1. 음식 재촉 :
* 음식 : a meal
* 재촉 : pressing; urging; demand
* 재촉하다 : press ; urge ; hurry (up); dun
* 확답을 재촉하다 : urge a person to answer definitely
- 확답 : answer
- 을 : a suffix makes a noun objective after a word ends a consonant
* 식사를 재촉하다 : call for a meal
- 식사 : a meal
- 를 : a suffix makes a noun objective after a word ends a vowel
* 일을 재촉하다 : hasten[hurry up] the work
- 일 : work
- 을 : a suffix makes a noun objective after a word ends a consonant
* 걸음을 재촉하다 hurry one's way / quicken one's pace[steps]
- 걸음 : pace; step
2. See the original: https://phrase.dict.naver.com/detail.nhn?bigCategoryNo=5&middleCategoryNo=48&smallCategoryNo=239&targetLanguage=en
3. 대화(Dialogue)
<A person> 주문한 것은 언제 나와요? 저희가 좀 바빠서요 : Could you see if our orders are ready? We're in a bit of a hurry.
[other expressions]
- 주문한 것은 언제 나와요?
- 주문한 것은 언제 나오나요?
- 주문한 것은 언제 나옵니까? (formal)
- 저희가 좀 바빠서요.
- 저희가 좀 바쁩니다. (formal)
* 주문 : ordering
* 주문하다 : order
* 주문한 : the perfect tense of 주문하다 <— 주문하다 + ㄴ(a letter makes a verb the perfect tense)
* 거 = 것 : a thing; a stuff; food in this sentence
* 은 : a suffix makes a noun subjective after a word ends a consonant
* 언제 : when
* 나오다 : come out
* 나와요 : 나오다 + -아- + -요
* 나옵니까 : 나오다 + -ㅂ니까
* -아- / -나- : a question verb suffix has no honourific manner
* -요 : a suffix makes a verb honourific
* a verb + -아요? / -나요? / -ㅂ니까? : a question verb suffix has an honourific manner by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ’
* 저희 : we
* 들 : a suffix makes a singular noun plural (this is omitted in this sentence)
* 가 : a suffix makes 저희 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 이 : a suffix makes 저희들 subjective after a word ends a consonant
* 바쁜 : busy
* 바쁘다 : be busy
* 바빠서요 : 바쁘다 + -어서- + -요
* -어서 : because of
* -요 : a suffix makes 바빠서 honourific
* 바쁩니다 : 바쁘다 + -ㅂ니다
* a verb + -ㅂ니다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix has an hononourific manner
<B person> 죄송합니다. 지금 주방에 확인하겠습니다 : I'm sorry. I'll go ask at the kitchen.
[other expressions]
- 죄송해요.
- 죄송합니다. (formal)
- 지금 주방에 확인할게요.
- 지금 주방에 확인하겠습니다. (formal)
* 죄송한 : sorry
* 죄송(하다) : be sorry
* 죄송해요 : 죄송하다 + -어요
* 죄송합니다 : 죄송하다 + -ㅂ니다
* a verb + -어요 / -ㅂ니다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix has an honourific manner by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ’
* 지금 : right now
* 주방 : kitchen
* 에 : a place suffix means "at"
* 확인[確認] : confirmation; affirmation; certification; validation
* 확인하다 : confirm; affirm; certify; validate; identify; ascertain; make sure
* 확인되다 : be confirmed; be affirmed; be cerrified; be validated: be identified; be asxertained
* 확인되지 않은 : unconfirmed / naked
- 않다 : not
- 않은 : un-
* 확인할게요 : 확인하다 + -ㄹ(a letter makes a verb future tense) + -게(one’s will) + 요(a suffix makes a verb honourific)
* 확인하겠습니다 : 확인하다 + -겠(one’s will) + -습니다(a descriptive suffix has an honouriifc manner)
* a verb + -ㄹ게요 / -겠습니다 : I will do ~
4. 문장(Sentences)
1) 요리를 빨리 주세요 : We've been waiting a long time.
[other expressions]
- 요리(를) 빨리 줘(요).
- 요리(를) 빨리 주세요.
- 요리(를) 빨리 주십시오. (formal)
* 요리 : cooking; [=음식] a meal
* 를 : s suffix makes s noun objective after a word ends a vowel
* 빠른 : rapid; fast
* 빨리 : (1) rapidly; fast (2) [=어서] quick(ly); fast; promptly; rapidly; without delay; in haste (3) (if you) please; kindly
* 주다 : give
* 줘 : 주다 + -어
* 줘요 : 줘다 + -어- + -요
* 주십시오 : 주다 + -십시오
* a verb + -어 : an imperative or persuasive verb ending suffix has no honourific manner
* -요 / -오 : a suffix makes a verb honourific
* a verb + -어요 / -십시오 : an imperative or persuasive verb ending suffix has an honourific manner by ‘-요’ / ‘-십’
2) 음식은 언제 나와요? : Will our food be long?
[other expressions]
- 음식(은) 언제 나오나요?
- 음식(은) 언제 나와요?
- 음식(은) 언제 나옵니까? (formal)
* 음식 : a meal
* 은 : a suffix makes a noun subjective after a word ends a consonant
* 언제 : when
* 나오다 : come out; be served in this sentence
* 나와요 : 나오다 + -어- + -요
* a verb + -나 / -어 : a questioning verb suffix has no honourific manner
* -요 : a suffix makes a verb honourific
* 나옵니까 : 나오다 + -ㅂ니까
* a verb + -나요 / -어요 / -ㅂ니까? : a questioning verb suffix has an honourific manner by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ’
3) 옆 테이블이 먼저 나왔어요 : The table next to us got their orders first.
[other expressions]
- 옆 테이블이 먼저 나왔네요.
- 옆 테이블이 먼저 나왔어요.
- 옆 테이블이 먼저 나왔습니다 (formal; more hinourific by ‘-습’
* 옆 : neighbor; next to us in this sentence
* 테이블 : table
* 이 : a suffix makes a noun the topic of the sentence after a word ends consonant
* 먼저 : first
* 나오다 : come out; be served in this sentence
* 나왔다 : past tense of 나오다
* a verb + -네요 / -어요 / -습니다 : a descriptive verb suffix has an honourific manner by ‘-요’ / ‘-ㅂ’
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