
Let’s learn the etymologies in Korean and Japanese

The following might be incorrect because Personally, I was interested in language, so I analyzed the similarity between Korean and Japanese.

1. 川村部長いらっしゃいますか

   가와무라 부장 계십니까?

   Is Mr. Kawamura here?

1) both す(스) of すか(스까?) and 시 expresses honourific

2) both か(까) of すか(스까?) and 까? are an interrogative verb endind suffix

2. 日本へいらっしゃたら いつでも 寄(よ)っください

     일본에 오신다면 언제라도 들러주십시오.

     If you come to Japan, please stop by anytime.

1) both さい(사이 = 새/세) and 시(=세/셔) of 십 are a propositive verb ending suffix

3. 東京貿易(ぼうえき)商事(しょうじ)の すずきさまで いらっしゃいますね

    동경무역상사의 스즈기씨 이시군요. / 동경무역상사의 스즈기씨네요.

    You're Suzuki from Tokyo Trading Corp.


1) both すね(스네) and -네요 are an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix

4. ごくろうさまでした / おつかれさまでした


     Thank you so much

1) both した(시다) and 습니다 are an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix

2) し(시) of した(시다) is equal to 습 in Korean

3) た(다) of した(시다) is equal to 니다 or 다 in Korean

5. はいけんする


    someone is seeing something. (honourific sentence)

1) both す(스) of する(스루) and 시 of 십니다 are an honourific verb ending suffix

6. 田中先生に おみやけを さしあげました

    다나가 선생에게 선물을 드렸습니다.

    I gave a gift to Ms. Tanaga.

1) げ(께) of さしあげ(사이아께) and 에게 ... 드리다 / 께 ... 드리다 are an honourific verb suffix

7. おれいに 何を さしあげましょうか

   예의로서 무엇을 드릴까요.

   What can I give you as a courtesy?

1) しょう(쇼) and 시/세/셔 in Korean are an honourific verb ending suffix

2) か(까) and 까(요)? are an interrogative verb ending suffix



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