
Let's learn about "유행 지난 거잖아요"

유행 지난 거잖아요 = 그런 스타일은 물 건너갔어 : It’s a little outdated; It’s out of trend/fashion; It’s off :That’s no longer in fashion.

그건 작년 트렌드였잖아 : That was last year’s trend


A. 그건 좀 유행이 지나지 않았어? 요즘은 아무도 안 입어 : Don’t you think it’s a little outdated? No one wears them nowadays.

B. 무슨 상관이야 : Who cares?

[other expressions]
- 유행 지난 거잖니. (to younger people or friends)
- 유행 지난 거잖나. (to younger people or friends)
- 유행 지난 거잖아. (to younger people or friends)
- 유행 지난 거잖나요. (honourific by '-요')
- 유행 지난 거잖요. (honourific by '-요')
- 유행 지난 거잖습니까. (more honourific by '습'; but it might be rude to the elderly)

* 유행 : [流行]1 (1) (복장 등의) (a) fashion; a vogue; mode; (한 때의 열광적인) a craze; (일시적인) a fad; (인기) popularity (2) [=전염병이 만연함] prevalence

* -이 : a particle makes 유행 subjective after a word ends in a consonant

* 지난 : past tense of 지나다 by '-ㄴ'; last; past

* 지나다 : (1) [=통과하다] pass (by); go[run] past; pass through (2) [=경과하다] pass; elapse; pass by[away]; go[roll] by; (기한이) expire; be out

* 지난 : [至難] [=아주 어려움] extreme difficulty
- 지난하다 = 아주 어렵다 : most[extremely] difficult
- 지난한 일 = 아주 어려웠던 일 : a task of extreme difficulty
- 서서 잔다는 것은 나로서는 지난한 일이다 = 서서 잔다는 것은 나로서는 아주 힘든 일이다 : It is almost[next to] impossible for me to sleep in a standing position. 

* 거 : a short form of 것(a thing)

* 거잖아 : a short form of 것 + 이다(be) + 잖아

* 지난 것 : the past; the time has gone by

* -잖아(요) : this expresses certainty or his insistence to carry one’s point or opinion

* About -잖아요 see this site : https://www.howtostudykorean.com/upper-intermediate-korean-grammar/unit-4-lessons-84-91/lesson-90/


(1) -있잖아 / -있잖니 : guess what : I’ll tell you what

(2) 걔가 했다고 했잖아(요) or 그 애가 했다고 내가 분명히 말했다 : I’m sure he did. / I said to you that he did

(3) 내가 확실히 말했잖아요 or 내가 분명히 얘기 했잖아요 : I'm sure I told you

* 물 건너가다 : cross the water
* 물 건너갔다 : (1) [=끝났다•더 이상 가지거나 볼 수 없다] It's over (2) someone crossed the water

* a verb + -니 / -나 / -어 / -아 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending. but this has a little interrogative nuance)
* a verb + -나 / -어 / -아 + -요 : an honourific ending
* a verb + -습니까 : an honourific descriptive verb ending. but this has a little interrogative nuance)

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