as a verb ending suffix

1) A connection suffix attached to a verb ending in vowels or 'ㄹ' or to a '-시-' shows a politeness, indicating the meaning of quoting instructions, instructions, wishes, etc.

* -라 can be used as a short form of -라고

- 빨리 가라고 일러라 : Tell him to go fast. / Tell him to leave first.

* 빨리 : fast / [=먼저 빨리] first

* 가다 : go

* -라고 : the meaning of quoting instructions, instructions, wishes, etc.

* 이르다 : (1) let (a person) know; inform; report; tell; tell on (a person); inform [peach] (a person against another) (2) say (3) (be) early; premature

* -ㄹ러라 of 일러다 : a verb ending suffix means "let someone do; have someone do" with imperative nuance

2) a verb ending suffix or a connection suffix, attached to the stem root of ‘아니다’(be not)

(1) a verb ending suffix means requestioning

- 뭐, 이게 진짜가 아니라고? : 

(2) a connection suffix means quoting

- 이게 아니라고 우기고 있다 : They insist that this is not the case. / They insist that this is a fake.

* 이게 : a short form of 이것이

* 이것이 : 이(this) + 것(thing; stuff) + 이(a suffix makes 이것 subjective)

* 아니다 : be not

* -라고 : quoting

* 우기다 : insist

* 있다 : be

* -고 있다 : it makes a verb progressive

* 우기고 있다 : be insisting

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