
Let’s learn about "얘깃거리(things to talk)" #1

1. 얘깃거리

* 얘기 / 이야기 : a story; talking

* 거리 : (1) a street; a road; a thoroughfare; a town; a quarter (2) material; stuff; makings; substance (3) the cause; the source; the origin; the subject

* 얘깃거리 : 얘기 + ㅅ(a letter for easy pronunciation) + 거리(stuff; thing)

2. (밖에) 날씨가 어때? : How’s the weather (outside)?

[other expressions]

- (밖에) 날씨가 어떠니? (to the younger or friends)

- (밖에) 날씨가 어떠냐? (to the younger or friends)

- (밖에) 날씨가 어때? (to the younger or friends)

- (밖에) 날씨가 어때요?

- (밖에) 날씨가 어떻습니까? (formal)


* 밖 : outside

* 에 : a place suffix

* 날씨 : weather

* 가 : a suffix makes 날씨 subjective after a word ends a vowel

* 어떻다 / 어떠하다 : be how

* 어떠니? : 어떻다 + -니(a questioning verb ending suffix)

* 어떠냐? : 어떻다 + -냐(a questioning verb ending suffix)

* 어때? : 어떻다 + -어(a questioning verb ending suffix)

* a verb + -요? / -습니까? : a questioning verb ending suffix has an honourific by ‘-요’ / ‘-습’

3. (일기예보에서는) 내일/며칠간 흐릴 거라는데. : The weatherman says that there are cloudy days ahead of us

[other expressions]

- (일기예보에서는) 내일/며칠간 흐릴 거라는데. (to the younger or friends)

- (일기예보에서는) 내일/며칠간 흐릴 거라고 해. (to the younger or friends)

- (일기예보에서는) 내일/며칠간 흐릴 거라는데요.

- (일기예보에서는) 내일/며칠간 흐릴 거라고 해요.

- (일기예보에서는) 내일/며칠간 흐릴 거라고 합니다. (formal)


* 일기 : (1) [日氣] the weather (2) [日記] a diary; a journal

* 예보 : forecasting

* 예보하다 : weather forecasting

* 에서 : a place suffix means "on or from”

* 는 : a suffix emphasize 에서

* 내일 : tomorrow

* 며칠 : a few days

* 간 : [동안] for; during

* 며칠 동안? : For how many nights?

* 흐리다 : be cloudy

* 흐린 : cloudy

* 흐릴 : 흐리다 + -ㄹ(a letter makes a verb future tense)

* 거 : another form of 것(a thing; a stuff)

* -라는데 : someone says that ~

* -라는데요 : an honourific form of -라는데

* -라고 (말)하다 : someone says that ~

* 하다 : do; say in the sentence

* 해 : 하다 + -어(a descriptive verb ending suffix)

* 해요 : 하다 + -어(a descriptive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific suffix)

* 합니다 : 하다 + -ㅂ니다(a descriptive verb ending suffix has an honourific by ‘-ㅂ)

4. 내일 비올 확률이 80퍼센트래 : According to the weather forecast, there is 80% chance that it’ll rain tomorrow

[other expressions]

- 내일 비올 확률이 80퍼센트래.

- 내일 비올 확률이 80퍼센트라는데.

- 내일 비올 확률이 80퍼센트래요.

- 내일 비올 확률이 80퍼센트라는데요.

- 내일 비올 확률이 80퍼센트랍니다.


* 내일 : tomorrow

* 비 : rain

* 오다 : come

* 비오다 : it rains

* 비올 : 비오다 + -ㄹ(a letter makes a verb future tense)

* 확률 : probablity

* 이 : a suffix makes 확률 subjective after a word ends a consonant

* 80 % : 팔십 퍼센트

* -래 / -라는데 : someone says that ~

* -래요 : -라는데요 / -랍니다 : someone says that ~; these are honourific form by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ’

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