
Let’s learn about "나" in Korean

1. 나 : [Pronoun] I, first person pronoun used to designate one's self. this is used to the younger or friendly without honourific nuance

▣ 내가 : 나(this changed to 내) + 가(a suffix makes 내 subjective

▣ 저 : [Pronoun] I, first person pronoun used to designate one's self. this is used to other person with honourific nuance

▣ 너 : [Pronoun] you, sexond person pronoun usee to designate other person. this is used to other person without honourific nuance

1) 속담/관용구(Proverb/Idiom)

(1) 나 먹자니 싫고, 개 주자니 아깝다 = 내가 먹자니 싫고, 개에게 주자니 아깝다 : A word that refers to a stinginess that is useless to him but does not want to give others.

* 나 = 내 : I

* 가 : a suffix makes 내 subjective

* 먹다 : eat

* -자 of 먹자니 : aconnecting suffix that indicates what one want to do.

* -니 of 먹자니 : A dependent connection suffix used after a vowel ending in a vowel, usually used in the form of a '-니 ~ -니', indicating that one does this or that.

* 싫다 : don’t want to

* 개 : dog

* 에게 : to

* 주다 : give

* 아깝다 : (1) [=소중하다] be precious; be dear; be valuable; be worthy; be ill-spared (2) [=아쉽다] be wasteful; be too good ; be worthy of a better cause

* 아까운 : ab adjective form of 아깝다

* 아까워하다 : value / set[put] much[a high] value on[upon] / make much of.

(2) 나 못 먹을 밥에는 재나 넣지 = 내가 못 먹을 밥이라면 재나 넣자 : a word which is very grumpy

* 나 = 내 : I

* 가 : a suffix makes 내 subjective

* 못 : not

* 먹다 : eat

* 을 of 먹을 : a suffix makes 먹다 future tense

* 밥 : meal

* 에 : a place suffix

* 는 : a suffix makes 밥에 the topic of the sentence and emphasizes 밥에

* 재 : ashes

* 나 : an auxilliary suffix indicates the meaning of choice

* 넣다 : put in

* -자 : let’s do

(3) 나 부를 노래를 사돈집에서 부른다 = 내가 할 말을 사돈이 한다 : My in-laws say what I want to say first.

* 나 = 내 : I

* 가 : a suffix makes 내 subjective

* 부르다 : (1) call (2) sing a song

* 를 of 부를 :  a suffix makes 부르다 future tense

* 노래 : a song

* 를 : a suffix makes 노래 objective

* 사돈 : a relative [relation] by marriage; a matrimonial relation; an inlaw

* 사돈집 : the family related by one's son's[daughter's] marriage

* 사돈댁 : (1) [=사돈의 아내] the wife of an in-laws (2) [=사돈집] the family related by one's son's[daughter's] marriage

* 에서 : a place suffix

* 부르다 : (1) call (2) sing a song

* 부른다 : present tense of 부르다

* 하다 : 

* 할 : future tense of 하다

* 말 : word

* 을 : a suffix makes 말 objective

* 이 : a suffix makes 사돈 subjective

* 하다 : (1) do (2) say in this sentence

* 한다 : present tense of 하다

2. 나 : [Noun] (1) an individual to an organization(단체에 대한 개인) (2) private about the public(공(公)에 대한] 사(私))

【예(ex) 】 (1) 대의를 위하여 나를 버려라 = 대의를 위하여 너 자신을 버려라 : Abandon yourself for a great cause.

* 대의 : greate cause

* 를 : a suffix makes 대의 objective after a word ends a vowel

* 위하여 = 위해 : for; for the sake[good, benefit] of; in the interest of

* 나 : I; me

* 너 : you

* 자신 : self

* 너 자신 : yourself

* 버리다 : abandon

* -어라 : an imperative verb ending suffix to the younger or friendly without honorific nuanace

3. 나 : ego(자아)

4. 나 : suffix used in old ages instead of -거나(or)

5. 나 : a short form of 나이(age)

6. 나 : a word ending suffix attached to the stem of a word or ‘-시-‘ means honourific nuance.

1) 나 connects the front and back words in a confrontational manner.

【예(ex)】 덩치는 크나 힘은 없다 : He is Big but powerless

* 덩치 : body

* 는 : a suffix makes 덩치 subjective after a word ends a vowel

* 큰 : big

* 크다 : be big

* -나 of 크나 : but

* 힘 : power

* 는 : a suffix makes 힘 objective after a word ends a consonant

* 없다 : is not; don’t have

2) 나 means 언제든지/항상(always) as a form of ‘-나 -나’.

【예(ex)】 자나 깨나 불조심 : Watch out for fire, sleep or wake.

* 자다 : sleep

* 깨다 : wake

* -나 -나 : always

* 불 : fire

* 조심 : attention

* 조심하다 : watch out

3) 나 emphasizes the front verb as a form of ‘-나 -ㄴ(은)’ by overlapping the stem to exaggerate the sentence. this is a short form of ‘-으나’

【예(ex)】 기나 긴 세월 : a long and long time

* 긴 : long, lengthy

* 길다 : be long; be lengthy

* -나 -ㄴ : this emphasizes 긴 <— 긴 + 나 + 긴

* 세월 : time

7. 나 : [의문] a questioning verb ending suffix to the younger or friendly without honourific nuance, attached to the stem of a verb or ‘-시-‘(polite suffix) or ‘-았/었-‘(a suffix makes a verb past tense) or ‘-겠-‘(conjecture suffix)

【예(ex)】 (1) 어디로 가나? : Where are you going? / Where are we going

* 어디 : where

* 로 : to; toward

* 가다 : go

* -나 : a questioning verb ending suffix

(2) 자고 있었나? : Were you sleeping?

* 자다 : sleep

* -고 : a connection verb ending suffix between two verb means "and"

* 있다 : be; exist

* 있었다 : past tense of 있다

* -고 있다 : this makes the front verb into "be verb + -ing"

8. 나 : a postposition attached to the stem of a word

1) 나 : an auxilliary postposition indicate the meaning of choice. that is to say, this means "‥ or ‥; ‥ and ‥; either or ; neither nor"

【예(ex)】 공부나 하자 : Anyway Let’s study!

* 공부(하다) : study

* 하다 : do

* -나 하자 : Anyway let’s do something!

2) 나 : an auxilliary postposition means "nothing matters"

【예(ex) 】 밥이 없으면 국수나 삶아 주시오 : Please give me a noodle if you have not a meal.

* 밥 : a meal

* 이 : a suffix makes 밥 subjective

* 없다 : be not; these is not

* -으면 : if

* 국수 : noodle

* -나 : this means nothing matters

* 주다 : give

* 주시오 : give me something with a little honorific attitude <— 주다 + 시(a honourific suffix) + 오(a suffix means please)

3) 나 : an auxilliary postposition indicate the meaning of some condition. sometimes it means "only".

【예(ex)】 어린애나 탈 수 있는 그네 = 어린애만이 탈 수 있는 그네 : a swing that only a child can ride.

* 어린 : young

* 애 = 아이 : a child; a baby

* 어린애 : a baby; a child

* -나 = -만 : only

* 이 of 어린애만이 : a suffix makes 어린애만 subjective

* 타다 : ride

* ㄹ of 탈 : It plays a role of making a future tense or modifying the next word while having the hidden meaning of conjecture, schedule, will, and possibility

* 수 : a way; a means

* 있다 : (1) be; exist (2) can

* -ㄹ 수 있다 : can; be capable of

* -는 of 있는 :a suffix makes a verb an attributive adjective

* 그네 : a swing

9. 나 : an auxilliary suffix represents a guess or a conjecture.

【예(ex)】 글쎄, 서너 마리나 잡았을까? : Well, I think we got three or four (fishes)

* 글쎄 : well

* 서너 : three or four

* 마리 : a unit to count the number of small animals like birds or fishes

* 나 : a suffix represent a guess

* 잡다 : capture; snatch; got

* 잡았다 : past tense of 잡다

* -을까? : a questioning means "I wonder; I am afraid; I fear; whether it is to be [do]; will it be ?; will it do ?; shall we do ?”

10. an auxilliary suffix indicates "많지는 않으나 좀 있음"(one has not much, but a little)

【예(ex)】 논마지기나 부친다고 되게 으스댄다 : He's so proud of himself for making some rice paddies.

* 논 : rice paddies

* 마지기 : a Korean measure of farmland, equal to 0.12 - 0.16 acre or 5 - 6 ares; a patch of field requiring one mal of seed

- 논 한 마지기 : a patch of rice paddy

* -나 : a suffix represent one has not much, but a little

* 부치다 : (1) [=보내다] send; mail; post; remit; forward (2) till; plow; cultivate; farm; work a farm (3) [=음식을 지지다] griddle; fry; cook[bake] in a greased pan[on a griddle]

- 달걀을 부치다 = 계란을 후라이하다 : fry an egg

- 빈대떡을 부치다 : cook lentil[green gram] pancake

* 부친다 : present tense of 부치다

* -고 : a verb ending suffix means "and"

* 으시대는 : proud of oneself

* 으시대다 : be proud of oneself

* 으시댄다 : present tense of 으시대다

11. 나 : a short form of "-나마"

* -나마 : (1) [=…라도] though; however; but anyway; if only; [=…마저] even

【예(ex)】 변변찮은 자리나 푹 주무시오 : Have a good night's sleep even though the bed room is unfitting for you

* 변변찮다 : (1) (be) unattractive (2) (be) unlikely; unbecoming; unfitting; ungainly; uncouth; stupid (3) (be) trifling; small

* 변변찮은 : an adjective form of 변변찮다

* 자리 : (1) [=의자] seat; chair (2) position (3) bed room

* -나 = -나마 : even though

* 푹 : fully; enough

* 자다 : sleep

* 주무시다 : an honourific word of 자다 to other person

* -오 : a liitle polite verb ending suffix to everyone

12. 나 : an exclamation postposition represent a feeling strikes one's heart.

【예(ex)】 떡을 다섯 개나 먹었다 : I ate five pieces of rice cake.

* 떡 : rice cake

* 을 : a suffix makes 떡 objective after a word ends a consonant

* 다섯 : five

* 개 : a unit to count small things

* -나 : a suffix means "as much as this"

* 먹다 : eat

* 먹었다 : ate

13. -나 = -이나 : a declarative descriptive postposition means that the foreword is not tied to the backword.

【예(ex)】 명의는 상무나 이름뿐인 상무입니다 : I'm a managing director, but only by name.

* 명의[名義] : (1) [=이름] name (2) one’s moral duty

- 명의상의 : nominal / titular

- 명의상으로는 : nominally / in name / titularly

-  …의 명의로 : in[under] the name of

* 명의[[名醫] : a noted doctor [physician, specialist]; an excellent physician; a Hippocrates

* 는 : a suffix makes 명의 subjective

* 상무 : a managing director

* -나 = -이나 : even though

* 이름 : name

* 뿐 : only

* -인 of 이름뿐인 : by

* 이다 : be

* -입니다 : an honourific word of 이다 to other person

14. 나(羅) : a piece of cloth woven from silk, soft, and thin


1) 나다 : spring up; break out, happen, occur; teethe, grow teeth (about an infant or child); come out, be exposed

2) 난다 : present tense of 날다(fly)

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