<Let’s learn about the chatactristic of Korean language grammer(한국어 문법의 특징)>
[Parts of speech in Koreanç
- 명사(Nouns) : 사람(person)
- 대명사(Pronouns) : 우리(we)
- 수사(Numerals) : 하나(one)
- 동작동사(Action Verbs) : 가다(go)
- 상태동사(Descriptive verbs) : 아름답다(be beautiful)
- 관형사(Adnominals) : 새(new), 헌(old), 한(one)
- 부사(Adverbs) : 참(truely), 대단히(very), 많이(abundantly)
- 감탄사(Exclamations) : 아! (Oh!), 참!(well!)
- 조사(Particles) : -이/가/는/은(Particles makes something subjective), -을/를(Particles makes something objective), -(으)로(to; toward)
[Classifications of Parts of Speech on Korean]
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단어(Word) 실사(Content Words)
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1) 기능(Function) 수식언/수식어(Modifiers)
2) 형태(Form) 체언(Substantives)
3) 의미(Meaning) <체언(Substantives)>
동작동사(Action Verbs)
상태동사(Descriptive Verbs)
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단어(Word) 허사(Function Words)
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1) 의미(Meaning) 감탄사(Exclamations)
1. The normal word order in a Korean sentence is Subject(주어) + Object(목적어) + verb(동사). other features of this word order is the followings
1) Free word order of those elements preceding the verb. in other words, those elements other than the sentence-final verb are free to occur in almost any order:
[Examples] "The teacher gave the students homework" can be translated as follows
- 선생님이 학생에게 숙제를 주셨다.
- 학생에게 선생님이 숙제를 주셨다.
- 숙제를 선생님이 학생에게 주셨다.
- 숙제를 학생에게 선생님이 주셨다.
2) Modifiers always precedes modified parts like a noun, a pronoun, a phrase or a sentence.
[Examples] My friend bought a really pretty car
- 제 친구는 아주 예쁜 차를 샀어요.
3) Korean word order does not change in interrogative sentences, and there is no rule requring question words to appear in sentence-initial position.
[Examples] Whose bag is this?
- 이 가방은 누구의 가방입니까? / 이 가방 누구 가방이에요?
2. A rich repertoire of particles(조사) and endings/suffix(어미)
- 할머니가 좋다. —> 할머니께서는 좋으셨겠습니다.
(Grandmother is nice) (Grandmother (more honourific)
Must have been nice
3. Korean has a hightly developed system of honourifics and politeness.
4. Korean freely allows the omission of subjects, objects, complements and predicates. Omissions is allowed where context or situation makes recovery of the omitted elelement possible.
- 선생님은 어디에 가십니까? --> 어디 가십니까?
(Where are you going, Sir?) (Where are you going)
5. The category of singular vs. plural is not obligatory in Korean. That is, plural is not mandatory.
6. Korean does not have grammatical gender(남녀구분), articles(정관사, 부정관사) or relative pronouns(관계대명사)
—- The end —-
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