
Let’s learn about "이바지”

1. 이바지 means "contribution; supplying".

- 이바지하다 : (1) [=공헌하다] contribute ; make a contribution ; render services to; conduce to; make for; do much for[toward] (2) [=공급하다] provide; furnish; supply (3) [=물건을 고루 갖추어 바라지함] in all sorts of stock, furnish with food or clothing or to take care of all kinds of things.

* 물건[物件] : (1) [=물체] a thing; an object; [=물품] an article; goods; [=재료] material; stuff; [=재고품] stock; [=소유물] a possession (2) [=품질] quality; =[품종] a brand; a line

* 을 : a suffix makes 물건 objective

* 고루 = 골고루 : equally; evenly; fairly; impartially; indiscriminately

* 고루[固陋] : [=구식임] conservatism; fogyism; [=옹졸] narrow-mindedness; bigotry; [=완고] perversity; obstinacy; stubbornness

- 고루한 : bigoted; narrow-minded; stubborn; obstinate; extremely conservative

- 고루하다 : a verb form of 고루한

* 고루[高樓] : a lofty[high / tall] building

- 고루 거각[高樓 巨閣] : a lofty and stately building

* 갖추다 : (1) [=고루 준비하다] be[get] ready; be prepared; have (2) [=제대로 완비되다] equip; furnish; complete; assort (3) [=크기·상태 등이 어울리다] be matched[even] (4) [=재능·성질·능력 등을 지니다] possess; be blessed ; be endowed

* 갖춘 : past tense or present perfect form of 갖추다

* -어 of 갖추어 : a connection suffix between two verbs means "and then"

* 바라지(하다) : furnish with food or clothing or to take care of all kinds of things

* 바라지함 : a noun form of 바라지하다

[Additional word study]

* 뒷바라지 : [Pronunciation: 뒤빠라지 or 뒫빠라지] looking after; giving aids; a help; taking care of; care <— 뒤(after; behind) + ㅅ(a consonant for easy pronunciation) + 바라지(take care of)

* 뒷바라지하다 : look after; help (out); take care of; care for; provide for

- 그 여자는 애들의 뒷바라지에 바쁘다 : She is busy with the care of her children

- 환자를 뒷바라지하다 : attend[wait on] a patient

- 아들의 살림을 뒷바라지하다 : provide one's son with daily necessaries / help one's son's family out

- 내가 그 아이를 뒷바라지하게 되었다 : The baby came into my care. / The baby was left in my care. 

2. 용례(Usage)

1) 공헌하다(contribute)

(1) 산업 발전에 이바지한 공로 : a contribution to the development of industry.

* 산업 : industry

* 발전 : development

* 에 : to

* 이바지하다 : [=공헌하다] contribute

* 이바지한 : an attributive form of 이바지하다

* 공로 : service(s), contribution, credit, (formal) meritorious deed

(2) 증기 기관의 발명은 산업 발달에 이바지한 바 컸다 : The invention of the steam engine contributed greatly to the development of industry.

* 증기 : steam

* 기관 : (1) engine (2) [=조직] organization, institution, agency, (formal) organ

* 의 : a suffix makes 증기 기관 possesive

* 발명 : invention

* 은 : a suffix makes 증기 기관의 발명 subjective after a word ends a consonant

* 산업 : industry

* 발전 : development

* 에 : to

* 이바지하다 : [=공헌하다] contribute

* 이바지한 : an attributive form of 이바지하다

* 바 = 것 : a thing

* 큰 : big; large

* 크다 : be big; be large

(3) 그는 한국 학계에 크게 이바지했다 : He rendered great services in the academic world of Korea.

* 그 : he

* 는 : a suffix makes 그 subjective after a word ends a vowel

* 한국 : Korea

* 학계 : academy word

* 에 : a place suffix like "in/at/on"

* 큰 : big

* 크게 : greatly

* 이바지하다 : [=공헌하다] contribute

* 이바지했다 : past tense of 이바지하다

(4 국제 연합은 세계 평화에 크게 이바지하고 있다 : The United Nations has been doing a great deal for world peace.

* 국제 : international

* 연합 : union

* 국제 연합 : The United Nations

* 은 : a suffix makes 국제 연합 subjective after a word ends a consonant

* 세계 : world

* 평화 : peace

* 에 : to

* 이바지하다 : [=공헌하다] contribute

* -고 of 이바지하고 : a connction suffix between two verbs means "and then"

* 있다 : (1) be; exist (2) this makes before-verb present progressive as the form of "-고 있다"

2) 공급하다(supply; serve)

(1) 형님에게 음식을 이바지하다 : serve one's brother with food

* 형님 : elder brother

* 에게 : to; toward

* 음식 : food

* 을 : a suffix makes 음식 objective

* 이바지하다 : supply; serve

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