
Let' learn about "잘하다"

1. 잘하다 is made from 잘(well; skillful; successfully) + 하다(do)

2 잘하다 has the meaning of the following

1) [=올바르게 하다] do a right thing; do right; [=훌륭히 하다] do well; do successfully
* 올바른 : right
* 올바르게 : an adverb form of 올바른
* 훌륭한 : successful
* 훌륭하게 : an adverb form of 훌륭한

(1) 길에서 주운 지갑을 파출소에 갖다 준 것은 아주 잘한 일이었다 : It was quite right of you to take the purse you had found on the road to the police box
* 길 : road
* 줍다  : pick up; find
* 주운 : past tense of 줍다 by ㄴ
* 지갑 : purse
* 파출소 : police box
* 경찰서 : police station
* 갖다 주다 : take something
* 아주 : [=매우] quite; very much
(2) 네가 판단을 잘했다 : You were right[correct] in your judgment
* 판단 : judgement
(3) 네가 잘했다 : You had right on your side
(4) 잘했다 : Well done!

2) [능란하게 하다] be skillful ; be good ; be expert ; be a good hand
* 능란(하다) : be dexterous; br deft; be adroit; be expert; be ingenious
(1) 노래를 잘하다 : sing well
* 노래 : song
(2) 요리를 잘하다 : be good at cooking / be a good cook
* 요리 : cooking
(3) 거래를 잘하다 : have a flair for bargains
* 거래 : business; transaction; dealings; trade; a deal
(4) 이야기를 잘하다 : be a good talker
* 이야기 : story
(5) 공부를 잘하다 : be doing well at school
* 공부 : studying; learning
(6) 그는 영어를 아주 잘한다 : He is very good at English
* 영어 : English
(7) 그녀는 영어를 잘하지만 수학은 잘하지 못한다 : She is good at[does well in] English but (is) no good[poor] at math
* 영어 : English
* 수학  math
(8) 그는 자기 반에서 잘하는 축에 속한다 : He ranks high in his class
* 자기 반  one' class
* 축 : [=무리] a group; a gang; a bunch ; a set; a party; a circle
(9) 그는 자기 반에서 가장 잘한다 : He is at the top of his class
* 자기 반  one' class
* 가장 ... 하다 : be at the top of
(10) 그는 수영을 잘한다 : He is good at swimming. / He is a good swimmer. / He swims well
* 수영 : swimming
(11) 당신은 영어를 잘하는군요 : You speak good English
* 영어 : English
(12) 그는 골프를 꽤 잘한다 : He can play golf pretty well
* 골프 : golf
* 꽤 : pretty well
(13) 그는 술을 잘한다 : He is a drinker
* 술 : [=취하는 음료] liquor; alcoholic drink; an intoxicant; wine; spirits

3) [=만족하게 하다] satisfy; gratify; please; give satisfaction
* 만족 : satisfaction
* 만족하다 : be pleased [satisfied] (with)
* 만족하게 : (1) satisfactorily (2) [=적합하게] properly

(1) 그 녀석은 언제나 사장에게 잘하려고 한다 : He is always trying to please the president. / He is always sucking up to the president
* 녀석 : guy; man; girl
* 사장 : president
* 언제나 : always
(2) 그녀는 내게 아주 잘해 주었다 : She was very good[kind] to me
* 내게 = 나에게 : to me

4) [=자주 하다] do often[frequently]
* 자주 : frequently

(1) 거짓말을 잘하다 : be a habitual liar
* 거짓말 : lie, (formal) untruth, (formal) falsehood
(2) 그는 결석을 잘한다 : He is often absent
* 결석 : absence
* 결석하다 = 결석을 하다 : be absent

5) [=잘되면] if all goes well; with luck

(1) 그들은 잘하면 큰돈을 벌 수 있다고 생각하고 있다 : They figure that they can make a mint of money if all goes well
* 큰돈 : big mony
* 벌다 : earn
* 큰돈을 벌다 ; make a mint of money
* -ㄹ 수 있다 : can do
(2) 잘하면 내일은 일이 끝난다 : With luck[If things go well], we will finish the work tomorrow
* 내일 : tomorrow
* 일 : work
* 끝나다 : finish; end

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