참 애매하네 : (1) It's really ambiguous (2) [=말하기 곤란하네] It's hard to say
[other expressions]
- 참 애매하다. (to younger people or friends)
- 참 애매하네. (to younger people or friends)
- 참 애매해. (to younger people or friends)
- 참 애매하군! (to younger people or friends)
- 참 애매하구나! (to younger people or friends)
- 참 애매하네요. (honourific by '-요')
- 참 애매해요. (honourific by '-요')
- 참 애매하군요! (honourific by '-요')
- 참 애매합니다.. (formal; honourific by '-ㅂ')
* 참 : (1) [=진실] truth; reality; verity; [=사실] fact (2) [=정말로] really; truly; indeed; quite; very (3) <감탄사> well; oh; what; really; by the way (4) true; real; veritable; genuine
- …이 참임을 증명하다 : certify the truth of ‥
- 참 재미있었다 : I had such a good time, indeed
- 참 난처하게 되었다 : This is a nice kettle of fish. / It's really annoying. / What an awful mess!
- 참 좋은 집이구나 : What a fine house!
- 참 안 됐어 : What a pity!
- 오늘은 참 덥다 : How hot it is today!
- 그 여자 참 미인인데 : She is a real beauty
- 나는 참 운이 좋았다 : I had capital luck
- 참 : 아름답다 It is really beautiful
- 참, 자네한테 물어 볼 말이 있네 : Well, now, I have something to ask you
- 참, 오늘이 월요일이지 : Oh, it's Monday, isn't it?
- 참 별사람 다 보겠네 : Really now, I have never seen such a dreadful person!
- 참 별소리 다 듣겠다 : Just what do you mean talking to me that way?
- 참 김씨를 알고 있나 : By the way, do you (happen to) know Mr. Kim?
- 참뜻 : the true meaning[sense]
- 참사람 : a true[an honest] man
- 참사랑 : a true love
* 참 : [站] (1) [=역참] a post; a station; a stage (2) [=쉬는 곳] a stop; a resting place (3) [=휴식] a (short) rest ; a recess; a break; a respite ; a spell; [=쉬는 시간에 먹는 식사] a snack taken during a recess (4) [=계제] the occasion; [=찰나·순간] the instance; the moment; the time
- 층계참 : a halfpace / a (mean) landing / a footpace / a platform
ㆍ밥 먹으려는 참에 : just as[when] one is about to eat / the moment one is going to eat / on the point of eating
- 너를 부르러 사람을 보내려던 참 이었다 : I was just on the point of sending for you
* 애매한 : (1) ambiguous (2) dark; darksome; backhanded; neutral
* 애매하다 : a verb form of 애매한
* 애매하게 : an adverb form of 애매한
* 애매합니다 : 애매하(the stem of 애매하다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* a verb + -다 / -네 / -아 / -어 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -군! / -구나! : a non-honourific exclamatory verb ending suffix
* a verb + -네 / -아 / -어 / -군! + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '-ㅂ'
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