
그리움만 쌓이네(Only longing grows) - 노영심

그리움만 쌓이네(Only Longing Grows)  - 여진





다정했던 사람이여 나를 잊었나

벌써 나를 잊어 버렸나

그리움만 남겨놓고 나를 잊었나

벌써 나를 잊어버렸나

그대 지금 그 누구를 사랑하는가

굳은 약속 변해버렸나

예전에는 우린 서로 사랑했는데

이젠 맘이 변해버렸나

아 이별이 그리 쉬운가

세월 가버렸다고

이젠 나를 잊고서

멀리 멀리 떠나가는가

오 나는 몰랐네

그대 마음 변할 줄

난 정말 몰랐었네

오 난 너 하나만을 믿고 살았네

그대만을 믿었네

오 네가 보고파서 나는 어쩌나

그리움만 쌓이네

아 이별이 그리 쉬운가

세월 가버렸다고

이젠 나를 잊고서

멀리 멀리 떠나가는가

오 나는 몰랐네

그대 마음 변할 줄

난 정말 몰랐었네

오 난 너 하나만을 믿고 살았네

그대만을 믿었네

오 네가 보고파서 나는 어쩌나

그리움만 쌓이네

그리움만 쌓이네

[English Translation]

My affectionate love, did you forget me?

Have you already forgotten about me?

Did you forget about me, only leaving behind longing?

Have you already forgotten about me?

Who are you in love with now?

Has our promise changed?

Before, we were in love

Did you heart change now?

What do I do? I miss you

Only longing grows

Is breaking up that easy?

After time has passed

Did you forget me

And go far far away?

I didn’t know

That your heart would change

I really didn’t know

I only believed in you

I believed in you

What do I do? I miss you

Only longing grows

Only longing grows


* 다정 : [多情] affection <-- 다(be a lot; be many; be much; all) + 정(heart; feeling)

* 정 : [情] (1) 〔=감정·마음〕 feeling(s); 〔=세련된 심정〕 sentiment; 〔=인정〕 human nature (2) [=애정〕 heart; affection; attachment; a tender feeling; [=사랑] love

* 다정한 : affectionate; having an affection; tender

* -한 : this suffix makes a verb ends in -하다 an adjective

* 다정하다 : be affectionate

* 다정다감 : [多情多感] sentimentality

* 다감 : [多感] sensibility; susceptibility; sentimentality <-- 다(be a lot; be many; be much; all) + 감(sense; feeling)

* 감 : [感] 〔=느낌〕 feeling; sense; sensation; [=인상〕 an impression.

* 다감한 : 〔=느끼기 쉬운〕 susceptible; 〔=감동하기 쉬운〕 emotional; impressionable; sensitive

* 다감하다 : 〔=느끼기 쉽다〕 be susceptible; 〔=감동하기 쉽다〕 be emotional; be impressionable; be sensitive

* 다정다감한 : sentimental; passionate; emotional; ardent

* 다정다감하다 : be sentimental; be passionate; be emotional; be ardent

* 다정했던 : 다정하(the stem of 다정하다; 하 + 었 contracted into 했) + -었/-았/-였(a suffix makes a verb ends in -하다 past tense) + -던(a suffix represents what one experienced in the past)

* 사람 : human being; a person (non-honourific word to younger people or friend)

* 분 : human being; a person (honourific word to the elderly)

* 이다 : be

* 사람이여 : 사람 + 이(the stem of 이다) + -여(a vocative suffix)

<The followings are used in Song Lyrics or Peotry>

- 그대여! : (1) Dear you!; Darling (you)! (2) you!

- 님이여! : (1) Dear you!; Darling (you)! (2) you!

- 님이시여! : an honourific of 님이여!

* 나 : I (non-honourific word to younger people or friend)

* 저 : I (honourific word to the elderly)

* -를 : a particle makes 나 / 저 objective after a word ends in a vowel (-아 / -어). that is to say, it makes I into me

* 잊다 : [pronunciation; 읻따] forget

* 잊었나 : [pronunciation: 이젔나] 잊(the stem of 잊다) + -었/았(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + -나(a non-honorufic interrogative verb ending)

* 벌써 : 〔=오래 전에〕 long ago[since]; 〔=이미〕 already; yet; 〔=어느새〕 so soon

* 버리다 : (1) 〔=내던지다〕 throw[fling/chuck/cast] away; (trash) dump; omit; discard; cut off; cast away (2) [this case is used as the form of -어 버리다 / -여 버리다] 〔=끝내다〕 finish; get through; do completely; get 《it》 done; dispose of 《a job》

* 버렸다 : past tense of 버리다 by '-였-'; ㄹ + 였 contracted into 렸

* 잊어버렸다 = 잊어 버렸다

* 잊어 버렸나 : 잊(the stem of 잊다) + -어(a connection suffi between two verbs) + 버렸(the stem of 버렸다) + -나(a non-honorufic interrogative verb ending)

* 그립다 : yearn after[for] 《a person》; miss 《a friend》; ㅂ is 여린히읗(ㆆ). therefore 그리ㆆ다 is original form;

* 그리운 : dear; sweet; beloved; longed-for <-- 그리ㆆ(the stem of 그립다; 그리ㆆㄴ --> 그리번 --> 그리운) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb an adjective after the stem of a verb ends in 여린히읗)

* 그리워요 : 그리ㆆ(the stem of 그립다; 그리ㆆ어 --> 그리버 --> 그리워) + -어(a descriptive verb ending) + -요(an honourific ending)

* 그리움 : 그리ㆆ(the stem of 그립다; 그리ㆆㅁ --> 그리범 --> 그리움) + -ㅁ(In Korean, m(ㅁ) makes a verb a noun in a many cases)

* 그리움만 : 그리움 + -만(just only; only; merely)

* 남기다 : (1) 1.〔=사람·물건을 뒤에 남게 하다〕 leave (behind); keep back[in]; 〔=후세에 전하다〕 leave; hand down (2) 〔=하지[쓰지] 않고 두다〕 leave over[undone]; 〔=따로 떼어 두다·돈을 저축하다〕 save; spare; have in store; set aside (3) 〔이득/이익을 보다〕 gain profit; make[get/obtain] a profit

* 두다 : (1) 〔=놓다〕 put; place; set; emplace; position; park; deposit (2) 〔=남겨 두다〕 leave (behind) (3) 〔=손대지 않고 그 상태대로 있게 하다〕 leave; allow; let; 〔=⋯하게 두다〕 keep; have (4) 〔=설치하다〕 establish; open; set up (5) 〔=보존하다〕 keep; hold; store (up) (6) 〔=데리고 있다〕 engage; keep; employ; 〔=묵게 하다〕 lodge; keep (7) 〔=배치하다〕 assign (8) 〔=(마음속에 어떤 생각을) 지니다〕 bear; entertain; cherish; set on; hold; harbor; have

* 남겨놓다 / 남겨 놓다 : leave behind <-- 남기(the stem of 남기다; 기 + 여 contracted into 겨) + -여(a connection suffix between two verbs; this continue the state of the preceding verb)

* 남겨놓고 : 남겨놓(the stem of 남겨놓다) + -고(and; and then)

* 그대 : (1) you! (2) Dear you

* 지금 : [只今] (1) the present; the present day[time]; this time[moment]; now (2) 〔=방금〕 just (now); only[but] just; but[even] now; a moment ago; 〔=지금 곧〕 soon; at once; (just) in a moment; this very moment; this minute[instant]; right away[off]; right now; immediately

* 그 : (1) that (2) him or her

* 누구 : who; whom

* 그 누구 : who

* 그 누구를 : whom; <-- 그 누구 + -를(a particle makes 그 누구 objective after a word ends in a vowel (우 of 누구); that is to say, -를 makes "who" into "whom")

* 사랑 : a love

* 사랑하다 : to love

* 사랑하는 : 사랑하(the stem of 사랑하다) + -는(a suffix makes 사랑하다 present tense and attributive/modifier before a noun)

* 사랑하는가 : 사랑하(the stem of 사랑하다) + -는가(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending)

* 굳다 : [pronunciation: 굳따] (1) 〔=굳어지다〕 become hard[hardened]; harden; become solid; 〔=뻣뻣해지다〕 become stiffened; stiffen; 〔=응결하다〕 set; [=엉기다] congeal; [피(blood)] clot; [우유(milk)] curdle (2) 〔=딱딱하다〕 be hard; be solid; be adamant(ine); be unyielding (3) 〔=확고·견고하다〕 be strong; be firm; be fast; be tight; be secure; be steady; be steadfast; be stable; be solid; be sound 

* 굳은 : [pronunciatio: 구든] (1) 〔딱딱한〕 hard; solid; adamant(ine); unyielding (2) 2.〔확고한·견고한〕 strong; firm; fast; tight; secure; steady; steadfast; stable; solid; sound <-- 굳(the stem of 굳다) + -은(a suffix makes a verb an adjective and attributive/modifier before a noun)

* 약속 : [約束] (1) 〔=서약(하기)〕 a promise; 〔=협약〕 an agreement; 〔=서약한 말〕 one's word (2) (만날 약속) an appointment; an engagement; (특히 이성과의 약속) a date (3) 〔=거래〕 a bargain; an agreement (4) 〔=규칙·관례〕 rule (5) 〔=운명·예정〕 destiny; schedule

* 약속하다 : promise; give one's word

* 약속한 : past tense of 약속하다 <-- 약속하(the stem of 약속하다) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past tense and attributive/modifier before a noun)

* 변 : [變] 〔=돌발사〕 a sudden happening; an unexpected occurrence[event]; 〔=사고〕 an accident; a mishap; 〔=재앙〕 a calamity; a disaster; a misfortune; 〔=비상사〕 an emergency; a contingency; 〔=난리〕 a disturbance; an uprising; an agitation [=변화(變化)] a change

* 변화 : [變化] (1) 〔=바꿈·바뀜〕 (a) change; (a) variation; 〔=변경〕 (an) alteration; 〔=변전〕 (a) mutation; 〔=변천〕 a transition (2) 〔=변형·변태〕 (a) transformation; a metamorphosis 《pl. -phoses》 (3) 〔=다양〕 variety; diversity

* 변화하다 : (1) change; make[undergo] a change; turn 《from/into/to》; shift 《into》; alter; vary (2) transform (itself) 《into》; transfigure; metamorphose (3) [문법(in grammer)] decline; conjugate; inflect

* 변하다 : [變하다] (1) 〔=사물이 달라지다〕 change; undergo a change; make a change; become different; alter; be altered; shift; vary; (풍향(wind)) come round[about]; work round; shift; 〔=⋯으로 변형하다〕 change[turn] 《into》; be turned 《into》; be transformed 《into》; be metamorphosed 《into》 (2) 〔=달라지게 하다〕 change; make different

* 버리다 : (1) 〔=내던지다〕 throw[fling/chuck/cast] away; (trash) dump; omit; discard; cut off; cast away (2) [this case is used as the form of -어 버리다 / -여 버리다] 〔=끝내다〕 finish; get through; do completely; get 《it》 done; dispose of 《a job》

* 버렸다 : past tense of 버리다 by '-였-'; ㄹ + 였 contracted into 렸

* 변해버렸다 = 변해 버렸다

* 변해 버렸나 : 변하(the stem of 변하다; 하 + 어 contracted into 해) + -어(a connection suffi between two verbs) + 버렸(the stem of 버렸다) + -나(a non-honorufic interrogative verb ending)

* 예전 : 〔=옛날〕 the old days; ancient[old] times; 〔=이전〕 former days[times]

* 예전에는 : in the past <-- 예전 + -에(a time suffix) + -는(a suffix emphasizes 예전에)

* 우리 : we (non-honourific word to younger people or friend)

* 저희 : we (honourific word to the elderly)\

* -는 : a particle makes 우리 / 저희 sujective after a word ends in a vowel (이 of 우리 / 저희)

* 우린 : a short form of 우리는; in colloquial, this is often used

* 저흰 : a short form of 저희는; in colloquial, this is often used

* 서로 : togather; each other

* 사랑했는데 : 사랑하(the stem of 사랑하다; 하 + 었 contracted into 했) + -었/-았/-였(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + -는데(a suffix reminds someone of one's past experience(s); an exclamative suffix)

* 이제 : now

* 이젠 : a short form of 이제는

* -는 : a suffix emphasizes 이제


* 맘 : a short form of 마음(mind; heart)

* -이 : a particle makes 마음 subjective after a word ends in a consonant (ㅁ of 마음)

* 아 : (1) 〔=감동·놀람 등을 나타내는 소리〕 Ah!; Oh! (2) 〔=슬픔·실망 등을 나타내는 소리〕 Ah!; Alas! (3) 〔=깨우침·응답·동조 등을 나타내는 소리〕 Oh; O; O yes; Ah; Well (4) 〔=말을 걸 때의 소리〕 Oh; O; Well; I say; Listen

* 이별 : [離別] separation; parting; farewell

* 이별을 하다 / 이별하다 : separate from 《a person》; part from 《a person》

* -이 : a particle makes 이별 subjective after a word ends in a consonant (ㄹ of 이별)

* 그리 : (1) a short form of 그렇게 (2) 〔=그쪽으로〕 in that direction; that way; to that place; there; thither

* 그렇게 : [pronunciation: 그러케] that way[in that manner]; so; like that

* 이리 : (1) a short form of 이렇게 (2) 〔=이쪽으로〕 in this direction; this way; to this place; here

* 이렇게 : [pronunciation: 이러케] this way[in this manner]; like this

* 쉽다 : [pronunciation: 쉽따] be easy; ㅂ is 여린히읗(ㆆ). therefore 쉬ㆆ다 is original form;

* 쉬운 : easy <-- 쉬ㆆ(the stem of 쉽다; 쉬ㆆㄴ --> 쉬번 --> 쉬운) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb an adjective after the stem of a verb ends in 여린히읗)

* 쉬워요 : 쉬ㆆ(the stem of 쉽다; 쉬ㆆ어 --> 쉬버 --> 쉬워) + -어(a descriptive verb ending) + -요(an honourific ending)

* 쉬운가 : 쉬ㆆ(the stem of 쉽다; 쉬ㆆㄴ --> 쉬번 --> 쉬운) + -ㄴ가(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending)

* 세월 : [歲月] (1) 〔=시간〕 time (and tide) (2) 〔=시세·경기〕 (the) times; things; business; conditions

* -이 : a particle makes 세월 subjective after a word ends in a consonant (ㄹ of 세월); this omitted; In korean langugae, a particle like subjective particle(-는/-은/-이/-가), objective particle(-을/-를/-ㄹ), possesive particle(-의) often omitted

* 가다 : (1) go; come (2) 〔=떠나다〕 start; leave; go out (3) 〔=도달하다〕 get to; arrive; reach (4) 〔=들어가다〕 enter; join; go into (5) 〔=걷다〕 walk (6) 〔=전달되다〕 get to; come to hand; be received (7) 〔=경과하다〕 pass (by); go by; (빨리) fly (8) 〔=마음이 어떠한 상태로 되다〕 become

* 가다 always means that I move from my current location to another place, of course there are exceptions

* 오다 always means that the position where I am from another place moves people or things, of course there are exceptions

* 버리다 : (1) 〔=내던지다〕 throw[fling/chuck/cast] away; (trash) dump; omit; discard; cut off; cast away (2) [this case is used as the form of -어 버리다 / -여 버리다] 〔=끝내다〕 finish; get through; do completely; get 《it》 done; dispose of 《a job》

* 버렸다 : past tense of 버리다 by '-였-'; ㄹ + 였 contracted into 렸

* 가버렸다 = 가 버렸다

* 가 버렸다고 : 가(the stem of 가다; 가 + 아 contracted into 가) + -아(a connection suffi between two verbs) + 버렸(the stem of 버렸다) + -다고(a sentence-final ending used to emphatically state the speaker's thoughts or argument to the listener)

* 잊고서 : 잊(the stem of 잊다) + -고서(and then)

* -고서 : this means "and then"; (1) a connective ending used to emphasize that the preceding statement comes before the following statement, or the preceding statement caused the following incident (2) a connective ending used when the preceding statement is the premise for the following statement

* 멀리 : far; far away[off]; afar; a long way off; in the distance; at a distance

* 멀리 멀리 : stronger expression than repeating 멀리

* 떠나다 : (1) 〔=출발하다〕 start (off); start out; set off[out]; leave; pull up stakes(and move); depart 《from》; go away[off]; quit; [기차(train)] pull out; [비행기)airplane)] take off (2) 〔=옮겨가다〕 separate; part from[with]; fall apart (3) 〔=물러나다〕 resign (from) 《one's post》; leave[quit] 《one's post》; relinquish 《one's post》 (4) 〔=벗어나다〕 be estranged from; cut oneself off[from] (5) 〔=잊다〕 forget (6) 〔=죽다〕 die; pass away[on]; be gone

* 떠나가다 : (1) [=떠나다] leave, (formal) depart, go off (to) (2) [=박수 소리가 요란하다] be filled with thunderous applause <-- 떠나(the stem of 떠나다; 나 + 아 contracted into 나) + -아(a connection suffix between two verbs) + 가다(go)

* 떠나가는가 : 떠나가(the stem of 떠나가다) + -ㄴ가(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending)

* 오 : oh

* 모르다 : [ㄹ 불규칙(ㄹ irregular)] don'nt know

* 몰랐네 : 모르(the stem of 모르다; 모르 changed into 몰라 before 았) + -았/-었/-였(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + -네(a sentence-final ending referring to a simple description but this has an exclamative nuance; a sentence-final ending used when talking about something that one just learned)

* 그대 : (1) you! (2) Dear you

* 마음 : mind; heart

* -이 : a particle makes 마음 subjective after a word ends in a consonant (ㅁ of 마음)

* 변할 : 변하(the stem of 변하다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and attributive/modifier berfore a noun)

* 줄 : A bound noun used to indicate a certain method or actual content

* -을 : a particle makes 줄 objective after a word ends in a consonant (ㄹ of 줄); this omitted

* 난 : a short form of 나는

* 전 : a short form of 저는

* 나 : I (non-honourific word to younger people or friend)

* 저 : I  (honourific word to the elderly)

* -는 : a particle makes 나 / 저 subjective after a word ends in a vowel (ㅏ of 나, ㅓ of 저)

* 정말 / 정말로 : really

* 모르다 : [ㄹ 불규칙(ㄹ irregular)] don't know

* 몰랐었네 : 모르다(the stem of 모르다; 모르 changed unto 몰라 before 았; 라 + 았 contracted into 랐) + -았/-었/-였(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + 었(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + -네(a sentence-final ending referring to a simple description but this has an exclamative nuance; a sentence-final ending used when talking about something that one just learned)

* -았었- : this make the past before the past

* 알다 : know

* -을/-를/-ㄹ 줄(을)) 모르다 : don't expect it to change

* 오 : Oh

* 난 : a short form of 나는

* 전 : a short form of 저는

* 나 : I (non-honourific word to younger people or friend)

* 저 : I  (honourific word to the elderly)

* -는 : a particle makes 나 / 저 subjective after a word ends in a vowel (ㅏ of 나, ㅓ of 저)

* 너 : you (non-honourific word to younger people or friend); this can be replaced by 그대(Dear you)

* 하나 : (1) one (thing) (2) one person; 너 하나 means "you"(this is objective form because -을 follows 너 하나만) in this sentence

* -만- : only

* -을 : a particle makes 너 하나만 objective after a word ends in a consonant (ㄴ of 너 하나만); this omitted

* 믿다 : [pronunciation: 믿따] believe

* 믿었다 : past tense of 믿다 by '-었-'

* 믿고 : 믿(the stem of 믿다) + -고(a connective ending used when the preceding statement and the following statement happen in order; a connective ending used when an action or result of the preceding statement remains the same while the following action happens)

* 살다 : live

* 살았다 : past tense of 살다 by '-았-'

* 믿고 살다 : live on faith

* 믿고 살았다 : (1) have lived on faith (2) trusted you 

* 살았네 : 살았(the stem of 살았다) + -네(a sentence-final ending referring to a simple description but this has an exclamative nuance; a sentence-final ending used when talking about something that one just learned)

* 그대 : Dear you

* -만- : only

* -을 : a particle makes 그대만 objective after a word ends in a consonant (ㄴ of 그대만)

* 믿었네 : 믿었(the stem of 믿었다) + -네(a sentence-final ending referring to a simple description but this has an exclamative nuance; a sentence-final ending used when talking about something that one just learned)

* 오 : Oh

* 네 / 니 : you (non-honourific word to younger people or friend)

* -가 : a particle makes 네 / 니 subjective after a word ends in a vowel (ㅣ of 네 / 니)

* 보고프다 / 보고 싶다 / 보고싶다 : I miss you

* 보고프다 : 보(the stem of 보다; see; look; watch) + 고프다(be hungry)

* 보고싶다 : 보(the stem of 보다; see; look; watch) + -고(a connective ending used when the preceding statement and the following statement happen in order; a connective ending used when an action or result of the preceding statement remains the same while the following action happens) + 싶다(want to do; this word often used as -고 싶다)

* 싶다 : [pronunciation; 십따] (1) 〔=⋯할 의향이 있다〕 《서술적》 want 《to do》; wish 《to do》; should[would] like to see[hear] (2) 〔=⋯일 것 같다〕 《서술적》 look; seem; appear; be likely 《to do》

* 보고파서 : 보고프(the stem of 보고프다; 프 + 아서  contracted into 파서) + -아서/-어서(because; because of)

* 난 : a short form of 나는

* 전 : a short form of 저는

* 나 : I (non-honourific word to younger people or friend)

* 저 : I  (honourific word to the elderly)

* -는 : a particle makes 나 / 저 subjective after a word ends in a vowel (ㅏ of 나, ㅓ of 저)

* 어떻다 / 어떠하다 : [pronunciation: 어떧타] be how; be what

* 어쩌다 : a short form of 어찌하다

* 어찌하다 : (1) [=우연히, 뜻밖에] accidentally, by chance, by accident, somehow (2) [=이따금] at times sometimes, occasionally, (every) once in a while, from time to time, (every) now and then

* 어쩌나 : a short form of 어쩌하나

* 어쩌하나 : 어쩌하(the stem of 어쩌하다) + -나(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending)

* 그립다 : yearn after[for] 《a person》; miss 《a friend》; ㅂ is 여린히읗(ㆆ). therefore 그리ㆆ다 is original form;

* 그리운 : dear; sweet; beloved; longed-for <-- 그리ㆆ(the stem of 그립다; 그리ㆆㄴ --> 그리번 --> 그리운) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb an adjective after the stem of a verb ends in 여린히읗)

* 그리워요 : 그리ㆆ(the stem of 그립다; 그리ㆆ어 --> 그리버 --> 그리워) + -어(a descriptive verb ending) + -요(an honourific ending)

* 그리움 : 그리ㆆ(the stem of 그립다; 그리ㆆㅁ --> 그리범 --> 그리움) + -ㅁ(In Korean, m(ㅁ) makes a verb a noun in a many cases)

* 그리움만 : 그리움 + -만(just only; only; merely)

* 쌓다 : [pronunciation; 싿타] (1) 〔=포개어 올리다〕 pile (up); (난잡하게) heap (up); (건초·짚 등을 정연하게) stack (up); lay; make a pile; pile one above[on] another (2) 〔=구축하다〕 build; erect; raise; construct (3) 〔=축적하다〕 accumulate; acquire; store up; amass

* 쌓이다 : passive form of 쌓다 by '-이'(a suffix makes a verb passive form)

* 쌓이네 : 쌓이(the stem of 쌓이다) + -네(a sentence-final ending referring to a simple description but this has an exclamative nuance; a sentence-final ending used when talking about something that one just learned)

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