
Let's learn about "호텔에 수영장이 있나요?"

호텔에 수영장이 있나요? : Do you have a swimming pool in the hotel?; Is there a swimming pool available in the hotel?

숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있나요? : Can we use the swimming pool throughout our stay?


A. 호텔에 수영장이 있나요? : Do you have a swimming pool in the hotel?

B. 네, 실내, 실외 둘 다 있어요. 투숙객은 무료로 이용하실 수 있어요 : Yes, we do. We have both indoor and outdoor. And it’s free to all of our guests here

[other expressions]

<반말(talking down to)>

- 호텔에 수영장이 있니? (to younger people or friends)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있나? (to younger people or friends)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있냐? (to younger people or friends)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있지? (to younger people or friends)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있어? (to younger people or friends)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있는가? (to younger people or friends)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있는지? (to younger people or friends)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있니? (to younger people or friends)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있나? (to younger people or friends)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있냐? (to younger people or friends)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있지? (to younger people or friends)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있어? (to younger people or friends)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있는가? (to younger people or friends)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있는지? (to younger people or friends)


- 호텔에 수영장이 있나요? (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있지요? (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있죠? (honourific by ‘-요'; -죠 is the short form of -지요)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있어요? (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있는가요? (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있는지요? (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있나요? (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있지요? (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있죠? (honourific by ‘-요'; -죠 is the short form of -지요)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있어요? (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있는가요? (honourific by ‘-요’)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있는지요? (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>

- 호텔에 수영장이 있습니까? (formal; more honourific by ‘스’)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있으신가요? (more honourific by ‘-시’)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있으신지요? (more honourific by ‘-시’)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있으세요? (more honourific by ‘-시’)

- 호텔에 수영장이 있으십니까? (formal; more honourific by ‘-스’)

- 숙박 기간 내내 수영장을 이용할 수 있습니까? (formal; more honourific by ‘스’)


* 호텔 : hotel

* -에 : a place suffix

* 수영 : [水泳] swimming; bathing; a swim; a bathe

* 수영장 : a swimming[bathing] place; a swimming pool[tank] <-- 수영 + -장(a place)

* -은 : a particle makes 수영장 subjective after a word ends in a consonant; -은 can be used instead of -이. but -는 is more stronger than -이

* 숙박 : [Pronunciation: 숙빡] [宿泊] (a) lodging; billeting; quartering

- 호텔에 숙박을 예약하다 : make reservation at a hotel

* 숙박하다 : lodge ; stay ; stop ; put up ; take up one's lodging; be registered ; check in ; be billeted; be quartered

- 여관에 숙박하다 : stay[put up] at an inn

* 내내 : all the time[way]; (all) through; throughout; all along (the line); all during

- 1년 내내 : throughout the year / all the year round / the year around / from year's end to year's end / [=줄곧] always

- 아침 내내 : all through the morning

- 내내 선두를 달리다 : lead the race from start to finish

* 수영장 : a swimming[bathing] place; a swimming pool[tank] <-- 수영 + -장(a place)

* -을 : a particle makes 수영장 objective after a word ends in a consonant

* 이용하다 : use

* 이용하시다 : an honourific form of 이용하다 by '-시-'

* 이용할 : 이용하(the stem of 이용하다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and adnominal)

* 이용하실 : 이용하시(the stem of 이용하시다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence

* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 수 : a way; a method

* -가 : a particle makes 숙박할 수 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel; this omitted

* (-이/-가) 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따] (1) be; exist; there is[are] (2) [as the form of -를/을/-ㄹ 수 있다] be able to do

* 있으시다 : an honourific form of 있다 by '-으시'

* 있습니까? : 있(the stem of 있다) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니까?(an honourific interrogative verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)

* 있으신가요? : 있(the stem of 있다) + -으시(s suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㄴ가?(an interrogative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)

* 있으세요? : 있(the stem of 있다) + -으시(s suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -어?(an interrogative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific verb ending suffix)

* 있으십니까? : 있(the stem of 있다) + -으시(s suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니까?(an honourific interrogative verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)

* a verb + -니? / -나? / -냐? / -지? / -어? / -는가? / -는지? : a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix

* a verb + -나? / -지? / -어? / -는가? / -는지? + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix

* a verb + -으세요? / -으십니까? / -ㅂ니까? : an honourific interrogative verb ending suffix by ‘스-‘ / ‘-ㅂ’

* 네 / 예 : yes

* 실내 : [室內] indoors; the interior of a room <-- 실(room) + 내(interior)

- 실내에(서) : indoors / in[inside] a room

- 실내의 : indoor

- 실내를 장식하다 : upholster a room

* 실외 : [室外] outdoor <-- 실(room) + 외(outside)

- 실외의 : outdoor

- 실외에(서) : outside (of) a room / outdoors / out of doors.

- 실외에 내놓다 : put out of the room

* 둘 : two

* 다 : all

* 둘 다 : both

* 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따] (1) be; exist; there is[are] (2) [as the form of -를/을/-ㄹ 수 있다] be able to do (3) we have in the sentence

* 있어요 : 있(the stem of 있다) + -어(a declarative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)

* 투숙 : [投宿] lodging in

* 투숙하다 : put up at ; lodge in ; check into ; register[be a guest] at

- 함께 투숙하다 : stay at the same hotel / lodge in the same inn / (한방에) share a room

- 나는 호텔에 투숙했다 : I checked into[stayed at / put up at] a hotel

* 투숙객 : a guest (registered at hotel); a lodger

* -은 : a particle makes 투숙객 subjective after a word ends in a consonan

* 무료로 : free / free of charge / gratis / for nothing / without pay[fee] <-- 무료 + -으로/-로(A postpositional particle that indicates a method or way to do something: 어떤 일의 방법이나 방식을 나타내는 조사)

- 무료로 보내다 : send free

- 무료로 제공되다 : be offered free[without cost]

- 무료로 봉사하다 : serve for nothing / work without pay

- 견본은 무료로 드립니다 : You may have a sample free[for the asking]

* 이용하다 : use

* 이용하시다 : an honourific form of 이용하다 by '-시-'

* 이용할 : 이용하(the stem of 이용하다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and adnominal)

* 이용하실 : 이용하시(the stem of 이용하시다) + -ㄹ(a suffix makes a verb future tense and adnominal)

* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence

* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb

* 수 : a way; a method

* -가 : a particle makes 숙박할 수 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a vowel; this omitted

* (-이/-가) 있다 : [Pronunciation: 읻따] (1) be; exist; there is[are] (2) [as the form of -를/을/-ㄹ 수 있다] be able to do

* 있으시다 : an honourific form of 있다 by '-으시'

* 있어요 : 있(the stem of 있다) + -어(a declarative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)

* 있습니다 : 있(the stem of 있다) + -스(a suffix makes a verb more honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific declarative verb ending suffix by ‘-ㅂ’)

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