1. 숙면[熟眠] : [Pronuciation : 숭면] a sound [heavy, deep] sleep
1) 숙[熟 ] : well done; cooked (as opposed to raw); prepared; processed [2] ripe (fruit); [v] ripen [3] very familiar with; well versed; experienced; conversant [4] careful or painstaking survey, study, inspection, etc. [5] deep or sound (sleep)
2) 면[眠] : sleep
1) 숙면하다 : sleep well[soundly / heavily]; have a good sleep; fall[sink] into a deep sleep; sleep like a top[log]
2) 그는 숙면하고 있다 : He is fast[sound] asleep
* -하고 있다 : a word makes a verb present progressive
3) 나는 숙면할 수 없다 : I am a bad[light] sleeper
*-ㄹ 수없다 : can’t do; be not able to do
4) 숙면을 취하다 : be sleeping well
* 취하다 : take; do in this sentence
2. 숙면[熟面] : [Pronuciation : 숭면] [=관면(慣面: 여러 번 보아 잘 아는 얼굴•낯익은 사람] ; a familiar face; a familiar person
* 여러 번 : so many times
* 보다 : see; look; watch
* 본 : past tense of 보다
* 잘 : well
* 알다 : know
* 아는 : 알다 + 는(a suffix makes 알다 present progressive
* 얼굴 : (1) face (2) a person in this sentence
* 낯익은 : familiar
* 낯익다 : a verb form of 낯익은
1) 숙[熟 ] : well done; cooked (as opposed to raw); prepared; processed [2] ripe (fruit); [v] ripen [3] very familiar with; well versed; experienced; conversant [4] careful or painstaking survey, study, inspection, etc. [5] deep or sound (sleep)
2) 면[面] : (1) face (2) a person
3. 생면[生面] : an unfamilar face; an familiar person
1) 생[生] : (1) raw (2) unfamiliar
2) 면[面] : (1) face (2) a person
3) 그는 생면 부지의 사람입니다 = 그는 전혀 모르는 사람입니다 :
* 부지 : I don’t know <— 부(not) + 지(know)
* 생면 부지의 사람 = 얼굴을 본 적이 없는 사람 : a person who has never seen a face
* 사람 : a person; human being
* 보다 : see; look; watch
* 본 : past tense of 보다
* 적 : [=때] time [=경험] experience
* 전혀 : never
* 모르다 : don’t know
* 모르는 : present progressive form of 모르다
4. 수면[睡眠] : sleep; slumber
1) 수[睡] : sleep; rest with eyes closed
2) 면[眠] : sleep
3) 수면을 제대로 취하다 : sleep regular hours
* 제대로 : properly, right; suitably; completely
* 취하다 : take; have
4) 수면을 방해하다 : disturb[interrupt] one's sleep[slumber]
* 방해하다 : disturb; interrupt
5) 충분한 수면을 취하다 : take[have / enjoy] a good sleep / get enough[sufficient] sleep
* 충분한 : enough; suffixient
* 취하다 : take; have
5. 수면[水面] : the surface of the water
1) 수[水] : water
2) 면[面] : (1) face (2) a person (3) surface
3) 수면에 뜨다 : float on the surface (of the water)
* 뜨다 : float
4) 수면에서 공중으로 뛰어 오르다 : leap clear of the water
* 공중 : (1) public (2) air; sky
* 공중으로 : to the air
* 뛰다 : (1) run (2) leap
* 오르다 : (1) climb (2) ascend
* 뛰어 오르다 : leap
5) 잠수함이 수면에 떠올랐다 The submarine surfaced.
* 잠수함 : submarine
* 떠오르다 : (1) come to mind; strike, occur to (2) rise (up), come up; float; emerge
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