송 씨는 곧바로 밖으로 나가 방생했고, 새는 푸른 하늘을 향해 힘찬 비상을 했습니다 : Mr. Song immediately went out to release the bird, and the bird made a powerful flight to the blue sky
- from https://news.v.daum.net/v/20220504184019115 (길에 떨어진 새 주워 보살핀 현대판 흥부.."제게 선물을 가져다 줬어요" : A modern version of Heungbu that fell on the road and looked after it."He brought me a present")
* 송 : Mr. Song
* -씨 : a title attached to a man's last name
* -는 : a particle makes 송 씨 subjective after a word ends in a vowel
* 곧바로 = 즉시 : immediately
* 밖으로 : outward
* 나가 = 나간 후 : after went out
* 방생하다 : let a bird out; release a bird
* 방생했다 : past tense of 방생하다 by '-었-'
* 새 : bird
* -는 : a particle makes 새 subjective after a word ends in a vowel
* 푸른 : blue
* 푸르다 : be blue
* 하늘 : sky
* -을 : [=로•으로] a place particle means "to; toward"
* (-을) 향해 : a short form of 향하여(toward)
* 힘찬 : powerful
* 힘차다 : be powerful
* 힘차게 : an adverb form of 힘찬 by '-게'
* 비상 : (1) [=긴급사태] emergency (2) [=날아오름] soar
- 비상이 걸리다 : be put on emergency alert
- 독수리가 하늘로 비상했다 : An eagle soared up to the sky
* 비상하다 / 비상을 하다 : (1) [=날아오르다] soar (2) [=예사롭지 않다] be unusual; be extreme (3) [=뛰어나다] be extraordinary; be exceptional
- 비상한 관심을 보이다 : show[display] an extreme interest
- 그는 머리가 비상하다 : He has extraordinary intelligence
* 비상했다 / 비상을 했다 : past tense of 비상하다 by '-었-'
* 길 : road
* -에 : a place particle mean "at/in/on"
* 떨어지다 : fall down
* 떨어진 : 떨어지(the stem of 떨어지다) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past tense or present perfect)
* 새 : a bird
* -를 : a particle makes 새 objective after a word ends in a vowel; this omitted
* 줍다 : [Pronunciation: 줍따] [ㅂ 불규칙] pick up; gather (shells); collect; find (a purse); glean; grasp and lift; gather, obtain
- 쓰레기를 줍다 : pick up garbage[trash]
- 사람들이 이야기하는 것을 주워들었다 : I overheard people talking about it
- 내가 한 말을 다시 주워 담고 싶다 : I wish I could take back what I said
* 주워 = 주워서 = 주운 후 : After picking it up
* 주워 / 주워서 : 줍(the stem of 줍다; ㅂ erased and 우 appended before 어) + -어/어서(a connection suffix means "after ...ing")
* 주운 : 줍(the stem of 줍다; ㅂ erased and 우 appended before ㄴ) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past tense or present perfect)
* (-ㄴ) 후 : after
* 보살피다 : (1) take care of; look [see] after; watch over; mind; tend (2) [=출석하다•시중들다•간호하다] attend
* 보살핀 : 보살피(the stem of 보살피다) + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb past tense or present perfect)
* 현대 : modern
* 판 : (1) print; printing; a plate; a block; an edition; an impression; a version (2) the state of affairs; (the aspect of, the phase of) the situation
* 현대판 : a modern version
* 흥부 : a hero of a novel called as "흥부와 놀부전"; this novel is related with good and evil; It is a novel about Heungbu who saved the bird and later became rich because of his good deeds
* 제 / 저 : I; me (honourific word to others)
* -게 / -에게 : to someone
* 제게 / 저에게 : to me
* 선물 : gift; present
* -을 : a particle makes 선물 objective after a word ends in a consonant
* 가지다 : take
* 가져다 = 가져다가 : 가지(the stem of 가지다) + -여다/-여다가(with doing)
* 주다 : give
* 가져다 주다 = 가져다가 주다 : bring to
* 가져다 주었다 = 가져다가 주었다 : past tense of 가져다 주다 / 가져다가 주다 by '-었-'
* 가져다 줬다 : a short form of 가져다 주었다
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