
천년바위(A longstanding rock) - 박정식 in 1987

천년바위(A longstanding rock) - 박정식 in 1987

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ3LcTSddow (Maria on 현역가왕(an active best singer) in 2023)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7Wrj4FIV3c (공훈 on TV Proram in 2021)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7Lo2S6ZPHs (이찬원 on TV Program in 2020)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja0j-fTPmsM (임영웅 Cover - English Lyrics in 2019)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHiUBiIQ4nA (이호연 on a KBS TV Program in 2008) : See this to see various comments

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N4yQhXNDPA (양지은 on TV Program in 2022)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJjy5WBx12U (박정식 in 1987)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fexq_1euKbw (박정식 English Lyrics in 2020)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoM3waedz84 (알리 on 불후의 명곡(Immortal Songs) in 2020)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=speXv6WR4ic (정미애 on 불후의 명곡(Immortal Songs) in 2010)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ3Yag9w-5Q&t=3s (Daegeum cover in 2019)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q6P4IeNGTw (김다현 on a TV Program in 2020)

* 마리아(Maria) : https://namu.wiki/w/%EB%A7%88%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%20%EC%97%98%EB%A6%AC%EC%9E%90%EB%B2%A0%EC%8A%A4%20%EB%A6%AC%EC%8A%A4

대한민국에서 활동하는 미국 출신의 트로트 가수이자 방송인이다. 한국전쟁 참전 용사의 손녀로 한미연합회(AKUS)의 홍보대사다.(She is a U.S.-born trot singer and broadcaster. She is a granddaughter of a Korean War veteran and is an ambassador for the Korea-U.S. Federation)

미국 코네티컷 주 출신으로 폴란드계 미국인 어머니와 독일계 미국인 아버지 사이에서 태어났다.(Born in Connecticut, U.S., he was born to a Polish-American mother and a German-American father)

15살 무렵부터 케이팝에 관심을 가져 2년 간 택견을 배우며 한글도 독학하고, 2017년 미국 뉴저지 주 한인회 추석큰잔치 노래자랑에서 1위를 한 뒤 우승 상품인 한국행 비행기 표를 얻어 한국에 처음 왔다. 이후 한국 연예계에 데뷔하기 위해 실용음악학원에 등록해 음악을 배우면서 비자 갱신을 위해 미국을 오갔다.(Having been interested in K-pop since she was around the age of 15, she taught herself Korean by learning Taekkyeon for two years. After winning first place at the Chuseok Big Festival Singing Contest of the Korean American Association in New Jersey in 2017, she came to Korea for the first time as she received a ticket to Korea, a prize. Afterwards, she enrolled in a practical music academy to debut in the Korean entertainment industry and learned music while traveling to and from the U.S. to renew her visa)

그녀는 미국 쥴리어드 음대에 합격했으나 한국에서 가수활동을 하기 위해 쥴리어드 음대에 가지 않고 한국에서 가수 활동을 하고 있는 수재이다.(She passed the U.S. Juilliard College of Music, but She is still a singer to perform in Korea instead of going to Juilliard College of Music)

Mnet 너의 목소리가 보여 시즌 6에 출연하여 처음 얼굴을 알렸으며, 유학소녀로 인지도를 쌓았다. 이후 불타는 청춘, 대한외국인, 아침마당, 히든싱어6의 김완선 편 등에 출연했다. (Mnet 'I Can See Your Voice' appeared in season 6 and made his face known for the first time as a foreign girl. Since then, he has appeared in Burning Youth, Korean Foreigner, Morning Madness, and Hidden Singer 6's Kim Wan-sun)

2021년 내일은 미스트롯2에 대학부로 참가하여 외국인 최초로 준결승전에 진출하면서 유명세를 얻었다. 외국인임에도 불구하고 유창한 한국어 실력과 국적이 의심될 정도로 완벽에 가까운 곡 소화능력으로 경연 내내 굉장히 좋은 평가를 받았다.(Tomorrow, 2021, he participated in Miss Trot 2 as a university student and gained fame as he advanced to the semifinals for the first time as a foreigner. Despite being a foreigner, he received very good reviews throughout the competition for his fluent Korean and close-to-perfect singing ability to the extent that his nationality was suspected)

* 천년바위 : 작사가 장경수씨가 설악산 울산바위를 보고 너무 멋있고 천년이상을 무심하게 변하지 않는 모습을 보고 지은 노래 가사이름이다.(The name of the song was written by the lyricist Jang Kyung-soo, who saw Ulsan Rock on Seoraksan Mountain and was so cool that he did not change carelessly for more than a thousand years)

동녘 저편에

먼동이 트면

철새처럼 떠나리라

세상 어딘가

마음 줄 곳을

집시되어 찾으리라

생은 무엇인가요

삶은 무엇인가요

부질없는 욕심으로

살아야만 하나


서산 저 넘어

해가 기울면

접으리라 날개를

내가 숨쉬고 내가 있는 곳

기쁨으로 밝히리라

생은 무엇인가요

삶은 무엇인가요

부질없는 욕심으로

살아야만 하나

이제는 아무 것도 그리워 말자

생각을 하지 말자

세월이 오가는 길목에 서서

천년바위 되리라

천년바위 되리라

천년바위 되리라

[English Translation #1]

A longstanding rock (천년바위)

Over there in the east, when the dawn breaks

I will leave like a migratory bird

Somewhere in the world

I'll find my nest as a gypsy

What is life?

How do we live it?

Should we lead it full of futile greed?

Over there in the west, when the sun fades away,

I will fold my wings

At my precious nest

I will light up there with happiness

What is life?

How do we live it?

With foolish greed

Should we fill it?

Now I'll never long for anything

I'll never have any regrets

Standing at the corner where time passes

I will be a longstanding rock

I will be a longstanding rock

I will be a longstanding rock

[English Translation #2]

When the sun is rising on the east, I will leave like a migratory bird

I will wander like a gypsy looking for a place to rest somewhere in the world

What is living?

What is life?

Should I live with vain greed...?

When the sun tilts beyond west mountain, I will fold wings

Where I breathe and live, I will light up there with joy

What is living?

What is life?

Should I live with vain greed...?

Now I will not longing for anything, will not think of anything

Standing on the road that time's coming and going, I will be a thousand years rock...

will be a thousand years rock

will be a thousand years rock

[English Translation #3]

When the sun is rising on the east, I will leave like a migratory bird

I will become a gypsy and search for a place to rest my heart somewhere in this world

What is life?

What is existence?

Must we live only with pointless desires?


Over there in the west, when the sun fades away,

I will fold my wings and rest

I will shine with joy wherever I am

breathing and existing in this world

What is life?

What is existence?

Must we live only with pointless desires?

Let us not long for anything now

Let us not think

Let us stand at the crossroads of time

and become a thousand-year rock.

A thousand-year rock a thousand-year rock

a thousand-year rock

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