성수기라서 가격이 좀 비싸요 : This is peak season, and the rate is pretty high; The rate goes up during peak season; It costs a lot more during peak season.
* 성수기 : peak season
A. 왜 이렇게 비싸요? = 왜 그렇게 비싸요? : Why does it cost so much?
B. 성수기잖아요. 이런 때에는 훨씬 더 비싸요 : It’s peak season, and it costs a lot more during this time
[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 성수기라서 가격이 좀 비싸다. (to younger people or friends)
- 성수기라서 가격이 좀 비싸네. (to younger people or friends)
- 성수기라서 가격이 좀 비싸. (to younger people or friends)
- 성수기라서 가격이 좀 비싼데. (to younger people or friends)
- 성수기라서 가격이 좀 비싸네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 성수기라서 가격이 좀 비싸요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 성수기라서 가격이 좀 비싼데요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 성수기라서 가격이 좀 비쌉니다. (honourific by ‘-요’)
* [Memo]
* Extreme honorifics(극존칭) are not used when the subject(주어) is not a person(사람). In other words, extreme honorifics(극존칭) are used only when the subject(주어) is a person(사람) : 주어가 사람이 아닌 경우는 극존칭을 사용하지 않는다. 즉, 주어가 사람인 경우에만 극존칭을 사용한다
* 성수기 : [盛需期] a high-demand season
- 그 상품은 성수기를 맞고 있다 :The articles are now in great demand
* 비수기 : [非需期] a low demand season
* -라서 : A connective ending used for a reason or cause(이유나 근거를 나타내는 연결 어미)
* 가격 : [價格] a) price; (a) cost; [=가치] (a) value
* -은 : a particle makes 가격 the topic of the sentence after a word ends in a consonant; -이 can be used instead of -은. but -은 is more stronger than -이
* 좀 : a little
* 싸다 : (물건 값이) cheap; inexpensive; low(-priced); of low price; moderate; moderately-priced (6) [=(죄에 대한 벌이) 마땅하다] be well deserved; be none too little
* 싼 : attributive form of 싸다 by '-ㄴ'
* 비싼 : expensive <-- 비(not) + 싼(inexpensive)
* 비싸게 : an adverb form of 비싼 by '-게'
* 비싸다 : (1) be expensive (2) [=도도하다] be haughty
* 비싸 : 비싸(the stem of 비싸다; 싸 + -아 contracted into 싸) + -아(a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* 비싸네요 : 비싸(the stem of 비싸다) + -네(a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 비싼데 : 비싸(the stem of 비싸다; 싸 + -ㄴ contracted into 싼) + -ㄴ데(a non-honourific declarative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 비쌉니다 : 비싸(the stem of 비싸다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* a verb + -다 / -네 / -아 / -ㄴ데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -네 / -아 / -ㄴ데 + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '-ㅂ'
* 왜 : why
* 이러하다 = 이렇다 : [Pronunciation: 이럳따] [=이와 같다] like this; this sort[kind] of
* 이렇게 : [Pronunciation: 이러케] an adverb form of 이렇다; like this
* 그러하다 / 그리하다 / 그렇다 : [Pronunciation: 그럳타] be so; be such
* 그렇게 : [Pronunciation: 그러케] like that; so much
* 비싸요? : 비싸(the stem of 비싸다; 싸 + -아 contracted into 싸) + -아?(an interrogative verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 성수기잖아요 : 성수기 + 이(the stem of 이다; this omitted) + -잖아(this expresses certainty or his insistence to carry one’s point or opinion) + -요(an honourific ending suffix) --> this shows someone's way of talking in a pointed manner(이 말은 따지듯이 말하는 태도를 보여준다)
* -잖아(요) : this expresses certainty or his insistence to carry one’s point or opinion
* About -잖아요 see this site : https://www.howtostudykorean.com/upper-intermediate-korean-grammar/unit-4-lessons-84-91/lesson-90/
(1) -있잖아 / -있잖니 : guess what : I’ll tell you what
(2) 걔가 했다고 했잖아(요) or 그 애가 했다고 내가 분명히 말했다 : I’m sure he did. / I said to you that he did
(3) 내가 확실히 말했잖아요 or 내가 분명히 얘기 했잖아요 : I'm sure I told you
* 이런 : a short form of 이러한(like this)
* 때 : when
* -에 : a time suffix
* -는 : a suffix emphasizes 이런 때
* 훨씬 : fair; by far; a great deal; a lot; out[far] and away; by long[all] odds; by a long way; much
- 훨씬 좋은 물건 : a much[far] better article
- 훨씬이전에 : a long time[while] ago / long ago
- 그 보다 훨씬전에 : long[a long time] before that
- 훨씬뒤에 와서 : long afterward(s)
- 무엇보다도 훨씬 뛰어나다 : be far and away[by far] the best of all
- 그녀는 생각보다는 훨씬 미인이었다 : She was a far more beautiful woman than I had expected. / She was even more beautiful than I had been led to expect
- 네가 그녀보다 훨씬 아름답다 : You are far more beautiful than she (is)
* 더 : more
* 비싸 : 비싸(the stem of 비싸다; 싸 + -아 contracted into 싸) + -아(a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
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