1. 는 : a postposition makes a noun or pronoun subjective in a sentence after a word ends vowel. but if a word ends a consonant, 은 should be used instead of 는.
(1) 그는 의사다 : He is a doctor.
* 그 : he
* 는 : a postposition suffix makes 그 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 의사 : a docter
* 다 = 이다 : be
(2) 학생은 열심히 공부해야 한다 : students should study hard
* 학생 : student
* 은 : a a postposition suffix makes 그 subjective after a word ends a consonant
* 열심히 : hard
* 공부하다 : study
* -해야 한다 : should; must; ought to
2. 는 : a word ending suffix, attached to the stem of a verb or adjectives like ‘있다’·‘없다’·‘계시다’ or ‘-시’(honourific suffix), indicates that an action or condition is currently in progress. that is to say, 는 makes a verb into the form of "a verb + ing".
(1) 가는 세월 : the passing years
* 가다 : go; pass in this sentence
* 가는 : passing
* 세월 : time; years in this sentence
(2) 글 읽는 소리 : the sound of reading
* 글 : sentence; book in this sentence
* 읽다 : read
* 읽는 : reading
* 소리 : sound
(3) 느티나무가 있는 풍경 : a zelkova landscape/scene
* 느티나무 : zelkova
* 가 : a suffix makes 느티나무 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 있다 : be; exist
* 있는 : being; existing
* 풍경 : landscape; scene
(4) 흐르는 물 : running[flowing] water / a running stream
* 흐르다 : flow; run
* 흐르는 : flowing; running
* 물 : water; stream in this sentence
(5) 오르는 물가 : rising prices
* 오르다 : rise
* 오르는 : rising
* 물가 : prices
(6) 신문을 읽고 있는 신사 : a gentleman who is reading a newspaper.
* 신문 : newspaper
* 을 : s suffix makes 신문 objective after a word ends a consonant
* 읽다 : read
* -고 있다 : this makes a verb into the form of "a verb + ing"
* 읽고 있는 : reading
* 신사 : a gentelman
3. 는 : In affirmative sentence, this makes a verb present tense. and it is attached to the stem of a verb that ends a consonant except ‘ㄹ’. that is to say, this indicate a sentence is present tense.
if a verb ends a vowel, ‘-ㄴ’ should be used instead of ‘는’.
(1) 밥을 먹는다 : someone is eating a meal
* 밥 : a meal
* 을 : a suffix makes 밥 objective after a word ends a consonant
* 먹다 : eat
* 먹는다 : be eating
(2) 책을 읽는다 : someone is reading a book
* 책 : book
* 을 : a suffix makes 책 objective after a word ends a consonant
* 읽다 : read
* 읽는다 : be reading
(3) 내 친구는 잔다 : my friend is sleeping
* 내 = 나의 : my
* 친구 : friendl
* 는 : a suffix makes 친구 subjective after a word ends a vowel
4. 는 : an auxilliary verb ending postposition suffix, attached to a word ends a vowel, means a designation of the word to point to or contrast it with another. this makes a word subjective or objective or adverb phrase. moreover this can be contracted into ‘-ㄴ’.
(1) 나는 여기 앉겠다 => 난 여기 앉겠다 : I’ll sit hear
* 나 : I (non-honourific word to other person)
* 는 : a suffix makes 나 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 여기 : here
* 앉다 : sit
* -겠- : have the mind of ...ing; will
* 앉겠다 : will sit
(2) 공부는 잘한다 => 공분 잘한다 : he is good at studying; he gets good grades
* 공부 : studying
* 는 : this emphasizes 공부
* 잘 : well
* 하다 : do
* 잘하다 : be good at ...ing
* 잘한다 : present tense of 잘하다
(3) 빨리는 안 가겠다 => 빨린 안 가겠다 : I won’t go fast
* 빨리 : fast; rapidly
* 안 : not
* 가다 : go
* -겠- : have the mind of ...ing; will
* 안 가겠다 : won’t go
(3) 좋기는 하나 너무 비싸다 => 좋긴 하나 너무 비싸다 : It's nice, but it's too expensive.
* 좋은 : good; nice
* 좋다 : be good; be nice
* 좋기 : a noun form of 좋다
* -는 하다 = -는 하지만 : ..., but ~
* 너무 : too much
* 비싸다 : be expensive
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