1. 와 주셔서 감사합니다 : Thank you for coming / Thank you for stopping by / Thanks for come over / Thanks for dropping by / I really appreate for your coming over
[other expressions]
- 와 줘서 고맙다. (to younger people or friends)
- 와 줘서 고맙네. (to younger people or friends)
- 와 줘서 고마워. (to younger people or friends)
- 와 줘서 고맙네요. (to the younger or friends; honourific by ‘-요’)
- 와 줘서 고맙군요. (to the younger or friends; honourific by ‘-요’)
- 와 줘서 고마워요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 와 주셔서 고맙습니다. (formal; to anybody; more honourific by ‘-스’)
- 와 주셔서 감사합니다. (formal; to anybody; honourific by ‘-ㅂ’)
* 오다 : come (over)
* 와 : 오(the stem of 오다) + -아(a connection suffix between two verbs)
* 주다 : (1) give (2) do a thing for someone
* -아 주다 / -어 주다 / -다 주다 / -다가 주다 : make an effort to do something
* 줘서 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -어서(because of)
* 주셔서 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -어서(because of)
* 고맙다 : thanks
* 고마운 : thank
* 감사하다 : thank you
* 고마워 : 고마(the stem of 고마운) + -워(a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* 고맙습니다 : 고맙(the stem of 고맙다) + -스(a suffix makes a verv more honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
* 감사합니다 : 감사하(the stem of 감사하다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
* 감사합니다 is more formal than 고맙습니다
* a verb + -다 / -네 / -워 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -군 / -구나 : an exclamation verb ending suffix
* a verb + -네 / -워 / -군 + 요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-스’
2. 오늘 즐거우셨어요? : Did you have fun? / Did you enjoy yourself? / Did you have a good time? / Were you entertained?
[other expressions]
- 오늘 즐거웠니? (to younger people or friends)
- 오늘 즐거웠나? (to younger people or friends)
- 오늘 즐거웠냐? (to younger people or friends)
- 오늘 즐거웠어? (to younger people or friends)
- 오늘 즐거웠는가? (to younger people or friends)
- 오늘 즐거웠나요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 오늘 즐거웠어요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 오늘 즐거웠는가요? (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 오늘 즐거웠습니까? (formal; more honourific by ‘-스’)
* 오늘 : today
* 즐거운 : pleasant; glad
* 즐겁다 : a verb form of 즐거운
* 즐거웠다 : past tense of 즐겁다 by ‘-었-‘
* 즐거웠습니까? : 즐거운(adjective form; ㄴ erased before 었) + -었(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니까?(an honourific interrogative verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
* a verb + -니? / -나? / -냐? / -어? / -는가? : a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix
* a verb + -나? / -어? / -는가? + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix by ‘-요’
* a verb + -습니까? : an honourific interrogative verb ending suffix by ‘-습’
3. Yes, I did! I had the time of my life : 네, 정말 즐거운 시간이었어요.
[other expressions]
- 응. (to younger people or friends)
- 그래. (to younger people or friends)
- 그래요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 네. (honourific)
- 예. (formal; honourific)
- 정말 즐거운 시간이었다. (to younger people or friends)
- 정말 즐거운 시간이었네. (to younger people or friends)
- 정말 즐거운 시간이었어. (to younger people or friends)
- 정말 즐거운 시간이었네요. (to the younger or friends; honourific by ‘-요’)
- 정말 즐거운 시간이었어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 정말 즐거운 시간이었습니다. (formal; to anybody; more honourific by ‘-스’)
* 응 / 그래 : yes (non-honourific words)
* 그래요 / 네 / 예 : yes (honourific words)
* 정말 : really; very much; so
* 즐거운 : pleasant; glad
* 시간 : time
* 이다 : be
* 이었다 : past tense of 이다 by ‘-었-‘
* 시간이었습니다 : 시간 + 이었(the stem of 이었다) + -스(a suffix makes a verv more honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
* a verb + -다 / -네 / -어 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -네 / -어 + 요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-스’
4. 만나 뵙게 되어 즐거웠습니다 : Pleased to have met you
[other expressions]
1) to younger people or friends
- 만나서 즐거웠다.
- 만나서 즐거웠네.
- 만나서 즐거웠어.
- 만나서 즐거웠네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 만나 봐서 즐거웠다.
- 만나 봐서 즐거웠네.
- 만나 봐서 즐거웠어.
- 만나 봐서 즐거웠네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 만나 보게 되서 즐거웠다.
- 만나 보게 되서 즐거웠네.
- 만나 보게 되서 즐거웠어.
- 만나 보게 되서 즐거웠네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
<to the elderly / anybody in formal place>
- 만나 뵈서 즐거웠어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 만나 뵈서 즐거웠습니다. (formal; to anybody; more honourific by ‘-스’)
- 만나 뵙게 되서 즐거웠어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 만나 뵙게 되서 즐거웠습니다. (formal; to anybody; more honourific by ‘-스’)
* 만나다 : meet; see
* 만나서 : 만나(the stem of 만나다) + -서/어서(because of)
* 보다 : see; look; watch
* 만나 보다 : meet and see
* 만나 봐서 : 만나 보(the stem of 만나 보다) + -서/어서(because of)
* 만나 보게 : 만나 보(the stem of 만나 보다) + -게(so that one can)
* 되다 : (1) become (2) can; be able to do
* -게 되다 : so that one can; come into being
* 되서 : 되(the stem of 되다) + -서/어서(because of)
* 만나서 = 만나 봐서 = 만나 보게 되서 : because I have met you (non-honourific phrase)
* 만나 뵈서 : 만나 보(the stem of 만나 보다) + -입( a suffix makes a verb honourific; ㅂ erased for easy pronunciation) + -서/어서(because of)
* 만나 뵙게 : 만나 보(the stem of 만나 보다) + -입( a suffix makes a verb honourific) + -게(so that one can)
* 되다 : (1) become (2) can; be able to do
* -게 되다 : so that one can; come into being
* 되서 : 되(the stem of 되다) + -서/어서(because of)
* 만나 뵈서 = 만나 뵙게 되서 : because I have met you (honourific phrase)
* 즐거운 : pleasant; glad
* 즐겁다 : a verb form of 즐거운
* 즐거웠다 : past tense of 즐겁다 by ‘-었-‘
* 즐거웠습니다? : 즐거운(adjective form; ㄴ erased before 었) + -었(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
* a verb + -다 / -네 / -어 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -네 / -어 + 요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-스’
5. 와 주셔서 즐거웠습니다 : I enjoyed having you over / It was great to have you over / I really enjoyed your coming over.
[other expressions]
- 와 줘서 즐거웠다. (to younger people or friends)
- 와 줘서 즐거웠네. (to younger people or friends)
- 와 줘서 즐거웠어. (to younger people or friends)
- 와 줘서 즐거웠네요. (to the younger or friends; honourific by ‘-요’)
- 와 줘서 즐거웠어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 와 주셔서 즐거웠습니다. (formal; to anybody; more honourific by ‘-스’)
* 오다 : come (over)
* 와 : 오(the stem of 오다) + -아(a connection suffix between two verbs)
* 주다 : (1) give (2) do a thing for someone
* -아 주다 / -어 주다 / -다 주다 / -다가 주다 : make an effort to do something
* 줘서 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -어서(because of)
* 주셔서 : 주(the stem of 주다) + -시(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -어서(because of)
* 즐거운 : pleasant; glad
* 즐겁다 : a verb form of 즐거운
* 즐거웠다 : past tense of 즐겁다 by ‘-었-‘
* 즐거웠습니다? : 즐거운(adjective form; ㄴ erased before 었) + -었(a suffix makes a verb past tense) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)
* a verb + -다 / -네 / -어 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -네 / -어 + 요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by ‘-스’
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