1. 직장 - 구직 - 기타 문의 : Job - Job hunting - Etc inquiry
* 직장[職場] : "[=일자리] job, work; [=일터] office, workplace, place of work"
* 직장[直腸] : "[신체 기관(body organ)] rectum (rectums, recta)"
* 일반[一般] : "(1) [=전반] the whole, general (2) [=마찬가지] the (very) same, one and the same"
* 업무[業務] : "business, work, task; [=임무] duty"
* 직장의 일반 업무 : general work at office/workplace
* 구직[求職] : seeking work [employment]; job-hunting
* 문의[問議] : an inquiry
2. See the original : https://phrase.dict.naver.com/detail.nhn?bigCategoryNo=16&middleCategoryNo=124&smallCategoryNo=525&targetLanguage=en
3. See my related lesson :
1) 구직 면접 #1 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2019/11/lets-learn-about-interview-for-job-from.html
2) 구직 면접 #2 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2019/11/lets-learn-about-interview-for-job-from_15.html
3) 직장의 일반 업무 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2019/12/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_17.html
4. Dialogue about "직장 - 구직 - 기타 문의".
<A Staff> 통근 시간이 얼마나 걸려요? / 출퇴근 시간이 얼마나 걸려요? : How long is your commuting time?
* 통근[通勤] : attending office; going to work; commuting; commutation <— 통(commute) + 근(work; attend)
* 시간[時間] : time; an hour
* 출퇴근[出退勤] : 출근[出勤] + 퇴근[退勤] = 통근
* 출근 : attendance (at office)
- 출근하다 : go to work
* 퇴근 : leaving one's office [one's desk, one's work]; coming [going] home from work
- 퇴근하다 : go home from work
* 시간이 얼마나 걸려요? : How long does it take?
<You> 집에서 20분 정도 걸립니다 : It takes about twenty minutes.
* 집 : house; home
* 집에서 : at home; from my house
* 정도[程度] : (1) grade; degree; measure; rate; extent; limit; standard; level; moderation (2) approximately; about
* 정도[正道] : justice; the right [true, orthodox] path
* 정도[精度] : precision; accuracy
* 정도[征途] : a military expedition; a journey; travel
* XX 분 정도 걸립니다 : It takes about XX minutes.
* (시간이) 걸리다 : It takes XX time
5. Sentences about "직장 - 구직 - 기타 문의".
1) 언제부터 근무하실 수 있어요? : When can you start working?
* 언제 : when
* 언제부터 : from when
* 근무[勤務] : duty; service; work
* 근무하다 : do duty; be on duty; work; serve
- 하루 8시간 근무하다 : work 8 hours a day / work an 8-hour day
* 언제부터 XX하실 수 있어요? / 언제부터 XX하실 수 있나요? : When can you start XX + ing?
2) 승진 기회는 자주 있어요? : What are my opportunities for promotion?
* 승진[昇進] : promotion; advancement; rise
* 기회[機會] : an opportunity; a chance; an occasion
* 자주 : often; frequently; repeatedly
* 자주[自主] : independence; autonomy
* 자주[紫朱](색) : maroon (color); purple; violet (color)
* ~는/가 자주 있어요? / ~는/가 자주 있나요? : Do you have XX often?
- 모임이 자주 있나요? : Do you have a lot of meetings?
3) 이 회사는 근태 관리가 엄격해요? : Is this company strict about attendance?
* 이 회사 : this company
* 회사[會社] : a company (Co.); a corporation; a firm; a concern
* 회사[回謝] : [=사례의 뜻을 표함] a present in token of one's gratitude; a return present
- 회사하다 : send in token of one's gratitude; send as a return present
* 근태[勤怠] : diligence and laziness; diligence and indolence
* 관리[管理] : management; administration; control; supervision; superintendence; charge; care
- 관리하다 : administer; manage; control; superintend; supervise
- 관리가 되다 : be managed by someone
* 관리[官吏] : a government official; a public official[servant]; a civil servant; a public functionary; bureaucracy; officialdom
- 관리가 되다 : enter government service / become a public official
* 엄격[嚴格] : severity; sternness; rigor; strictness
* 엄격한 : strict; stern; severe; rigorous; austere
* 엄격하다 : a verb form of 엄격한
* 엄격해요? / 엄격하나요? : strict?
4) 제 자가용으로 출근해요 : I drive to work
* 제 : a short form of 저의(my; polite to other)
* 내 : a short form of 나의(my; non-polite to other)
* 자가[自家] : one's own house [family]; one's self; self
- 자가 선전(을) 하다 : advertise oneself / seek publicity
* 자가용[自家用] (1) (for) private use; personal use; family use (2) a private car [automobile]; an automobile for one's personal [private] use
* 제 자가용으로 : by my car
* 출근하다 : go to work
5) 통근 버스가 있어요? : Do you have a shuttle service?
* 통근 버스 : shuttle bus
* 통근 버스 (서비스) : a shuttle service
* 통근 버스(가) 있어요? / 통근 버스(가) 있나요? : Do you have a shuttle bus service?
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