
Let's learn about "아프다•쑤신다•결리다"

"아프다•쑤신다•결리다"라는 느낌이 있으시면 저희 병원으로 오세요(If you have a feeling of "pain, ache, stitch in your body," come to our hospital). - from the ad. of some hospital

1. 아프다

* 아프다 : (1) (육체적으로) painful; sore(염증 등으로); hurt; [=욱신거리다] prickle; feel prickly; smart; ache (2) (정신적으로) be grieved; ache; have a pang; (be) painful; trying; be hard to bear
- 나는 머리가 아프다 : My head hurts
- 그녀는 그 이야기를 듣고 가슴이 아팠다 She was grieved to hear the story 

* 아팠다 : past tense of 아프다 by '-았-'

* 아픈 : painful; sore
- 그것은 골치 아픈 문제다 : That's a vexing question. / That problem gives me a headache

* 아프니? : 아프(the stem of 아프다) + -니?(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix)
* 아파 : 아프(the stem of 아프다; 으 erased before 아) + -아(a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
- 아이고, 아파 : Ouch ! That hurts !

2. 쑤시다

* 쑤시다 : (1) (구멍 등을) pick; poke (2) (불을) poke[stir up] ; rake ; give a stir (3) [=아프다] ache; smart(손가락 등이); tingle; throb with pain(종기 등이); jump; fester; rankle(염증을 일으켜); be sore; twine; prick; prickle
- 이를 쑤시다 : pick one's teeth
- 흙벽을 쑤시어 구멍을 내다 : poke a hole in a mud wall
- 그는 성냥개비로 충치 구멍을 쑤셨다 : He picked a troublesome cavity in a tooth with the point of a match
- 그는 난로의 불을 쑤셔서 타오르게 했다 : He poked up a blaze in the stove
- 귀가 쑤시다 have a sore ear
- 머리[골치]가 쑤신다 : have a splitting headache
- 옆구리가 쑤신다 : have a smart pain in the side
- 온 몸이 쑤신다 : I feel sharp pains all over my body
- 마디마디가 쑤신다 : I am aching in the joints
- 충치가 몹시 쑤신다 : A decayed tooth aches[pains me] awfully. / I have a terrible toothache
- 위가 몹시 쑤셨다 : I had a sharp pain in my stomach
- 상처가 쑤셔서 밤새 잠을 못 잤다 : The smart of[pain from] my wound kept me awake

* 쑤시어 : 쑤시(the stem of 쑤시다) + -어(and then)
* 쑤신다 : present tense of 쑤시다 by '-ㄴ'
* 쑤셨다 : past tense of 쑤시다 by '-였-'
* 쑤셔서 : 쑤시(the stem of 쑤시다) + -여서(because of)

3. 결리다

* 결리다 : (1) (몸이) feel a stitch ; have a crick (2) [기를 펴지 못하다] be cowed; feel constrained [oppressed]; be overpowered; flinch ; shrink ; quail
- 옆구리가 결리다 : feel[have] a stitch in one's side
- 목이 결린다 : I have a crick in the neck
- 그 사람한테 뭐 결리는 데라도 있나? : Is there something wrong with him?

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