
우리 엄마 Lyrics

이 노래도 헌 번 들어 보세요. (My Mother)



여섯 남매 배곯을까 치마 끈 졸라매고
가시밭길 헤쳐가며 살아오셨네

긴 머리 땋아 틀어 은비녀 꽂으시고
옥색치마 차려입고 사뿐사뿐 걸으시면
천사처럼 고왔던 우리어머니
여섯 남매 배곯을까 치마 끈 졸라매고
가시밭길 헤쳐가며 살아오셨네
헤진옷 기우시며 긴 밤을 지새울때
어디선가 부엉이가 울어 대면은
어머니도 울엇답니다

긴머리 빗어내려 동백 기름 바르시구
분단장 곱게하고 내 손 잡고 걸으실때
마을어귀 훤했었네 우리어머니
여섯남매 자식 걱정 밤 잠을 못이루고
칠십평생 가시 밭길 살아오셨네
천만년 사시는줄 알았었는데
떠나실날 그다지도 멀지 않아서
막내딸은 울었답니다
막내딸은 울었답니다
막내딸은 울었답니다

Papago 번역 :

Six brothers and sisters, tightening their skirts.
You've been through a thorny path.

Put your hair in a long braid.
Dressed up in a jade skirt, walking lightly,
My mother, who had been like an angel.
Six brothers and sisters, tightening their skirts.
You've been through a thorny path.
When you spend a long night leaning on worn-out clothes.
If an owl cries somewhere,
My mother cried, too.

Brush off your long hair and apply camellia oil.
When you walk holding my hand, you'll be divided.
It was a beautiful town, my mother.
Worrying about your six-brothers and children, you can't sleep.
You've been living on thorny paths all your 70 years.
I thought you lived for ten million years.
He's not far away from the day you leave.
The youngest daughter cried.
The youngest daughter cried.
The youngest daughter cried.

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