1. 심사숙고하다 : meditate (on); contemplate; consider (a matter) carefully; ponder (on, over); give a deep thought
* 심사숙고[深思熟考] : [Pronunciation : 심사숙꼬] meditation; contemplation; deliberation; deep thought
- 서울대학교를 갈지 아니면 연세대학교를 갈 지 심사숙고하고 있어요 : I'm considering whether to go to Seoul National University or Yonsei University
2. 무소식이 희소식 : No news is good news.
* 무소식 : 무(No; nothing) + 소식(news)
* 희소식 : 희(delightful; good; happy) + 소식(news)
- 그동안 (너) 왜 연락이 없었니? 무소식이 희소식이라 생각해야 하니? : Why haven't you contacted me in the meantime? Should I think no news is good news?
3. 남녀노소 : men and women of all ages, people of all ages and both sexes
* 남 : men
* 녀 / 여 : women
* 노 : the elderly
* 소 : the younger people
- 남녀노소 불구하고 짜장면은 좋아합니다 : Men and women of all ages like black-bean-sauce noodles.
4. 불 보듯(이) 뻔하다 : It's as plain as day
* 불 : fire; day in the sentence
* 보듯(이) : as ... as
* 뻔하다 : It’s as plain (as)
- 지금 방에서 우리 아들 공부 안 하고 게임하고 있는 건 불 보듯이 뻔하다 : It's obvious my son isn't studying and playing games in his room right now
5. 돈을 마구 쓰다 : spend a great[good] deal of money aimlessly
* 마구 : (1) [=아무렇게나•함부로] recklessly; [무차별적으로] indiscriminately, at random; [=목적없이] aimlessly (2) [= 몹시•심하게] violently, severely, badly, wildly, blindly
- 또 저축 안 하고 돈을 마구 쓰냐? : You're spending a lot of money without saving money again?
6. 청년 실업 : youth unemployment
- 요즘은 신입 사원들을 채용하는 기업이 적어서 청년 실업이 아주 많아서 정말 걱정이다 : I'm really worried that there are so many youth unemployment because fewer companies hire new employees these days
7. 속상하다 : upset, distressed, annoyed
- 뭐가 그렇게 속상합니까? : What are you so distressed about?
8. 쥐꼬리만 하다 : be very small
* 쥐 : mouse
* 꼬리 : tail
* -만 : just
* 하다 : do; be in the sentence
* 쥐꼬리만 하다 = 쥐꼬리만큼 적거나 작다 : Fewer or smaller than a mouse tail
- 제 월급이 쥐꼬리만 해서 당장 그렇게 좋은 TV는 사기 힘들어요 : My salary is so small that it's hard to buy such a good TV right now
9. 외면하다 : turn away (one's face); look away (from); avert one's eyes (from); cut (dead); [=무시하다] disregard
- (니) 친구가 어려운 일을 당했는데, (니가) 제일 친하다면서 (너의 친구를) 외면하면 어떡하냐? : Your friend has a hard time, what if you turn away from your friend when you say you're the best friend?
10. 속상하다 : [Pronunciation: 속쌍하다] (1) be distressing [worrisome, annoying, exasperating]; get on one's nerves (2) be distressed [worried, annoyed, exasperated, vexed, troubled]
- 한국 국비 장학생에 지원했는데, 떨어져서 정말 속상하다 : I applied for Korean National Scholarship Student, but I am really upset that I failed
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