
Let’s learn about "엔터테인먼트 - 좌석 - 출연자 및 작품에 대해"

1. 엔터테인먼트 - 좌석 - 출연자 및 작품에 대해 : entetainment - seat - the cast and about a work

* 좌석[座席] : [=자리] a seat; a cockpit; a pew; (sitting) room

* 및 : and

* 출연[出演] : one's appearance on stage; one's performance; debut

- 출연하다 : appear on the stage; play; perform; take part in ; [=노래하다] sing

* 출연[出捐] : contribution; donation; subscription

- 출연하다 : contribute to ; donate

- 출연금 : a contribution; a donation

- 출연자 : a contributor; a donator.

* 출연자[出演者] : a performer; a player; an actor; an actress; a singer; a panelist; the cast

- 주요한 출연자 : the leading actor[actress] / the main player

* 작품[作品] : a (piece of) work; a product; a (literary) production; an opus

- 문예[문학] 작품 : a literary work

- 예술 작품 : a work of art

- 현대 조각가 작품전 : an exhibition of works by contemporary sculptors

- 셰익스피어의 적품집 : the works of Shakespeare

- 훌륭한 적품 : a marvelous piece of work

- 고심한 작품 : a work one struggled to create

- 피카소의 작품 : a (work of) Picasso

- 이 곡은 누구의 작품입니까? : Who was the composer of this music? / Who composed this piece of music?

* 대해 / 대하여 : about; on

2. See the original : https://phrase.dict.naver.com/detail.nhn?bigCategoryNo=9&middleCategoryNo=73&smallCategoryNo=328&targetLanguage=en

3. Dialogue about "엔터테인먼트 - 좌석 - 출연자 및 작품에 대해".

<A person> 요즘 이 사람이 자주 나오네요 : This guy is everywhere these days.

* 요즈음 / 요즘 : these days

* 사람 : human being

* 이 사람 : this guy; this person; this woman

* 자주 : frequently

* 나오다 : come out; spring out; sprout out; appear

* ~네요 : I think that ~

<B person? 네. 요즘 인기(가) 최고죠 : Yeah. These days he’s really popular.

* 네 : yes; yeah

* 인기[人氣] : popularity; popular favor; public interest

* 인기가 있다 / 인기가 많다 / 인기가 좋다 : be popular[a favorite] with 

* 인기가 없다 / 인기가 적다 / 인기가 나쁘다 / 인기가 시들하다 : be unpopular with

* 최고[最高] : maximum; supremacy

- 최고의 : the highest / supreme / maximum / superlative

- 최고[最古]의 : the oldest

* 인기가 최고다 : he’s really supreme / popular.

4. Sentences about "엔터테인먼트 - 좌석 - 출연자 및 작품에 대해".

1) 몸값이 어머어마해요 : He’s very expensive.

* 몸 : body

* 값 : value

* 몸값 : (1) money for a performer; a player; an actor (2) ransom, redemption of a prisoner for a price, sum paid for the release of a prisoner (3) [=화대] money paid for prostitution

* 어마어마하다 : (1) [=엄청나다•굉장하다] tremendous; immense; enormous; colossal (2) [=엄청(나게) 많다/굉장히 많다] innumerous; stupendous; countless (3) [=과장적이다] high-sounding; ostentatious; pretentious: showy (4) [=당당하다] grand; stately; imposing; magnificent; majestic; awe-inspiring

2) 인기가 시들해요 : He’s not popular.

* 인기가 없다 / 인기가 적다 / 인기가 나쁘다 / 인기가 시들하다 : be unpopular with

* 시들하다 : [=마음에 차지 않다] unsatisfactory; dissatisfied; [=내키지 않다] halfhearted; lukewarm; reluctant; unwilling; uninterested; [=흥미가 없다] unattractive; uninteresting; [=대수롭지 않다] trivial; of no account[value]

3) 예전만 못하다고 해요 : People say that he’s not as good as he used to be.

* 예전 : [=옛날] the old days; ancient[old] times; [=이전] former days[times]

- 예전의 : old / old-time / ancient / [=이전의] former / past / bygone

- 예전대로 : as of old / as it was before

- 예전에 : in old[ancient] times / in the old days / in former days / once

- 예전부터 : from old times / from of old

- 이 읍에는 예전(의) 모습이 없다 : This town is not what it used to be

- 그녀에게는 예전의 섬세한 아름다움이 없다 : She has lost the exquisite beauty she once had

- 그녀는 예전의 그녀가 아니다 : She is not her former self

* 만 : (1) as many as; as much as; enough (to do a thing); to the amount [extent] of; so far as; all one has [can]; all there is (2) worth (3) only; alone; just; merely

* 예전만 못하다 : someone is not as good as he used to be

* ~하다고 해요 : people say that ~

4) 나태해진 것 같아요 : I think he has become lazy.

* 나태[懶怠] : laziness; sloth; idleness; indolence; sluggishness

* 나태하다 : idle; lazy; indolent; slothful; sluggis

* 나태해지다 : become lazy

* ~ㄴ 것 같아요 : I think that ~

5) 최근 성적은 그저 그래요 : His recent performances is not that great.

* 최근[近] : the latest; the nearest; the most recent; the latest date; the nearest [shortest]; lately; in recent years

* 성적[成績] : [=결과] (a) result; (a) record; score; [=성적 경과•시험 결과] grade; merit; [=성과] performances

* 그저 : (1) [=그저 그렇다] so-so (2) [=여전히•항상•언제나] still; all (the time); through; continuously; always; without ceasing

* 그저 그렇다 / 그저 그래요 : be not that great; be so-so

6) 그는 다크호스죠 / 그는 다크호스이죠 : He’s a dark horse.

* 다크 호스 : a dark horse

- 그는 이번 선거에서 다크호스로 떠오르고 있다 : He is emerging as a dark horse in the coming election.

* ~로 떠오르고 있다 : be emerging as something

7) 작년에 상을 받았어요 : He won an award last year.

* 작년[[昨年] / 작년에 / 지난 해 / 지난 해에 : last year; the past year

* 상[賞] : a prize; a reward

* 상을 받다 : win a prize

* 상을 받았다 : won a prize

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