1. 부동산 - 계약 : Real State : contract
* 부동산[不動産] : property, real estate, (Am) realty; real property
* 계약[契約] : a contract; a compact; a covenant; an agreement; a bargain
* 계약하다 : contract; make[enter into] a contract[an agreement] ; promise; sign a contract[an agreement]
2. See the original : https://phrase.dict.naver.com/detail.nhn?bigCategoryNo=15&middleCategoryNo=115&smallCategoryNo=488&targetLanguage=en
3. See my related lessons :
1) 부동산 - 결정 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/04/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_7.html
2) 부동산 - 흥정 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/03/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_24.html
3) 부동산 - 방문/구경 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/03/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal.html
4) 부동산 - 조회 의뢰 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/02/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_23.html
4. Dialogue about "부동산 - 계약".
<A person> 임대 계약서 주세요 / 임대 계약서 주시죠 / 임대 계약서를 주시겠습니까? : Do you have the lease
* 임대[賃貸] : (receiving money by) lease; letting out on hire; hiring out; charter; location
- 임대하다 : rent; lease; let; rent out; hire out; charter
* 계약서[契約書] : a (written) contract; a contract document; a deed of contract; an agreement; a bond; an indenture
- 계약거를 작성하다 : draw up a contract[an agreement]
- 계약거를 교환하다 : exchange written contracts / make a written agreement
- 계약서에 명기하다 : specify in a contract
- 계약서에 서명하다 : sign a contract
* 주다 : give someone something
* ~ㄹ 주세요? / ~ㄹ 주시죠? / ㄹ 주시겠어요? : please give me something
<B person> 여기 있어요 : Here it is.
* 여기 : here
* 있다 : is; are
<A person> 여기, 영수증입니다 : Here's your receipt.
* 영수증[領收證] : a receipt (for); a voucher (for); an acknowledgment (for)
<B person> 네. 고맙습니다 : Yes, Thank you.
* 고맙습니다 : thanks
* 감사합니다 : thank you (so much)
<A person> 언제 이사 할 거예요? / 언제 이사 하시겠어요? : When will you be moving in?
* 언제 : when
* 이사[移徙] : house-moving; removal; a move
* 이사[理事] : a director; trustee
* 이사[二死] : two outs in baseball
* ~(ㄹ) 하시겠어요? : Will you do something?
<B person> 다음 주에 할게요 / 다음 주에 할 생각입니다 : I thought I'd move in next week.
* 다음 : next
* 주[週] : a week
* 주[主] / 주인[主人] : one's master; one's employer; a chief; [=예수 그리스도] the Lord; the Savior; the main [chief] part; [=주된 부분] the principal part
* 주[州] : a province; a state
* 주[株] : (1) [=주식(株式)] a share; a stock; an interest (in a business) (2) a tree
* 주식[株式] : shares; stocks
* 주식[主食] : the principal [staple] food; a staple article of food
* 주식[酒食] : food and drink
* ㄹ 할게요 / ㄹ 하겠습니다 : (1) I will do something (2) I thought I’d do something
<B person> 월세는 언제 내요? / 월세는 언제 냅니까? : When is the rent due?
* 월세[月貰] : monthly rent
- 이 집은 월세 50만 원이다 This house rents for[at] 500,000 won a month.
* 전세[傳貰] : the lease of a house [room] on a deposit basis
- 전세 놓다 : lease a house[room] on a deposit basis - 전세 들다 : take a lease of a house[room] on a deposit basis
▷ 전세금 : deposit money (for the lease of a house[room])
▷ 전세방[셋집] : a room[house] which lease on a deposit basis
* 전세[專貰] : reservations; booking; engagement; charter; chartering
- 관광 여행을 위해 버스를 전세(를) 내다 : charter a bus for sightseeing
* 전세[戰勢] : the progress of a battle [campaign]; the war situation
- 전세가 역전해서 우리에게 유리해졌다 : The war situation reversed in our favor
- 시시각각으로 전세가 악화된다 : Every time we blink, the map changes
<A person> 매월 25일까지 내세요 / 매월 25일에 내세요 / 매월 25일까지 내십시오 / 매월 25일에 내십시오 : It's on the 25th each month.
* 매[每] : each; every
- 매달 / 매월[每月] : every month; each month; monthly
- 매주[每週] : every week; each week; weekly
- 날마다 / 매일[每日] : every day; each day; daily
- 매년[每年] : every year; yearly; annually
* 매[枚] : sheets (of paper)
- 10 매 : 10 sheets of paper
- 매수[枚數] : the number of leaves [sheets]
* 까지 : untill; til
* 내다 : (1) put [let] out; take [bring] out; pull out; draw from [out of] (2) hand [send] in; present; submit; file (3) send; dispatch; post; mail (4) issue; publish; send out; start; set forth (5) put forth; get up (6) pay; invest; contribute (7) smoke; smolder; become smoky
* ~세요 / ~시죠 / ~십시오 / ~십시요 : please
5. Sentences about "부동산 - 계약".
1) (그 여자분께) 열쇠를 주세요 / (그 여자분께) 열쇠를 주시죠 / (그 여자분께) 열쇠를 주십시오 : Give her the keys.
* 그 : that
* 여자 : woman
* 그 여자분 : her (polite to other)
* 그 여자 : her (non-polite to other)
* 열쇠 : key
* 주다 : give
* ~ 주세요 / ~ 주시죠 / ~ 주십시오 / ~ 주십시요 : please give someone something
2) 집에 문제가 생기면 누구에게 연락해요? / 집에 문제가 생기면 누구에게 연락합니까? : Who do I contact if there's a problem with the house?
* 집 : house; home
* 문제[問題] : [=질문•의문] a question; [=해결해야 할 일] a problem; [=쟁점] an issue; [=과제] a subject; a topic; [=관련된 일] a matter
* 생기다 : (1) occur; happen; take place; come to pass; break out; chance; transpire (2) obtain; come by (3) come into being; form; be born
*~면 : if
* 누구(에게) : who
* 연락[連絡] : [=관계] connection; [=접촉] contact; [=연계] liaison; [=통신] communication; relation
* 연락하다 : (1) contact; make contact ; connect ; get in touch ; communicate (2) let know
* ~해요 / ~합니까? : a verb ending suffix makes a sentence interrogative
3) 중개 수수료는 누가 내요? / 중개 수수료는 누가 냅니까? : Who pays the realtor's commission?
* 중개[仲介] : intermediation; mediation
* 수수료[手數料] : [=구전] a commission, brokerage; a [=요금] fee; service charge; a percentage
* 누가 : who
* 내다 : pay
4) 가스 요금은 어떻게 내요? / 가스 요금은 어떻게 내나요? / 가스 요금은 어떻게 냅니까? : How do I pay for gas?
* 가스 : gas
* 요금[料金] : a charge; a fee; a fare; a rate
* 어떻게 : how
* 내다 : pay
* 냅니까? : a interrogative form of 내다
5) 관리인의 연락처를 주세요 / 관리인의 연락처를 주시죠 / 관리인의 연락처를 주십시오 : Can I get the supervisor's number?
* 관리[管理] : management; administration; control; supervision; superintendence; charge; care
* 관리[官吏] : a government official; a public official [servant]; a civil servant
* 연락[連絡] : connection; contact; liaison; communication; relation
* 연락처[連絡處] : [Pronunciation: 열락처] the phone number or one’s address which can contact
* ~ㄹ 주세요 / ~ㄹ 주시죠 / ~ㄹ 주십시오 : please give me something
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