1. 별별 거 다 파는 가게 : A store that sells all sorts of things.
2. 별별 거 다 파는 분식점 : A Korean snack bar that sells all sorts of things.
3. 설명(explanations)
* 별별 : various kinds of, all sorts of, all kinds of
* 거 : a short form of 것(a thing; a stuff)
* 를 : a suffix makes 거 objective after a word ends a vowel
* 다 : all
* 팔다 : sell
* 파는 : 팔다 + -ㄴ(a suffix makes a verb present progressive and attributive)
* 가게 : a shop; a store
* 분식 : flour based food
* 점 : (1) a shop; a store (2) a restaurant (2) a branch office
* 분식점 : (Korean) snack bar
- 우리는 떡볶이를 먹으러 분식점에 갔다 : We went to a snack bar to eat tteokbokki
* 우리 : we
* -는 : a suffix makes 우리 subjective after a word ends a vowel
* 떡볶이 : tteokbokki
* 를 : a suffix makes 떡볶이 objective after a word ends a consonant
* 먹다 : eat
* 먹으러 : 먹다 + -으로(in order to do)
* 분식점 : (Korean) snack bar
* -에 : a place suffix means "to"; this can be replaced by -로(to; toward)
* 가다 : go
* 갔다 : past tense of 가다
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