1. 편의시설 - 미용실 - 기타 서비스 : convenience facility - beauty salon - etc service
* 편의[便宜] : convenience; accommodation; facility; benefit; advantage; expediency
* 시설[施設] : establishment; institution; equipment; facilities; establishments
* 미용실[美容室] / 미장원[美粧院] : beauty parlor, beauty salon; hairshop <— 미(beauty) + 용(face) + 실(room; shop), 미(beauty) + 장(adorn; decorate) + 원(an office or a place for special purpose)
* 미용사[美容師] : a beauty artist[expert]; a beauty-culturist; <美> a beauty doctor[specialist]; a cosmetologist; a beautician; a hairdresser.
2. See the original: https://phrase.dict.naver.com/detail.nhn?targetLanguage=en&categoryTypeCode=0&bigCategoryNo=15&middleCategoryNo=116&smallCategoryNo=495
3. See the related lessons on my blog:
1) 미용실 - 머리 염색 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/05/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_16.html
2) 미용실 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/01/lets-learn-about-hairshop-from-naver.html
4. 대화(Dialogue)
<A person> 눈썹(을) 다듬어 드릴까요? : Would you like your eyebrows trimmed?
[other expressions]
- 눈썹(을) 다듬어 줘요? (to the younger)
- 눈썹(을) 다듬어 줄까요?
- 눈썹(을) 다듬어 드려요?
- 눈썹(을) 다듬어 드릴까요? (formal)
* 눈 : eye
* 눈썹 : eyebrow(s)
* 을 : a suffix makes 눈썹 objective
* 다듬다 : (1) [=매만지다] trim [prune] (trees); plane; shave; face [trim] (a stone)(2) nip (off); trim (away, off); sort out (3) plume; trim (4) [=땅을 고르게 하다] even; make even; level; smooth; roll (5) smooth clothes by pounding with round sticks
(6) [=마무리하다] refine; polish; embellish; elaborate; file
* 주다 : give
* 드리다 : a polite form of 주다 to the other
* ~줘요 / ~줄까요? / ~드려요? / ~드릴까요? : Would you like ~?
<B person> 네, 부탁해요 : Yes, please.
[other expressions]
- 네. 부탁합니다. (formal)
- 네. 부탁드려요.
- 네. 부탁드립니다. (formal)
* 네 / 예 : Yes
* 부탁[付託] : (1) [=당부] a request; a favor; [=간청] a solicitation (2) [=맡김] charge; trust; entrusting; committal; commitment
* 부탁하다 : (1) ask; beg; [=당부하다] request; make a request; ask a favor [=간청하다] beseech; entreat; implore; solicit (2) entrust ; charge ; place under a person's charge[care]; commit to a person's care
* 부탁드리다 : a polite form of 부탁하다 to the other
* 부탁해요 / 부탁합니다 / 부탁드려요 / 부탁드립니다 : Would[Will] you do me a favor? / May I ask a favor of you? / Please request ~ for me?
5. 문장(Sentences)
1) 손톱 관리를 받고 싶어요 : I'd like a manicure.
[other expressions]
- 손톱 관리를 받고 싶네요.
- 손톱 관리를 받고 싶군요.
- 손톱 관리를 받고 싶습니다. (formal)
* 손 : hand
* 톱 : a saw
* 손톱 : a nail; a fingernail
* 관리[管理] : management; administration; control; supervision; superintendence; charge; care
* 손톱 관리 : nails care
* 를 : a suffix makes 손톱 objective
* 받다 : receive
* 손톱 관리를 받다 : get one's nails done
* 싶다 : hope; wish; like
* ~고 싶어요 / ~고 싶네요 / ~고 싶군요 / ~고 싶습니다 : I’d like ~
2) 손톱(을) 다듬어 드릴까요? : Would you like your nails done?
[other expressions]
- 손톱(을) 다듬어 줘요? (to the younger)
- 손톱(을) 다듬어 줄까요? (formal)
- 손톱(을) 다듬어 드려요?
- 손톱(을) 다듬어 드릴까요? (formal)
* 손톱 : a nail; a fingernail
* 을 : a suffix makes 눈썹 objective
* 다듬다 : (1) [=매만지다] trim [prune] (trees); plane; shave; face [trim] (a stone)(2) nip (off); trim (away, off); sort out (3) plume; trim (4) [=땅을 고르게 하다] even; make even; level; smooth; roll (5) smooth clothes by pounding with round sticks
(6) [=마무리하다] refine; polish; embellish; elaborate; file
* 주다 : give
* 드리다 : a polite form of 주다 to the other
* ~줘요 / ~줄까요? / ~드려요? / ~드릴까요? : Would you like ~?
3) 면도해 드릴까요? : Would you like a shave?
[other expressions]
- 면도해 줘요? (to ther younger)
- 면도해 줄까요? (formal)
- 면도해 드려요?
- 면도해 드릴까요? (formal)
* 면도[面刀] (1) shaving (2) [=면도칼] a razor
* 칼 : knife
* 면도하다 : shave (oneself); get[have] a shave; get oneself shaved
* 면도해 : a short form of 면도하여
* 주다 : give
* 드리다 : a polite form of 주다 to the other
* ~해 줘요 / ~해 줄까요? / ~해 드려요? / ~해 드릴까요? : Would you like ~?
4) 얼굴 마사지를 하고 싶어요 : Can I get a facial massage?
[other expressions]
- 얼굴 마사지를 하고 싶네요.
- 얼굴 마사지를 하고 싶군요.
- 얼굴 마사지를 하고 싶습니다. (formal)
* 얼굴 : face
* 마사지 : massage
* 를 : a suffix makes 얼굴 마사지 objective
* 하다 : do
* 싶다 : hope; want; like
* ~고 싶어요 / ~고 싶네요 / ~고 싶군요 / ~고 싶습니다 : I’d lie ~ / Can I get thing done?
5) 공짜예요? : Is it free?
[other expressions]
- 공짜이에요?
- 공짜입니까? (formal)
* 공짜 : [거저 얻은 물건] a thing got for nothing; [=무료] free charge; gratuitousness; a present; a gift
- 공짜의 : free / gratuitous / gratis
- 공짜로 : free / without[free of] charge / gratis / for nothing
* ~예요? / ~이에요? / ~입니까? : Is? / Are?
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