
Let's learn about "딱"

* 딱 has the following meanings : 

(1) [=마주치거나 부러질 때 나는 소리] with a bang[crack / crash / smash / pop]

- 머리를 딱 부딪히다 : bump one's head against / crack one's head on
- 딱 부러지다 : break with a snap / snap / crack
- 노가 딱 부러졌다 : Snap went an oar
- 그의 머리를 딱 때렸다 : I gave him a whack on the head

(2) [=갑자기] suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly

- 딱 마주치다 : meet by chance / come[stand] face to face with / <美> run up against
- 딱 멈춰서다 : stop suddenly[short] / come to a standstill
- 대답이 딱 막혔다 : I was at a loss for an answer
- 그녀와 길에서 딱 마주쳤다 : I ran against[across] her on the street
- 내 앞에서 차 한 대가 갑자기 딱 멈춰섰다 : A car stopped suddenly right in front of me
- 시계추가 딱 섰다 : The pendulum came to a dead stop

(3) [=단호히] definitely; decisively; positively; resolutely; flatly

- 딱 잘라 거절하다 : refuse flatly[positively] / give a flat[point-blank] refusal
- 딱 잘라 말하다 : speak flatly
- 딱 잡아떼다 = 완전히 부인하다 : give a flat denial
- 딱 결심하다 : make a grim[firm] resolution / make up one's mind definitely
- 그는 나를 딱 노려봤다 : He glared at me
- 그는 내 부탁을 딱 거절했다 : He flatly refused my request
- 그는 딱 잘라서 대답했다 : He gave a definite[decisive] answer
- 그를 딱 단념했다 : I gave up on him completely[entirely]
- 그녀는 그 계획을 딱 단념했다 : She gave up the plan with no regrets
- 그녀는 그 남자의 제의를 딱 거절했다 : She flatly declined the man's offer

(4) [=활짝 벌어진 모양] wide-open

- 입을 딱 벌리고 : with one's mouth wide-open / (어안이 벙벙하여) agape
- 놀라서 입을 딱 벌리다 3 be gape with wonder[surprise]
- 두 눈을 딱 부릅뜨다 : open one's eyes wide
- 가슴이 딱 벌어지다 : have a broad chest / be broad of chest
- 그저 입을 딱 벌리고 있었다 : We simply gaped at it

(5) [=정확히] exactly; just; precisely; to a T

- 딱 맞는 옷 : a well-fitting suit
- 딱 5시간 : five hours to a minute / exactly five hours
- 딱 7시에 : at seven o'clock sharp
- 딱 들어맞다 : fit nicely / suit to a T / (말이) fitly apply
- 구두가 발에 딱 맞았다 : The shoes fitted my feet just right. / My shoes were an excellent fit
- 계산은 딱 들어맞는다 : The accounts are quite correct
- 그는 내가 생각하고 있던 일을 딱 들어맞추었다 : He guessed exactly what I was thinking

(6) [=완전히] perfectly; completely; entirely

- 담배를 딱 끊었다 : give up[quit] smoking once for all
- 그후 그는 발길을 딱[=뚝] 끊었다 : It was his last visit
- 양념이 딱 알맞다 : It is perfectly seasoned
- (우는 아이에게) 딱 그쳐 : Stop crying!
- 아첨은 딱 질색이다 : I hate flattery
- 비가 딱 멎었다 : The rain has stopped
- 편지가 딱 끊겼다 : The correspondence ceased entirely. / The letters stopped coming once and for all
- 아내가 죽은 후에 그는 담배를 딱 끊었다 : After his wife's death he never smoke again[he completely gave up smoking]

(7) [=찰싹] close(ly); tight(ly)

- 딱 들러붙다 : stick fast
- 딱 붙어 앉다 : sit closely together / sit close to each other
- 그 아이는 엄마에게 딱 달라붙어 있었다 : The child clung to his mother

(8) [=꼭] only; just; but

- 딱 한 번 : only[but] once
- 딱 한 마디만 하다 : say just a word
- 딱 한 잔만 더 마시다 : have just one more glass (of wine)

(9) [=굳세게 버티는 모양] firmly; stubbornly

- 딱 버티고 서다 : stand firm / won't yield[budge] a step[an inch]

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