
Let’s learn about "수고" from Naver Portal

1. 수고 : toil; labor; pains; an effort; efforts; trouble; good offices; service

* 수고하다 : work [labor] hard; take pains; suffer troubles

2. See the original: https://phrase.dict.naver.com/detail.nhn?bigCategoryNo=2&middleCategoryNo=24&smallCategoryNo=160&targetLanguage=en

3. 대화(Dialogue)

<A person> 수고 많으셨어요 : Thank you for everything.

[other expressions]

- 수고(가) 많았네요. (to the younger or friendly)

- 수고(가) 많았군요. (to the younger or friendly)

- 수고(가) 많았구나. (to the younger or friendly)

- 수고(가) 많았어요. (to anybody except the very elder)

- 수고(가) 많았습니다. (formal; to anybody)

- 수고(가) 많으셨네요. (to anybody; more honourific)

- 수고(가) 많으셨군요. (to anybody; more honourific)

- 수고(가) 많으셨어요. (to anybody; more honourific)

- 수고(가) 많으셨습니다. (formal; to anybody; more honourific)


* 수고 : toil; labor; pains; an effort; efforts; trouble; good offices; service

* 헛수고 : wasted effort / a complete[sheer] waste of effort

- 헛 : empty

* 수고가 들다 : take[require](much) trouble[labor] / be troublesome

- 가 : a suffix makes 수고 subjective after a word ends a vowel

- 들다 : take; cost; be needed; be required; be spent

* 수고를 끼치다 : give trouble / put to trouble

- 를 : a suffix makes 수고 objective after a word ends a vowel

- 끼치다 : cause; make; render

* 수고를 아끼다 : be sparing of oneself / be stingy of labor / spare on pains[efforts / trouble] to / do not spare oneself

- 를 : a suffix makes 수고 objective after a word ends a vowel

- 아끼다 : (1) 소중히 여기다] prize; value; set great value on; esteem (highly); think[make] much of; hold dear (2) [=함부로 쓰지 않다] spare; economize; be frugal ; [=내놓기 싫어하다] grudge; be stingy; be stint.

* 수고를 끼쳐서 미안합니다 I am sorry to have put you to so much trouble[given you such trouble]

- 를 : a suffix makes 수고 objective after a word ends a vowel

- 끼치다 : cause; make; render

- 끼쳐서 : 끼치다 + -여서(because of)

- 미안하다 : be sorry for

* 를 : a suffix makes 수고 objective after a word ends a vowel

* 많은 : many; much

* 많다 : a verb form of 많은

* 많았다 : past tense of 많다

* 많으시다 : an honourific form of 많다 to other person

* 많으셨다 : an honourific form of 많았다 to other person

* a verb + -구나 : an exclamation verb ending suffix

* a verb + -네요 / -군요 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-요’. this has a nuance of exclamation

* a verb + -어요 / -아요 / -여요 / -워요 / -ㅂ니다 / -십니다 / -습니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ’ / ‘-십’ / ‘-습’

<B person> 천만에요. 수고랄 게 뭐 있나요 : You're welcome. It's nothing.

[other expressions]

- 천만에요. (to anybody)

- 천만이십니다. (formal; to anybody)

- 수고랄 게 뭐 있나요. (to anybody)

- 수고랄 게 뭐 있어요. (to anybody)

- 수고랄 게 뭐 있는가요. (to anybody)

- 수고랄 게 뭐 있는지요. (to anybody)

- 수고랄 게 뭐 있습니까. (formal; to anybody)

- 수고랄 것이 뭐 있나요. (to anybody)

- 수고랄 것이 뭐 있어요. (to anybody)

- 수고랄 것이 뭐 있는가요. (to anybody)

- 수고랄 것이 뭐 있는지요. (to anybody)

- 수고랄 것이 뭐 있습니까. (formal; to anybody)

- 수고랄 게 없네요. (to the younger or friendly)

- 수고랄 게 없어요. (to anybody)

- 수고랄 게 없습니다. (formal; to anybody)

- 수고랄 것이 없네요. (to the younger or friendly)

- 수고랄 것이 없어요. to anybody)

- 수고랄 것이 없습니다. (formal; to anybody)

- 수고랄 것도 없네요. (to the younger or friendly)

- 수고랄 것도 없어요. (to anybody)

- 수고랄 것도 없습니다. (formal; to anybody)


* 천만[喘萬] : difficulty in breathing; panting; hectic palpitation

* 천만[千萬] : [=1천만] ten million; [=무수] a countless number; a myriad; [=매우] exceedingly; extremely; very much

* -에요 of 천만에요 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-요’

* 수고 : toil; labor; pains; an effort; efforts; trouble; good offices; service

* 수고랄 : a short form of 수고이라고 할

* -이라 : (1) [=-이라고] : it is and so; quote (2) because (of); owing to

* 할 : 하다(do; say in this sentence) + ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense)

* -랄 of 수고랄 : called; quoted

* 게 : a short form of 것이 <— 것(a thing; a stuff) + 이(a suffix makes 것 subjective after a word ends a consonant)

* 수고라고 할 만한 것이 없다 = 수고라고 할 게 없다 = 수고랄 게 없다 : There is nothing to be called trouble

* 뭐 : a short form of 무엇(what)

* 있다 : be; exist

* a verb + -나요 / -어요 / -는가요 / -는지요 / -습니까 : an honourific questioning verb ending suffix by ‘-요’ / ‘-습’. this makes a sentence that asks back

* a verb + -네요 / -군요 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-요’. this has a nuance of exclamation

* a verb + -어요 / -아요 / -여요 / -워요 / -ㅂ니다 / -십니다 / -습니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ’ / ‘-십’ / ‘-습’

4. 문장(Sentences)

1) 도움을 드릴 수 있어서 기쁩니다 : I'm happy I could help.

[other expressions]

- 도움을 줄 수 있어(서) 기쁘네요. (to the younger or friendly)

- 도움을 줄 수 있어(서) 기쁘군요. (to the younger or friendly)

- 도움을 줄 수 있어(서) 기쁘구나. (to the younger or friendly)

- 도움을 줄 수 있어(서) 기쁘요. (to anybody except the very elder)

- 도움을 줄 수 있어(서) 기쁩니다. (formal; to anybody)

- 도움을 드릴 수 있어(서) 기쁘네요. (to anybody; more honourific)

- 도움을 드릴 수 있어(서) 기쁘군요. (to anybody; more honourific)

- 도움을 드릴 수 있어(서) 기쁘요. (to anybody; more honourific)

- 도움을 드릴 수 있어(서) 기쁩니다. (formal; to anybody; more honourific)


* 돕다 : help

* 도움 : a noun form of 돕다 (움: a suffix makes a verb a noun)

* 을 : a suffix makes 도움 objective after a word ends a consonant

* 주다 : give

* 도움을 주다 = 돕다 : help

* 드리다 : an honourific form of 주다 to other person

* 도움을 드리다 : an honourific form of 도움을 주다 to other person

* ㄹ of 드릴 : a suffix makes 드리다 future tense

* 수 : a way; a means

* 있다 : be; exist; have

* -ㄹ 수 있다 : have a way to do; can do; be able to do

* 있어 = 있어서 : 있다 + -어/어서(because of; owing to)

* 기쁜 : pleasant; happy

* 기쁘다 : a verb form of 기쁜

* a verb + -구나 : an exclamation verb ending suffix

* a verb + -네요 / -군요 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-요’. this has a nuance of exclamation

* a verb + -어요 / -아요 / -여요 / -워요 / -ㅂ니다 / -십니다 / -습니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ’ / ‘-십’ / ‘-습’

2) 제가 좋아서 한 거예요 : It was my pleasure.

[other expressions]

- 내가 좋아서 한 거다. (to the younger or friends)

- 내가 좋아서 한 건데... (to the younger or friends)

- 내가 좋아서 한 거야. (to the younger or friends)

- 내가 좋아서 한 거네. (to the younger or friends)

- 내가 좋아서 한 거네요. (to the younger or friends)

- 제가 좋아서 한 거예요. (to anybody)

- 제가 좋아서 한 겁니다. (formal; to anybody)

- 내가 좋아서 한 것이다. (to the younger or friends)

- 내가 좋아서 한 것인데. (to the younger or friends)

- 내가 좋아서 한 것이야. (to the younger or friends)

- 내가 좋아서 한 것이네. (to the younger or friends)

- 내가 좋아서 한 것이네요. (to the younger or friends)

- 제가 좋아서 한 것이에요. (to anybody)

- 제가 좋아서 한 것입니다. (formal; to anybody)


* 내 : I (non-honourific form to other person)

* 제 : I (honourific form to other person)

* 가 : a suffix makes 내 / 제 subjective after a word ends a vowel

* 좋다 : like

* -아 / -아서 : because (of); owing to

* 하다 : do

* ㄴ of 한 : a suffix makes 하다 past tense

* 거 : this is used instead of 것(a thing; a stuff) for easy pronunciation

* 건데 : a short form of 것인데

* -이다 / -다 : be

* -인데 : a descriptive verb ending suffix indicates a little hesitation during speaking

* -야 / -이야 : a descriptive verb ending suffix indicates a a positive and conclusive attitude of speaking

* a noun + -예요 : another form of 이다 after a word ends a vowel

* a noun + -이에요 : another form of 이다 after a word ends a consonant

* a verb + -다 / -이다 / -ㄴ데 / -야 / -이야 / -네 / -이네 : other forms of 이다(be)

* a verb + -네요 / -군요 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-요’. this has a nuance of exclamation

* a verb + -어요 / -아요 / -여요 / -워요 / -ㅂ니다 / -십니다 / -습니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ’ / ‘-십’ / ‘-습’ 

3) 과찬이세요 : You're too kind.

[other expressions]

- 과찬이네요. (to the younger or friends)

- 과찬이군요. (to the younger or friends)

- 과찬이에요. (to anybody)

- 과찬입니다. (formal; to anybody)

- 과찬이시네요. (to anybody; more honourific)

- 과찬이시군요. (to anybody; more honourific)

- 과찬이세요. (to anybody; more honourific)

- 과찬이십니다. (formal; to anybody; more honourific)


* 과찬[過讚] : overpraise; an undeserved praise; excessive compliment

* 과찬하다 : overpraise; praise[compliment] excessively. 

* -이다 : be

* -이시다 : an honourific form of 이다 to other person

* -이세요 : 이시다 + -어요

* a noun + -예요 : another form of 이다 after a word ends a vowel

* a noun + -이에요 : another form of 이다 after a word ends a consonant

* a verb + -네요 / -군요 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-요’. this has a nuance of exclamation

* a verb + -어요 / -아요 / -여요 / -워요 / -ㅂ니다 / -십니다 / -습니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ’ / ‘-십’ / ‘-습’

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