
Let’s learn about "인사/안부 - 연락 당부" from Naver Portal

1. 인사/안부 - 인사 당부 : 

* 인사[人事] (1) greetings; salutation; a bow; a kowtow; a salutation; thanks; gratitude; acknowledgment; manners; etiquette; courtesy (2) human affairs; what men can do (3) personal affairs; personnel

- 아침[작별] 인사를 하다 : say good morning [goodby(e)]

- 인사하다 : make a bow ; kowtow; bow ; bow [incline] one's head; make[do] one's manners

- 어른에게 인사하다 : make a bow to one's elder

* 안부[安否] : [=무사여부] safety; [=지내는 형편] welfare; health; well- being; news; tidings; a letter [=문안] an inquiry; [=문안 인사] regards; wishes

- 안부를 묻다 : inquire[ask] after a person[a person's health]

* 당부[當付] : a request; an entreaty

- 이 말씀을 전하라는 당부를 받고 왔습니다 : I was told to see and tell you this

• 당부하다 : ask[request / solicit / tell / beg / bid] to do ; make a request 

- 당부받다 : be told to 

- 뒷일을 당부하다 : ask to take care of future affairs

- 신신 당부하다 : request earnestly / make an earnest request

- 한 가지 당부 할 일이 있네 I have a favor to ask of you. 

* 부탁[付託] : (1) [=당부] a request; a favor; [=간청] a solicitation (2) [=맡김] charge; trust; entrusting; committal; commitment

• 부탁하다 : ask; beg; request; make a request; ask a favor ; [=간청하다] beseech; entreat; implore; solicit

2. See the original : https://phrase.dict.naver.com/detail.nhn?bigCategoryNo=2&middleCategoryNo=21&smallCategoryNo=151&targetLanguage=en

3. See the related my lesson : 

1) 감사 인사 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2019/11/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_46.html

2) 타인의 안부 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/01/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_2.html

3) 식사 제의 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/01/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_20.html

4) 인사/안부 - 작별 인사 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/04/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_8.html

4. Dialogue about "인사/안부 - 인사 당부".

<A person> 계속 연락해요 / 계속 연락하죠 : Let's keep in touch.

* 계속[繼續] : continuation; continuance; renewal

* 계속적(인) : continuous / continual / uninterrupted

* 계속(적)으로 / 계속해서 : [=끊임없이] continuously / [=짧은 간격을 두고 연속적으로] continually / uninterruptedly / [=연이어·잇달아] one after another.

* 계속 : sometimes. this is used instead of 계속해서

* 연락[連絡] : connection; [=접촉] contact; [=연계] liaison; [=통신] communication; relation

- 연락하다 : [=접촉하다] contact; make contact ; connect ; get in touch ; [=통신하다] communicate

* ~해요 / ~하죠 /~합시다 / ~할래요 / ~하십시다 : Let’s do something

<B person> 네, 제가 곧 다시 연락 드릴게요 / 예, 제가 곡 다시 연락 드리겠습니다 : Yes, I'll contact you soon.

* 네 / 예 : yes

* 제 : a short form of 저의(my; polite word to other)

* 내 : a short form of 나의(my; non-polite word to other)

* 곧 : soon

* 다시 : again

* 연락하다 : contact (non-polite to other)

* 연락 드리다 : contact (polite to other)

* ~ㄹ게요 / ~겠습니다 : I’ll do something

5. Sentences about "인사/안부 - 인사 당부".

* ~줘요 / ~주세요 / ~주십시오 : please

1) 이메일로 연락 주세요 : Send me an e-mail.

* 이메일 / 이멜 : e-mail

2) 페이스북으로 연락 주세요 : Facebook me.

* 페이스북 : facebook

3) 도착하는 대로 전화해 주세요 : Please call me when you arrive

* 도착[到着] : arrival

* 도착하다 : arrive at[in / on]; [=도달하다] reach; get to; come to hand

* ~ㄴ 대로 : as soon as; directly; immediately after

- 도착하는 대로 : as soon as one arrives / immediately on one's arrival / on[upon] arrival

* 전화[電話] : a telephone; a phone

* 전화하다 / 전화 걸다 : call someone by a phone

* 전화를 끊다 : ring off / hang up

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