1. -거라 / -아라 / -어라 : an imperative verb ending suffix means "Do!" or "You had better", attached to "가다” or verbs ends "-가다", to the younger or friendly
2. examples of -거라
1)) 학교에 빨리 가거라 : Go to school quickly.
* 학교 : school
* 에 = -(으)로 : to
* 빨리 : quickly
* 가다 : go
2) 그만 물러가거라 : Get out of here.
* 그만 : stop (as an imperative command)
* 물러나다 : step back, go back(ward), back off; draw back; retire, resign (from), step down
3. examples of -아라
1) -아라 is an imperative verb ending suffix, attached to a verb
(1) 보아라 : look
(2) 찾아라 : find
(3) 구석구석 찾아라 : look[search] everywhere
* 구석구석 : everywhere
2) -아라 shows onés exclamation and means "How!" or "What!", attached to an adjective
(1) 좋아라! : It’s good / I like it
* 좋다 : be good; I like it
* 좋은 : good
(2) 밝아라! = 정말 밝다 : It's really bright.
* 밝다 : be bright
* 밝은 : bright
* 정말 : very much
3) examples of -어라
1) -어라 is an imperative verb ending suffix, attached to a verb
(1) 거기 두어라 : put it there
* 거기 : there
* 두다 : put something
(2) 천천히 먹어라 : eat slowly
* 천천히 : slowly
* 먹다 : eat
(3) 힘껏 밀어라 : Push with all your might
* 힘 : power; might
* 힘껏 : with all one’s might
* 밀다 : push
(4) 도장을 찍어라 : Put your seal
* 도장 : seal
* 을 : a suffix makes 도장 objective
* 찍다 : stamp; seal; impress (a signature); imprint
2) -어라 shows onés exclamation and means "How!" or "What!", attached to an adjective
(1) 아이고 가엾어라 : What a pity!
* 아이고 : Oh, my
* 가여운 : poor, pitiful, pathetic, (formal) pitiable
* 가엾다 : a verb form of 가여운
- 가엾게 여기다 : feel sorry for
* 여기다 : feel; think
(2) 부모의 사랑은 가이 없어라 : How boundless the parental love is!
* 부모 : parent
* 의 : a suffix makes 부모 possesive
* 사랑 : love
* 은 : a suffix makes 부모의 사랑 subjective
* 가 of 가이 : edge; the end
* 가이 없는 = 끝이 없는 : endless
* 가이 없다 = 끝이 없다 : be endless m; be boudless
(3) 높고도 깊어라, 어머니의 사랑 : How High and deep, motherly love!
* 높은 : high
* 높다 : be high
* -고도 of 높고도 : and more
* 깊은 : deep
* 깊다 : be deep
* 어머니 : mother
* 의 : a suffix makes 어머니 possesive
* 사랑 : love
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