1. -이면서 / -면서 / -이며 / -며 means the followings
1) [동작·상태의 진행(progress of action or state] ‥ing; [=…하면서(동시에)] while; as; between; during; over; with; at the same time (that)
2) [=이지만] though; [=…에도 불구하고•-면서도] but; yet; still; in spite of; for[with] all
2. -이면서 : a connection postposition between two verbs, which is attached to a root stem of a word ends consonant except ‘ㄹ’, indicates two or more facts. -이며 is a short form of -이면서. but -면서 should be used after the root stem of a word ends a vowel or ‘ㄹ’ consonant.
(1) 그는 교장이면서 평교사다 : He is a principal and a common teacher.
* 그 : he
* 는 : a suffix makes 그 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 교장 : principal
* -이면서 : and; at the same time
* 평교사 : common teacher, regular teacher absent from duty
* -다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix
3. -이면서도 / -면서도 means "and" / "while"
1) -이면서도 : a connection postposition between two verbs, which is attached to a root stem of a word ends consonant except ‘ㄹ’
2) -면서도 : a connection suffix between two verbs, which is attached to the root stem of word ends a vowel or a ‘ㄹ’ consonant or -시-´ shows a politeness to other person
4. -면서 can be used a suffix or a postposition
1) a connection suffix between two verbs, which is attached to the root stem of word ends a vowel or a ‘ㄹ’ consonant or -시-´ shows a politeness to other person, indicates two or more action or state. -며 is a short form of -면서
(1) 알면서 모르는 체한다 : Even though you know, you pretend you don’t know
* 알다 : know
* 면서 : even though; for all
* 모르다 : don’t know
* 모르는 : an adjective form of 모르다
* 체하다 : pretend
(2) 가난하게 살면서 : while living in poverty
* 가난한 : poor
* 가난하다 : be poor
* 가난함 : poverty
* 가난하게 : in poverty
* 살다 : live
* -면서 : while
(3) 울면서 이야기하다 : tell between sobs
* 울다 : cry; sob
* -면서 : while; between
* 울면서 : between sobs
* 이야기 : story
* 이야기하다 : tell; say; talk
(4) 수상한 자가 주위를 둘러보면서 그 집으로 숨어들었다 : A suspicious-looking man looked around carefully and stole into the house
* 수상한 : suspicious; strange, shady, fishy
* 수상하다 : (1) a verb form of 수상한 (2) [=상을 받다] be awarded (a prize)
* 자 : a person (a touch of degrading)
* 주위 : surroundings
* 를 : a suffix makes 주위 objective after s word ends s vowel
* 둘러보다 : look around carefully
* -면서 : while; and
* 그 : that
* 집 : house; home
* 으로 : into
* 숨다 : hide
* 숨어들다 : steal into
* 숨어들었다 : stole into
(5) 식사를 하면서[포도주를 마시면서] 이야기합시다 ; Let's talk over our meal[a bottle of wine]
* 식사 : meal
* 식사하다 = 식사를 하다 : have a meal; eat
* 포도주 : a bottle of wine
* 를 : a suffix makes 포도주 objective after s word ends a vowel
* 마시다 : drink
* -면서 : while
* 이야기 : story
* 이야기하다 : tell; say; talk
* -합시다 : let’s do something
(6) 그는 눈을 반짝이면서 선생님의 말에 귀를 기울였다 : He listened to the teacher with shining eyes.
* 그 : he
* 는 : a suffix makes 그 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 눈 : eye
* 을 : a suffix makes 눈 objective after a word ends a consonant
* 반짝이다 : shine
* -이면서 : with; while
* 선생님 : teacher
* 의 : a suffix makes 선생님 possesive
* 말 : word
* 에 : a place suffix
* 귀 : ear
* 기울이다 : (1) lean, tilt, tip (2) devote (oneself) to, concentrate on, direct (one's attention / one's efforts) to, pay (one's attention) to, bend one's mind to
- 주의를 기울이다 : pay attention (to)
* 귀를 기울이다 : listen to one’s word carefully
* 기울였다 : past tense of 기울이다
2) a connection postposition between two verbs, which is attached to the root stem of a word ends a vowel, indicates two or more facts. -며 is a short form of -면서 and -이면서 is another form of -면서
(1) 나는 한 남자의 아내면서 두 딸의 어머니다 : I am the wife of a man and the mother of two daughters.
* 나 : I (non-polite to other person)
* 는 : a suffix makes 나 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 한 : one
* 남자 : man; male
* 의 : a suffix makes 남자 possesive
* 아내 : wife
* -면서 : while; and
* 두 : two
* 딸 : daughter
* 의 : a suffix makes 두 딸 possesive
* 어머니 : mother
* -다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix
(2) 싫어하면서(도) : against one's will / reluctantly
* 싫은 : reluctant
* 싫다 = 싫어하다 : be against one’s will; be reluctant
* -면서 = -면서도 : while; even though
(3) 몸에 해로운 줄 알면서 담배를 끊을 수 없다 : I cannot give up smoking, knowing as I do that it is bad for the health.
* 몸 : body
* 에 : a place suffix
* 해로운 : bad for the health
* 해롭다 : a verb form of 해로운
* 줄 : [=걸 = 것을] the fact that ~
* 걸 : a short form of 것을 <— 것(a thing; stuff; anything to do) + 을(a suffix makes 것 objective after a word ends a consonant)
* 알다 : know
* -면서 : even though
* 담배 : tabacco; smoking
* 를 : a suffix makes 담배 objective after a word ends a vowel
* 끊다 : cur
* 담배를 피우다 : smoke
* 담배를 끊다 : give up smoking
* 끊을 : future tense of 끊다
* 수 : a way; a method
* 없다 : be not; can’t
* 끊을 수 없다 : can’t give up -ing
5. -이며 / -며 means (1) "and; or; and/or” (2) a short form of -이면서 / -면서(while; as; over; during; with)
1) -이며 : a connection suffix or postposition, which attached to the root stem of a word ends consonant, enumerates two or more things. -며 should be attached to the root stem of a word ends a vowel. but this can be used as a short form of -이면서
(1) 이번 장마로 논이며 밭이며 집이며 모두가 물에 잠겼다 : This rainy season has flooded rice paddies, fields, and houses.
* 이번 : this
* 장마 : the rainy spell in (early) summer; a spell of rainy weather
* 로 : as; by; because (of)
* 논 : rice paddies
* 밭 : fields
* 집 : house; home
* -이며 : and
* 모두 : all
* 가 : a suffix makes 모두 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 물 : water
* 에 : a place suffix
* 잠기다 : sink; be submerged (under water); go down to (the bottom); be absorbed [engrossed, immersed] in; be intent [bent] on; be given to; be flooded
* 물에 잠기다 : be flooded
* 잠겼다 : past tense of 잠기다
(2) 그는 시인이며 소설가다 : He is a poet and novelist.
* 그 : he
* 는 : a suffix makes 그 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 시인 : poet
* -이며 : a short form of -이면서 means "while; as; over; during; with”
* 소설가 : novelist
* -다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix
(3) 제비꽃이며 튤립과 같은 꽃 : flowers, such as violets and tulips
* 제비 : (1) [=추첨] a lot; a lottery; a raffle; a lottery ticket (2) a swallow
* 꽃 : flowers
* 제비꽃 : violets
* -이며 : and
* 튤립 : tulips
* -과 같은 = 와 같은 : such as
(4) 책이며 연필이며 하는 것들을 샀다 : I bought books, pencils and the like.
* 책 : book
* 연필 : pencil
* -이며 : and
* -하는 것 = 이러한 것 = 과 같은 = -와 같은 : the like; such as
* 들 : a plural suffix
* 을 : a suffix makes 것들 objective after a word ends a consonant
* 사다 : buy
* 샀다 : past tense of 사다
2) -며 : a connection suffix or postposition, which attached to the root stem of a word ends a vowel, enumerates two or more things, and two or more action or state. -이며 should be attached to the root stem of a word ends a consonant. but this can be used as a short form of -면서
[remark] -이고 and -고 means "and"
(1) 앞을 보며 걷자 : Let's walk forward.
* 앞 : the front; the fore (part)
* 을 : a suffix makes 앞 objective after a word ends a consonant
* 보다 : look; see; watch
* -며 : a suffix means "while; as; over; during; with"
* 걷다 : walk
* -자 : let’s do simething
(2) 나는 개며 소며 돼지며 가축은 다 기른다 : I raise dogs, cows, pigs, and livestock.
* 나 : I (non-polite to other person)
* 는 : a suffix makes 나 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 개 : dog
* 소 : cow
* 돼지 : pig
* 가축 : livestock
* -며 : a connection postpostion means "and / or"
* 은 = 을 = 를 : a suffix makes 개며 소며 돼지며 가축 objective
* 다 : all
* 기르다 : raise
* 기른다 : present tense of 기르다
(3) 사과며 복숭아며 기타 여러 과일 : apples, peaches and many other fruits
* 사과 : apple
* 복숭아 : peach
* -며 : a connection suffix means "and / or"
* 기타 : and so on; etc
* 여러 : many other
* 과일 : fruit
(4) 그의 어머니는 얼굴도 고우며 품행도 얌전하다 : His mother is both good-looking and well-behaved
* 그 : he
* 의 : a suffix makes 그 possesive
* 그의 : his
* 어머니 : mother
* 는 : a suffix makes 그의 어머니 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 얼굴 : face
* 고운 : good-looking
* 곱다 : a verb form of 고운
* 고우며 : good-looking and
* -며 : a connection suffix means "and / or"
* 품행 : behaviour
* 도 : too
* 얌전한 : well-behaved
* 얌전하다 : a verb form of 얌전한
(5) 그는 정치가며 미술가다 : He is a political artist.
* 그 : he
* 는 : a suffix makes 그 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 정치가 : politician
* -며 : a short form of -이며(at the same time; while; as; over; during; with)
* 미술가 : artist
* -다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix
(6) 미소하며 / 미소를 지으며 : with a smile
* 미소 / 미소하다 : smile
* -며 : a short form of -이며(at the same time; while; as; over; during; with)
* 짓다 : make; build; write: compose; make a name
* 미소(를) 지으며 : with a smile
(7) 울며 말하다 : tell between sobs
* 울다 : cry; sob
* -며 : a short form of -이며(at the same time; while; as; over; during; with)
* 말하다 : tell: say; talk
(8) 한잔 하며 이야기하다 : talk over a bottle of wine
* 한 : one
* 잔 : a cup; a bottle of wine in this sentence
* 하다 : do
* 한잔 하다 : eat a bottle of wine
* -며 : a short form of -이며(at the same time; while; as; over; during; with)
* 이야기 : story
* 이야기하다 : tell; say; talk
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