
Let’s learn about "일반 전화 통화 - 연결 상태가 안 좋을 때

1. 일반 전화 통화 - 연결 상태가 안 좋을 때 : Regular phone calls - when the connection is bad

일반[一般] : (1) [=전반] the whole, general (2) [=통상•보통] common (3) [=마찬가지] the (very) same, one and the same

* 전화[電話] : phone call, (telephone) call; [=전화기] telephone, phone, 

- 전화하다 : call (up), phone, (Brit) ring

* 전화[戰禍] : [=전쟁으로 인한 재해] disaster by war

* 통화[通話] : (phone) call, telephone conversation, - - 통화하다 : make a call, speak over the telephone

* 통화[通貨] : currency

* 때 : (1) [=일어난 순간] the time; the moment (2) [=진행되는 동안] during; for (3) [=시기•시간] time (4) [=몸의 각질] dead skin (cell); [=먼지 등이 묻음] dirt; [=얼룩] stain

* ~을/를/ㄹ 때 : the time / the moment; when ~ing

* 연결[連結] : connection; linking; coupling; docking

* 상태[狀態] : a condition; a state; a situation; the state of things [affairs]

* 좋다 : be good; be nice

* 나쁘다 / 좋지 않다 / 안 좋다 : be bad <— 좋다(good) + 않다(never; no), 안(never; no) + 좋다(good)

* 안 좋을 때 : something or somebody is bad

2. See the original : https://phrase.dict.naver.com/detail.nhn?bigCategoryNo=10&middleCategoryNo=80&smallCategoryNo=353&targetLanguage=en

3. See the related lessons :

1) 전화 통화 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2019/11/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_21.html

2) 전화를 받을 때 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/01/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal.html

3) 전화를 끊을 때 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/03/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_29.html

4) 사전 예약 중 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2019/10/lets-learn-about-from-mobile-phone-shop.html

4. Dialogue about "일반 전화 통화 - 연결 상태가 안 좋을 때".

<A person> 잘 안 들려요 : I can’t hear you well.

* 잘 : well

* 듣다 : hear (with active attitude)

* 들리다 : hear (with passive attitude)

* 안 들리다 : can’t hear

<B person> 네. 저도 그 쪽 소리가 자꾸 끊겨요 : I know. your voice keep cutting out, too.

* 네 / 압니다 : I know

* 나도 : (me) too (nin-polite attitude to other)

* 저도 : (me) too (polite attitude to other)

* 그 쪽 : that side; that direction

* 소리 : voice; sound

* 그 쪽 소리 : your voice

* ~가 : a suffix makes a noun the topic of the sentence

* 자꾸 : repeatedly

* 끊기다 : be disconnected; cut out

* 계속 ~하다 : keep ~ing

* 자꾸 끊기다 : keep cutting out

5. Sentences about "일반 전화 통화 - 연결 상태가 안 좋을 때".

1) 혼선되었나 봐요 / 혼선되었나 봅니다 : I think that there’s some interference

* 혼선[混線] : (1) cross-wires; entanglement of wires

(2) [=혼란] confusion (3) interference

* 혼선되다 : (1) get entangled; be mixed up; be crossed (2) confuse

- 간헐 혼선 : intermittent contact

- 혼선이 되고 있다 : The wires[lines] are mixed. / The lines are crossed. / The radio signals are jammed up.

- 혼선으로 그와 통화하지 못했다 The wires are crossed and I can't get him.

- 회의에서는 이야기가 혼선된 것 같다 : They seemed to be talking at cross-purposes at the conference.

- 혼선 상태 : a mess; confusion

* ~나 봐요 / ~나 봅니다 : I think that ~

2) 연결 상태가 안 좋네요. 다시 전화할게요 : We seem to have a bad connection. I'll call you back.

* 연결 상태 : connection state

* ~가 : a suffix makes a noun the topic of the sentence.

* 안 좋네요 : We seem to have ~; It looks + adjective

* 다시 : again

* 전화하다 : call

* 다시 전화하다 : call you back

* ~ㄹ게요 / ~하겠어요 : I’ll do something

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