
명동 건물 옥상에 핀 꽃

서울 명동의 빌딩 옥상에 봄이 완연히 온 것 같다. 이 어여쁜 꽃들이 만발한 것을 보니... (Spring seems to have come to the roof of the building in Myeong-dong, Seoul. Seeing these beautiful flowers in full bloom)

* 서울 : Capital Metro city in Republic of Korea

* 명동 : The famous central area in Seoul

* 의 : a suffix makes 명동 possesive

* 빌딩 : building

* 옥상 : roof

* 에 : a place suffix means "at"

* 봄 : spring

* 이 : a suffix makes 봄 the topic of the sentence

* 완연히 : obviously, clearly, distinctly

* 오다 : come

* 온 : past tense of 오다

* 것 : a thing

* 같다 : (1) seem; look (2) be the same

* -ㄴ 것 같다 : seem to be

* 이 : this

* 어여쁜 : pretty; beautiful

* 꽃 : flower

* 들 : a suffix makes 꽃 plural

* 이 : a suffix makes 꽃들 the topic of the sentence

* 만발 : [=만개] full bloom

* 만발한 : afjective form of 만발

* 만발하다 : verb form of 만발

* 것 : a thing; a scene in the sentence

* 을 : a suffix makes 것 objective after a word ends a  consonant

* 보다 : see; watch; look

* 보니 : 보다 + -니

* -니 : (1) as; so; since; because (of); for (2) when; as; (and) then

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