
Let’s learn about "-거든”

<Question about "-거든요”>

These days I’m confused with -거든요. I’ve checked many websites and explanations but I got more confused. As a teacher how do you explain this grammar?

<My Answer>

1. -거든 means :

1) [가정·조건(hypothesis•condition)] provided that; if; when [=건]

(1) 바쁘지 않거든 놀러 오시오 : Come and see me if you are free[not busy].


* 바쁘다 : be busy

* 바쁜 : busy

* 바쁘지 않다 : be free; be not busy

* -거든 : if

* 놀다 : play

* 오다 : come

* 놀러 오다 : come and see me

* -시오 : a verb ending suffix makes a sentence imperative or persuasive

(2) 다 보았거든 그 책을 돌려 주게 : Return me the book when you have done with it.


* 다 : all

* 보다 : (1) see; look; watch (2) read a book

* 보았다 / 봤다 : past tense of 보다

* -거든 : when

* 그 : that; the

* 책 : book

* 돌다 : rotate

* 주다 : give

* 돌려 주다 : return someone something

* -게 : a verb ending suffix a sentence persuasive

(3) 자라고 하거든 자 : Go on to bed when I tell you to


* 자다 : sleep

* 라 of 자라고 : a suffix makes a verb imperative

* -고 : (1) [after -하다 verb] and (also); as well as; and then; both; as well (2) to do; doing [having done] (3) be doing; have done

* -고 하다 : I tell you to do something (하다 in this sentence means "tell")

* -거든 : when

* 자 : imperative form of 자다(sleep) to the younger or friendly

(4) 빈털터리거든 들어갈 생각일랑 아예 하지 마라 : If you're broke, don't go in at all.


* 빈 : empty

* 빈털터리 / 털터리 : a penniless person; a fellow without a penny; a person destitute of money

- 빈털터리가 되다 : go[be] clean broke / become quite penniless

- 빈털터리에서 다시 시작하다 : start afresh from scratch

- 저 녀석은 언제나 빈털터리이다 : That fellow is always penniless[flat broke / dead broke]

- 나는 오늘은 빈털터리이다 : I am broke today. / I haven't got a penny today

- 그는 사업에 실패하여 빈털터리가 되었다 : He lost[was stripped of] all his property when his business failed

* -거든 : if

* 들어가다 : enter into

* 들어갈 : future tense of 들어가다

* 생각 : (1) [=사고] thinking; [=사상] a thought; an idea; a notion; a concept; a conception (2) [=의도] an intention; a plan; an idea; a view; a purpose

*-일랑 : another form of ㄴ/은/는(a subjective suffix)

* 마라 / 말아라 : impertive form for 말다(don’t do) to the younger of friendly

(5) 닭도 새거든 어찌 급하면 (닭이) 날지 못하랴 : How can a chicken fly in a hurry?


* 닭 : cock; hen; chicken; the fowls

* -도 : also

* 새 : bird

* -거든 : if

* 어찌 : how (this starts an exclamation sentence)

* 급한 : in a hurry

* 급하다 : a verb form of 급한

* -면 : (1) if (2) when

* 이 of 닭이 : a suffix makes 닭 subjective

* 날다 : fly

* 날지 못하다 : can’t fly

* -랴 : a suffix makes a sentence exclamation

(6) 작거든 큰 것으로 바꾸어라 : If it's small, change it to a larger one.


* 작은 : small

* 작다 : be small

* -거든 : if

* 큰 : large

* 것 : a thing; one

* 큰 것 :a large one

* -(으)로 : to; toward

* 바꾸다 : change

* -어라 / -라 : a verb ending suffix makes a sentence imperative

(7) (그 분이) 오시거든 방으로 모셔라 : If he comes, take him to the room.


* 그 : that

* 분 : a polite form of 사람(human being; person) to the elderly

* 이 : a suffix makes 그 분 subjective

* 오다 : come

* 오시다 : a polite form of 오다 to the elderly

* -거든 : if; when

* 방 : room

* -(으)로 : to; toward

* 모시다 : take someone someplace (to the elderly)

* -어라 / -라 : a verb ending suffix makes a sentence imperative

* 모셔라 : 모시다 + 어라 

(8) (너가/너는) 청소를 다 하였거든 돌아가거라 : You've cleaned up. Go back.


* 너 / 니 : you (to the younger or friendly)

* 가 / 는 : a suffix makes 너 / 니 subjective

* 청소[淸掃] : cleaning; sweeping; dusting

* 를 : a suffix makes 청소 objective

* 다 : all

* 하다 : do

* -거던 : if

* 돌다 : rotate

* 가다 : go

* 돌아가다 : go back

* -거라 : a suffix makes a verb imperative

2) [비교(comparision)] still more; how much more

(1) 개도 주인의 공을 알거든 하물며 (우리) 사람에 있어서랴 = 개도 주인의 공을 아는데 하물며 우리 사람이 그 사람의 공을 모를리가 있겠는가? : If a dog is so faithful to its master, how much more should we human beings be.


* 개 : dog

* 도 : also

* 주인[主人] : the head [master] of a family; one's man; one's husband; the host; the hostess; the landlord; the landlady; the proprietor; an employer; the master; the owner (of goods)

* 의 : a suffix makes 주인 possesive

* 공[功] : (1) merits; services; credit; honor (2) exertion; efforts; labors

* 을 : a suffix makes 공 objective

* 알다 : know

* 주인의 공을 알다 : be so faithful to its master

* -거든 : if

* 하물며 : [긍정문: positive statement] (how) much more; still more; [부정문: negative statement] much[still] less; to say nothing of

* 우리 : we; our

* 사람 : human being

* 에 : a place suffix like at/in/on

* 있다 : (1) be; exist; (2) (In this sentence) have a faith to one’s master

* -어서랴 : a suffix makes a sentence exclamation and means "how + adjective + should we be !"

* 아는데 : 알다(know) + 는데(even though)

* 그 사람의 : his <— 그(that) + 사람(human being; person) + 의(a suffix makes 그 사람 possesive)

* 모르다 : don’t know

* -리가 없다 : cannot be

* -겠는가? : How can someone do ~? <— 겠(future conjecture) + 는가(questioning verb ending suffix)

* 모를리가 있겠는가? : How can you not know?

(2) 내(가) 아니 잊었거든 넌들 설마 잊었겠느냐 :  Since I haven't forgotten it, how could you?


* 내 : I (non-polite to the younger or friendly)

* 가 : a suffix makes 내 subjective

* 아니 : not

* 잊다 : forget

* 잊었다 : past tense of 잊다

* -거든 : since

* 넌들 : [=너가] you (to the younger or friendly)

* 너 / 니 : you (to the younger or friendly)

* 가 : a suffix makes 너 / 니 subjective

* 설마 : impossible; that cannot be; by no means; on no account; You don't say (so)!; Really?

* -겠느냐 : How could someone do ~? <— 겠(future conjecture) + 느냐(questioning verb ending suffix)

* 잊었겠느냐? : How could you forget?

(3) 어린 학생이 해내거든, 큰 학생이 못 해낼까 : If a young student does it, a big student can't.


* 어린 : young

* 어리다 : be young

* 학생[學生] : a student; a pupil; a schoolboy; a schoolgirl; a scholar

* 이 : a suffix makes 학생 subjective

* 하다 : do

* 해내다 : (1) [=완수하다•끝내다]accomplish; achieve; carry through; perform; fulfil; succeed (in) (2) [=이겨내다] go at; beat; lick; put down; get the better of

* -거든 : if

* 큰 : big

* 크다 : be big

* 못 : not

* 못 해내다 : don’t accomplish

* -ㄹ까? : ㄹ(future conjecture) + 까(questioning verb ending suffix)

* 못 해낼까? : How couldn’t?

(4) 그가 병골인 줄 내 알았거든, 어찌 그에게 이 어려운 일을 시키랴 : If I knew he was sick, how could I let him do this difficult job?


* 그 : he

* 가 : a suffix makes 그 subjective

* 병[病] (1) (a) sickness; (an) illness; (a) disease (2) weakness

* 골[骨] : [=뼈] bone

* 병골 : a person who is weak and often is ill

* 병골이다 : a verb form of 병골

* 병골인 : present tense of 병골이다

* 줄 : the how; the way how to; the assumed fact; likelihood

* 알다 : know

* -인 줄 알다 : I knew that ~

* -거든 : if

* 어찌 : how

* 그 : he; him

* 에게 : to 

* 이 : this

* 어려운 : difficult

* 일 : job; work

* 을 : a suffix makes 이 어려운 일 objective

* -에게 ~을 시키다 : let someone do something

* -랴 : a verb ending suffix shows exclamation

3) [까닭(reason)] as; so; since; owing to; due to; for

(1) 그 사람이 있거든 방이 조용할 리가 있겠나 : As far as he is staying in the room, how can it be quiet?


* 그 : that

* 사람 : human being; person

* 그 사람 : he

* 이 : a suffix makes 그 사람 subjective

* 있다 : be; exist

* -거든 : because; due to; as far as

* 방 : a room

* 이 : a suffix makes 방 subjective

* 조용 : quieteness

* 조용한 : quiet

* 조용하다 : be quiet

* 조용할 : present tense of 조용하다

* 리 : good) reason; possibility

* …일 ~가 없다 cannot be / must not be / It is hardly possible 

- 그것이 사실일 리가 없다 : It cannot be true.

- 그럴 리가 있나 : How can it[that] be? / It cannot be true, I'm sure. / It's (absolutely) impossible! / Impossible!

- 늦을 리가 없다 : There is no reason for delay

* …일 리가 있나 : How can it be + adjective?

* - 나 of 있나 : a questioning / interrogative suffix

(2) 내 눈으로 똑똑히 보았거든 다를 리가 있겠소 : As I ascertain it with my own eyes, it cannot be otherwise.


* 내 : my (non-polite to other)

* 눈 : eye

* -(으)로 : as; with

* 똑똑한 : (1) clever (2) clear; certain

* 똑똑히 : detailed; clearly; certainly; closely

* 보다 : look; see; watch

* 보았다 : past tense of 보다

* -거든 : as; even though

* 다르다 : be different; be otherwise

* -을/를 리가 없다 : It cannot be = -을/를 리가 있겠소

* -겠- : a suffix shows futrure conjecture

* -소 : a verb ending suffix to the younger or friendly [this is not words of these days]

(4) (내가) 왜 밥을 안 먹느냐고? 조금 아까 떡을 많이 먹었거든 : Why am I not eating? I ate a lot of rice cake a little while ago.


* 내 : I (non-polite to other)

* 가 : a suffix makes 내 subjective

* 왜 : why

* 밥 : meal

* 을 : a suffix makes 밥 objective

* 안 : not

* 먹다 : eat

* -느냐고 : a questioning verb ending suffix

* 조금 : a little

* 아까 : ago

* 조금 아까 : while ago

* 떡 : korean cake like rice cake

* 을 : a suffix makes 떡 objective

* 많이 : a lot of

* 먹다 : eat

* -거든 : because; due to

4) [다짐(resolution)] shows the attitude I'm sure I'll do it.

(1) 나도 맞서 봐야지, 지고 있을 수만은 없거든(요) : I have to face it, because I can't afford to lose.


* 나 : I (non-polite to other)

* 도 : also

* 맞서다 : face

* 보다 : look; see; watch

* 봐야 겠다 : I have to do

* 봐야지 : I’ll have to do ~ (a suffix show "I’ll do it")

* 지다 : lose

* 있다 : be

* 수 : a method; a way

* 만 : only

* 은 : a suffix makes 수만 subjective

* 없다 : not be; not exist

* -고 있을 수 없다 / -고 있을 수만 없다 : can’t afford to do

* -거든 : because

* -요 : a polite verb ending suffix to other

4) [감탄(exclamation)] shows an exclamation

(1) 도대체 어찌 된 영문인지 알 수 없는 경우거든! : I don't know what the hell's going on.


* 도대체[都大體] : [도무지] in the world; [=대관절] on earth; under the sun; in the name of God; the dickens; the hell [heck]

* 어찌 : how

* 되다 : become

* 된 : past tense of 되다

* 영문 : (1) [=형편·사정] circumstances; the situation; the state of things[affairs / matters] (2) [=이유•까닭] (a) reason; (a) cause; ground(s); the matter

* -인지 (아닌지) : whether ~ or ~

* 어찌된 영문인지 : somehow or other

* 알다 : know

* 수 : a way; a method

* 없다 : be not

* 없는 : present tense of 없는

* 알 수 없다 : don’t know

* 경우[境遇] : circumstances; a situation; a case; an occasion; an instance; a time

* -거든 : a suffix shows exclamation

5) [의아함 표시(weirdness)] Indicates a strange or unconvincing feeling [=이거든]

1) 아무리 생각해도 알 수 없거든 : I can't figure it out no matter how hard I think about it.


* 아무리 ... 해도 : however (much)...(may); no matter how...(may)

* 생각: [=사고(思考)] thinking; [=사상] (a) thought; ideas

- 생각하다 : think

* 알 수 없다 : don’t know

* -거든 : a verb ending suffix shows a strange or unconvincing feeling

2. -거든요 expresses the meaning of the following

1) to someone older than me, -거든요 expresses "Why do you keep on scolding me when I did something? Please don't say any more," a slightly rebellious tone of voice.

(1) 저 오늘 공부 다 했거든요 : I'm done with my studies today. So don't tell me any more.


(2) 학교 갔다 왔거든요 : I went to school. So don't tell me any more.


* 학교[學校] : a school; an educational establishment [institution]

* 가다 : go

* 갔다 : past tense of 가다

* 오다 : come

* 왔다 : past tense of 오다

* -거든 : a verb ending suffix means "don’t tell me any more"

(3) 벌써 밥 먹었거든요 : I've already eaten. So don't tell me any more.


* 벌써 : already

* 밥 : meal

* 먹다 : eat

* 먹었다 : ate

* -거든 : a verb ending suffix means "don’t tell me any more"

2) -요 : expresses a politeness to the other persons. especially to the elderly

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