
Let's learn about "깨다"

* 깨다 1

 (1) (잠·꿈에서) wake (up); awake from sleep[a dream]

- 잠이 깨다 : awake[be roused] from one's sleep / have one's sleep interrupted
- 자주 잠이 깨다 : be a light sleeper / have a broken sleep / awake often from one's sleep
- 잠이 덜 깨다 : be half awake[asleep] / be sleep-drunk
- 나는 심한 폭풍우 때문에 잠이 깼다 : I was awakened [aroused from my sleep] by a heavy storm
- 나는 여섯 시에 잠에서 깼다 : I woke (up) at six
- 잠이 깨어 정신이 맑아지도록 나는 커피를 마셨다 : I drank coffee to wake myself up
- 어느 날 아침 깨어 보니 나는 일약 유명해진 것을 알았다 : I awoke one morning to find myself famous

(2) (미혹·환상에서) awake ; be aroused; become sensible; come to one's senses; be disillusioned; have one's eyes opened

- 환상에서 깨다 : wake from one's reverie[the illusion]
- 악몽에서 깨다 : awake from[come out of] a bad[an evil] dream
- 그는 악에서 깨어났다 : He came to his senses and abandoned his evil ways
- 이로써 그의 생각이 깰 것이다 : This would bring him to his senses

(3) (술이) become[get] sober; sober off[up]; take off the effects of drink; recover from one's intoxication; [=술기운이 가시다] wear off

- 술이 깰 때까지 자라 : Sleep yourself sober. / Sleep and get sober
- 밤바람을 쫓더니 술이 깼다 : The night wind sobered me up
- 그는 서서히 술이 깼다 : He sobered up slowly. / The drunk inside him wore off gradually

(4) [=개화하다] be[become] civilized[enlightened / awakened]; know the (way of the) world; open one's eyes

- 깨지 못한 사람 : a person not used to the world's way / an unsociable person
- 그는 깬 사람이다 : He talks senses. / He is quite a man of the world. / He is a civilized man
- 그 여자는 깬 사람이다 : She is modern. / She is a sensible woman
- 신교육을 받아 많은 사람들이 깼다 : The people have been enlightened by new education.

* 깨다 2

(1) [=부수다] break (into pieces); crack ; crush; smash

- 접시를 깨다 : break[smash] a dish
- 얼음을 깨다 : break[crack] ice
- 머리를 깨다 : crack one's head
- 산산이 깨다 : break to pieces[bits] / crash to atoms / smash into fine pieces[into atoms]
- 산산히 깨지다 : passive form of 산산히 깨다 by '-지-'
- 호두는 잘 깨지지 않는다 : The nut is very hard to crack

(2) [=좌절시키다] frustrate ; [=파괴하다] break; destroy

- 평화를 깨다 : destroy the peace.
- 침묵을 깨다 : break one's[the] silence
- 기록을 깨다 : break[beat] the record
- 그 말을 듣고 나의 희망은 깨졌다 : What I heard that, my hopes were shattered[crushed]
- 쓸데없는 잡담이 그들의 우정을 깨고 말았다 : The gossip ruined their friendship

(3) [=취소하다] cancel; dissolve; [=어기다] break ; violate

- 혼담을 깨다 : break up a proposed marriage
- 계획을 깨다 : frustrate a plan
- 그들은 화해 교섭을 깼다 : They wrecked the peace negotiations

(4) [=감퇴시키다] diminish; reduce; [=망치다] spoil; mar

- 남의 흥을 깨다 : spoil[dampen / wet-blanket] a person's fun[pleasure / sport] / kill joy / cast a chill over
- 그의 발언이 대화를 깼다 : His remark spoiled the conversation
- 그의 말이 회의에 대한 우리의 흥미를 깼다 : His remarks dampened our enthusiasm for[interest in] the conference
- 그는 항상 남의 감흥을 깨기만 하는 사람이다 : He is a wet blanket

* 깨다 3 : [=알이 깜을 당하다] be hatched; hatch; [=알을 까게 하다] make hatch; cause to hatch

- 갓 깬 새 : nestling birds / a hatch
- 병아리가 깼다 : The brood are out[hatched]. / Some chicks are hatched

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