글쎄 : I am not sure
[other expressions]
- 글쎄. (to younger people or friends)
- 글쎄요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 글쎄입니다. (formal; honourific by ‘-ㅂ’)
* 글쎄 : now; well; let me see
* 글쎄 : [감탄사(exclamation)]
1) (남의 물음이나 요구 등에) 확실하지 않아서 망설여지거나 대답하기 곤란하여 어물어물할 때 하는 말(a word used when hesitating or hesitating to answer (a person's question, request, etc.) due to uncertainty)
* 확실한 : [Pronunciation : 확씰한] certain; sure; secure; reliable; trustworthy; true; authentic; valid; sound; solid
* 확실하다 : a verb form of 확실한
* 망설이다 : hesitate
* 곤란하다 : be difficult; be hard; be tough; be troublesome; be embarrassing; be awkward; be needy; be distressed
* 어물어물 : equivocally; evasively; carelessly; slowly; lazily; hesitatingly
* 어물어물하다 / 어물거리다 / 어물대다 : equivocate; prevaricate
【예】 글쎄, 내가 할 수 있을까? (Do you think I can? I don’t know)
2) 자기의 말을 다시 고집하거나 더 강조할 때 하는 말(a word spoken when one insists on or emphasizes one's words again)
* 고집하다 / 고집부리다 : hold fast (to); adhere (to); insist (on); persist (in); stand firmly by
* 강조하다 : emphasize
【예】 글쎄, 틀림없다니까 (I am sure absolutely)
* 틀림없는 : correct; exact; right; free from mistakes; sure; certain; unfailing; infallible; reliable; trustworthy
* 틀림없다 : [Pronunciation: 틀림업따] (1) [어긋남이 없다. 확실하다] be correct; be exact; be right; be free from mistakes; be sure; be certain; be unfailing; be infallible; be reliable; be trustworthy (2) [=다름이 없다•꼭 같다] be no other than; be the very one; there is no doubt that (it is...)
* 글쎄요 : 글쎄 + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 글쎄입니다 : 글쎄 + -입니다(an honourific descriptive form of 이다)
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