
Let’s learn about ‘-겠-‘ in Korean

1. ‘-겠-‘ is a suffix

2. 설명 및 용례(explanations and Usages)

1) [미래 시제] -겠 suffix makes a verb future tense, this is attached to the stem of a verb or ‘이다’.


(1) 곧 시제품을 보시게 되겠습니다 : You'll see the prototype soon.

* 곧 : soon

* 시제품 : prototype

* 보다 : see; look; watch

* 보시다 : a polite form of 보다 to other person

* 게 of 보시게 : Attaching the stem of a word, it becomes a goal (reason, criterion, condition) for the movement (state) that follows

* 되겠습니다 : 되다 + 겠 + -습니다

* 되다 : (1) become (2) can in this sentence

* 겠 : this makes 되다 future tense

* -습니다 : a descriptive polite verb ending suffix

2) [추측] -겠- suffix means the conjecture of a person, this is attached to the stem of a word or the stem of ‘이다’ or ‘-시-‘ suffix has the meaning of a politeness or ‘-았/었-‘ suffix indicates tense.


(1) 아주 재미있었겠다 : It must have been a lot of fun.


* 아주 : [=매우] a lot of; very much

* 재미있는 : fun

* 재미있다 : be fun

* 재미있었다 : past tense of present perfect of 재미있다

* 재미있었겠다 : 재미있었다 + 겠 + 다

* 겠 : this means It must have been

* -다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix to the younger or friendly

(2) 내일은 비가 많이 오겠다 : It will rain a lot tomorrow.

* 내일 : tomorrow

* 은 : a time suffix

* 비 : rain

* 가 : a suffix makes 비 the topic of the sentence

* 많이 : a lot of

* 오다 : (1) come (2) fall in this sentence

* 오겠다 : 오다 + 겠 + 다

* 겠 : this means It must have been

* -다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix to the younger or friendly

3) [의지 표현] -겠 indicates one’s will, attached to the stem of a verb or ‘-이다’


(1) 월말까지는 꼭 갚아 드리겠습니다 : I'll pay you back by the end of the month.

* 월 : month

* 말 : end

* 월말 : the end of the month

* 까지 : by; up to; until

* 꼭 = 반드시 : [=틀림없이] surely, certainly, without fail; [=기필코] at any cost, at all costs, no matter what (the cost)

- 반드시 참석하겠습니다 : I will be present without fail.

* 참석하다 : attend; be present

* 갚다 : pay back

* 아 of 갚아 : An auxiliary connection suffix between two verbs, this indicates the meaning of a general description.

* 주다 : give

* 드리다 : a polite form of 주다 to other person

* 드리겠습니다 : 드리다 + 겠 + 습니다

* 겠 : this makes 되다 future tense

* -습니다 : a descriptive polite verb ending suffix

4) [가능성] -겠 meansa possibility, attached to attached to the stem of a verb or ‘-이다’


(1) 네 힘으로 그 일을 할 수 있겠니? : Can you do it on your own?

* 네 : a short form of 너의(your)

* 힘 : (physical) strength, energy, power; force; brawn

* 으로 : (1) from (2) by; on in this sentence

* 네 힘으로 = 너의 힘으로 : on your own strength

* 그 : that; the in this sentence

* 일 : (1) work (2) [=것] a thing

* 을 : a suffix makes 그 일 objective

* 하다 : do

* 할 : 하다 + ㄹ(Without the concept of tenses, this indicating that it is a general fact)

* 수 : a way; a means

* 있다 : (1) be (2) can in this sentence

* 있겠니 : 있다 + 겠 + 니

* 겠 : this means a possibility

* 니 : a questioning verb ending suffix to the younger or friendly. this doesn’t has the meaning of a politeness

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