1. 생활/가정 - 초대/파티 - 파티 떠날 때 : life/home - invitation/party - when saying goodbye
* 생활[生活] : [=살아 나감] life; living; existence; [=생계] livelihood; subsistence
* 가정[家庭] : a home; a family; a household
* 가정[假定] : assumption; supposition; postulation; hypothesis (pl. -ses); (legal) fiction
* 파티 : party
* 떠나다 : depart; say goodbye; leave
* 떠날 : future tense of 떠나다 (ㄹ : a suffix makes a verb future tense)
* 때 : when
2. See the original: https://phrase.dict.naver.com/detail.nhn?targetLanguage=en&categoryTypeCode=0&bigCategoryNo=12&middleCategoryNo=98&smallCategoryNo=424
3. See the related lessons on my blog
1) 초대 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2019/11/lets-learn-about-invitation-from-naver.html
2) 감사 인사 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2019/11/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_46.html
3) 식사 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/01/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_5.html
4) 식사하기 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/01/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_37.html
5) 감사 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/02/lets-learn-about-thank-you-from-naver.html
6) 초대/파티 - 소개/인사 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/05/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_26.html
7) 초대/파티 - 식사 대접 : http://mymintscent.blogspot.com/2020/07/lets-learn-about-from-naver-portal_9.html
4. 대화(Dialigue)
<A person> 벌써 가신다고요? 좀 더 계세요 : Are you leaving already? Stay a while.
[other expressions]
- 벌써 가요? (to the younger or friendly)
- 벌써 가시나요?
- 벌써 가시는가요?
- 벌써 가시는지요?
- 벌써 가십니까? (formal)
- 좀 더 계시죠.
- 좀 더 계십시오. (formal)
- 좀 더 계시겠어요.
* 벌써 : already
* 가다 : go
* 가신다고요? / 가요? / 가시나요? / 가시는가요? / 가시는지요? / 가십니까? : You’re leaving?
* 좀 : a little
* 더 : more
* 있다 : (1) be; there is; there are (2) stay
* 계시다 : a polite form of 있다(stay)
* 계시죠 / 계세요 / 계십시오 / 계시겠어요 : (please) stay
* -세요 / -시죠 / -십시오 / 시겠어요 : a persuasive verb ending suffix means please
<B person> 이제 가야죠. 오늘 파티 정말 즐거웠어요 : Thanks, I should really get going. I had a great time today.
[other expressions]
- 이제 가야겠네요.
- 이제 가야겠군요.
- 이제 가야겠습니다. (formal)
- 오늘 파티 정말 즐거웠네요.
- 오늘 파티 정말 즐거웠습니다. (formal)
* 이제 : now
* 가다 : go
* -겠어요 / -겠네요 / -겠군요 / -겠습니다 : I should ~; I will ~ (-겠- : It indicates that I intend to do something in the future)
* 오늘 : today
* 파티 : party
* 정말 : very much
* 즐거운 : pleasant
* 즐겁다 : a verb form of 즐거운
* 즐거웠다 : past tense of 즐겁다 (웠 : a letter makes a verb past tense)
* -어요 / -네요 / -습니다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix with pollteness
<A person> 와 주셔서 고마웠어요 : Thank you for coming.
[other expressions]
- 와 주셔서 고마워요. (to the younger or friendly)
- 와 주셔서 고맙네요.
- 와 주셔서 고맙습니다. (formal)
* 오다 : come
* 와 : 오다 + 아(a letter connects two verbs)
* 주다 : give
* 와 주다 : come and see me
* 주셔어 : 주다 + ㅅ(a consonant shows politeness) + 여서 / 어서(a suffix means because / owing to / since)
* 고맙다 : thanks
* 고마웠다 : past tense of 고맙다 (웠 : a letter makes a verb past tense)
* -워요 / -어요 / -네요 / -습니다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix with pollteness
5. 문장(Sentences)
1) 이제 슬슬 자러 가야겠어요 : I guess it's time for bed now.
[other expressions]
- 이제 슬슬 자러 가야겠네요.
- 이제 슬슬 자러 가야겠군요.
- 이제 슬슬 자러 가야겠습니다. (formal)
* 이제 : now
* 슬슬 : (1) [=슬금 슬금 / 천천히] : slowly (2) gently; lightly; nicely (3) [=살살] (melt) well; imperceptibly (4) [=살살] tactfully; adroitly; cunningly (5) [=점차] gradually; little by little; by degrees
- 슬슬 걷다 : walk slowly
- 슬슬 떠나기로[가보기로] 하지 : Let's be going. / Shall we be going?
- 슬슬 문지르다 : rub lightly / give (something) a light rub
- 이 과자는 입안에서 슬슬[살살] 녹는다 : This cake melts in the mouth
- 아이를 슬슬[살살] 달래다 : comfort[persuade] a child gently
- 슬슬[살살] 꾀어 빼앗다 : cajole[wheedle] (a person) out of (something)
- 안개가 슬슬 걷힌다 : The fog melts away
- 이제 슬슬 모기가 나올 철이다 : We shall soon have mosquitoes.
* 자다 : sleep
* 자러 : in order to sleep (-러 : in order to do)
* 가다 : go
* 가야겠다 : 가다 + 야(a suffix shows a intention) + 겠(a letter indicates one’s intention in the future) + 다(a verb ending suffix)
* -야겠다 / -야겠네요 / -야겠어요 / -야겠군요 / -야겠습니다 : I guess that ~ / I will ~ / I have a mind ~ing
2) 이 파티, 재미있었어요 : The party was so much fun.
[other expressions]
- 이 파티, 재미있었네요.
- 이 파티, 재미있었습니다. (formal)
* 이 : this; the
* 파티 : party
* 재미 : (1) [=즐거움] (a) pleasure; amusement; enjoyment; fun; [=흥미] interest (2) [=형편] a condition; a state (3) [=좋은 성과] a good result; good fruit
- 소설을 읽는 재미 : the pleasure of reading novels
- 요즘 재미가 어때 : How are you getting along with your business? / How is your business going?
- 재미가 좋아요? / 재미가 있나요? : All is going well? / Every thing turning out all right?
* 재미(를) 보다 : ⑴ [=즐거움을 맛보다] : make a merry time of it; have a good time; enjoy[amuse] oneself; have fun ⑵ [=성과를 올리다] obtain[get] good results; be rewarded with good fruits
- 재미 좀 보았니? : Did you have a good time? / Did you enjoy yourself?
- 나는 그 거래에서 재미를 보았다 : I made[gained] a profit on the deal
* 재미(가) 있다 / 재미있다 : (1) be interesting (2) be profitable
* 재미있었다 : past tense of 재미있다 (었 : a letter makes a verb past tense)
* -어요 / -네요 / -습니다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix with pollteness
3) 즐거웠어요 : I had a great time.
[other expressions]
- 즐거웠네요.
- 즐거웠습니다. (formal)
* 즐거운 : pleasant
* 즐겁다 : a verb form of 즐거운
* 즐거웠다 : past tense of 즐겁다 (웠 : a letter makes a verb past tense)
* -어요 / -네요 / -습니다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix with pollteness
4) 멋진 파티예요 : It's a great party.
[other expressions]
- 멋진 파티네요.
- 멋진 파티군요.
- 멋진 파티입니다. (formal)
* 멋진 : splendid, wonderful, excellent, marvelous; grand, elegant, magnificent
* 파티 : party
* -이다 : a verb ending suffix
* -예요 / -이에요 / -네요 / -군요 / -입니다 : a descriptive or exclamatory verb ending suffix
5) 즐거운 시간이었어요 : I had a wonderful time.
[other expressions]
- 즐거운 시간이었네요.
- 즐거운 시간이었습니다.
* 즐거운 : pleasant
* 시간[時間] : (1) time; an hour (2) a class hour; a lesson; a class
* -이다 : a verb ending suffix
* -이었다 : past tense of -이다 (었 : a letter makes a verb past tense)
* -어요 / -네요 / -습니다 : a descriptive verb ending suffix with pollteness
6) 살펴 가세요 : Take care.
[other expressions]
- 살펴 가십시오. (formal)
* 살피다 : (1) take a good look at; watch; look about [out]; inspect closely (2) judge; gather; infer; derive (3) be careful; look around; watch out [for]; pay heed (to)
* 살펴 : 살피다 + 여(a suffix indicate the continuance of an action)
* 가다 : go
* -세요 / -십시오 : a verb ending means "please with a little persuasive attitude"
7) 종종 들러 주세요 : Don't be a stranger.
[other expressions]
- 종종[가끔/자주] 들러 줘요. (to the younger or friendly)
- 종종[가끔/자주] 들러 주세요.
- 종종[가끔/자주] 들러 주시죠.
- 종종[가끔/자주] 들러 줄래요.
- 종종[가끔/자주] 들어 주실래요.
- 종종[가끔/자주] 들러 주십시오. (formal)
- 종종[가끔/자주] 들어 주시겠어요.
* 종종[種種] : (1) a variety of things; different kinds (2) [=이따끔] now and then; [=가끔] occasionally; [=자주] frequently; often; every now and then
* 들르다 : drop in at, drop in, visit informally or uninvited; stop by, come over for a short visit
* 들리다 : be audible; be heard; meet [greet] the ear; fall on one's ears; can hear; sound; ring
* 들러 : 들르다 + 어(a connection suffix between two verb)
* a verb + 주세요 / 주시죠 / 줄래요 / 주실래요 / 주십시오 / 주시겠어요 : please ~
8) 환대해 주셔서 감사합니다 : Thank you for having me.
[other expressions]
- 환대해 주셔서 고마워요. (to ther younger or friendly)
- 환대해 주셔서 고맙습니다.
- 환대해 주셔서 감사해요. (to ther younger or friendly)
- 환대해 주셔서 감사합니다. (formal)
* 환대[歡待] : a hospitable[warm / cordial / hearty] reception; hospitality; hospitable treatment; welcome
- 환대(를) 받다 : be warmly received / be accorded a warm welcome / be received cordially / meet with a cordial reception / receive hospitable treatment
- 환대하다 : give a warm reception; entertain warmly; receive warmly[cordially]; treat hospitably; make welcome
- 손님을 환대하다 : receive[entertain] a guest hospitably[cordially] / give a warm[cordial] reception[welcome] to a guest
* 환대해 : 환대하다 + 어(a connection suffix between two verb)
* 주다 : give
* 주시다 : a polite form of 주다 to other
* 환대해 주다 = 환대하다
* 환대해 주시다 : a polite form of 환대해 주다
* 주셔어 : 주시다 + 여서(a suffix means because)
* 고맙다 / 감사하다 : thank you
* -해요 / -합니다 : a verb ending suffix has a meaning of politeness
9) 또 초대해 주세요 : See you again soon.
[other expressions]
- 또 초대해 줘요. (to the younger or friendly)
- 또 초대해 주시죠.
- 또 초대해 줄래요.
- 또 초대해 주실래요.
- 또 초대해 주십시오. (formal)
- 또 초대해 주시겠어요.
* 또 : again
* 초대[招待] : invitation
* 초대하다 / 초대를 하다 : invite
* 초대해 : 초대하다 + 어(a connection suffix between two verb)
* a verb + 주세요 / 주시죠 / 줄래요 / 주실래요 / 주십시오 / 주시겠어요 : please ~
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