
Let's learn about "듣다"

* 듣다 : this is ㄹ irregular; so this often used as the form of 들으려 하지 않다(refuse to listen)

1) 듣다 : [=방울져 떨어지다] drip; trickle; dribble; fall in drops

- 처마에서 낙숫물이 듣는다 : Raindrops are falling[dripping] from the eaves

2) 듣다 has the following meanings

(1) [=효험이 있다] be effective; be efficacious ; have an effect ; be good ; act[work / tell]

- 잘 듣는 약 : a very efficacious medicine / a medicine of marvelous efficacy / a drug of great virtue
- (약 등이) 놀랄 정도로 잘 듣다 : work wonders
- 뇌물이 듣다 : be susceptible to bribery
- 뇌물이 안 듣다 : be susceptible to be proof against bribes
- 듣지 않다 : fail to work / be no good / have no effect 
- 이 약은 아주 잘 듣는다 : The medicine acts marvelously well
- 이 약은 듣지 않았다 : The medicine had no effect on me
- 이 약은 두통에 잘 듣는다 : This medicine works well[is good] for headaches
- 약이 듣지 않게 되었다 : The drug has lost its effect on me

(2) [=정상적으로 움직이다] work; act

- 오른손이 말을 안 듣다 : lose the use of one's right arm / one's right hand is out
- 몸[수족]이 말을 안 듣다 : be disabled / cannot help oneself / be helpless
- 이 열쇠가 말을 안 듣는다 : This key won't work any more. / Something is wrong with this key
- 브레이크가 안 듣는다 : The brake refuses to act[work]

3) 듣다 has the following meanings

(1) [소리•목소리•음악(sound•voice•music)] hear ; listen to; give ear to; lend an ear to; heed

- 남이 듣는 데서 : in the audience of a person / in a person's audience
- 라디오를 듣다 : listen to[on] the radio
- 연설을 듣다 : hear a speech / hear an address / hear speak / listen to a speech
- (연속) 강의를 듣다 : hear a course of lectures
- 비오는 소리를 듣다 : listen to it rain
- 음악을 듣다 : listen to music
- 귀를 기울여 듣다 : listen attentively[carefully] / listen with pricked ears / strain one's ears
- 잘 주의해서 듣다 : listen to attentively / be all attention[ears]
- 열심히 얘기를 듣다 : hang on words
- 건성으로 듣다 : hear inattentively[with half an ear]
- 처음부터 끝까지 듣다 : hear out
- 잘못 듣다 : hear amiss / mishear / be misinformed
- 듣기 거북하다 : be offensive[unpleasant / harsh] to the ear
- 듣기 어렵다 : be hard[difficult] to hear
- 듣기 좋다 : be agreeable[pleasant] to the ear
- 듣기 좋은 소리를 하다 : say pleasant[agreeable] things / flatter / tickle ear
- 듣기 싫은 소리를 하다 : say a disagreeable[spiteful] thing
- 듣지 못하다 : fail to hear / leave unheard
- 참고로 들어(만) 두다 : hear for one's information
- 들으려 하지 않다 : turn a deaf ear
- 그는 내가 하는 말 따윈 들으려고 하지 않는다 : He won't listen to me. / He turns a deaf ear to me
- 내 말을 귀담아 들으세요 : Mark my words. / Hear[Listen to] me. / Listen[Give heed] to what I say[I am going to say]
- 조용히 들어주십시오 : Attention, please. / Please be quiet and listen
- 귀하의 의견을 듣고자 합니다 : I'd like to hear your opinion
- 조속한 대답을 들을 수 있기를 바랍니다 : Please give me your answer as soon as possible. / Would you please give me a prompt reply?
- 집안 사람에 대한 욕은 듣기 거북한 것이다 : It's unpleasant to hear nasty things said about one's relatives
- 그가 영어를 하는 것을 들으면 영국인으로 착각할 정도다 : To hear him speak English, one would take him for an Englishman
- 그가 듣는 데서 그런 소리하지 마라 : Don't say things like that in his hearing
- 그 사람이 잘못 들은 거다 : He didn't hear me right[correctly] / He misheard me
- 그는 언제나 듣는 편이 된다 : He always takes the role of listener
- 듣기 싫다 : I don't want to hear about it!
- 듣기 좋은 이야기도 한두 번이다 : The best fish smells after three days
- 낮말은 새가 듣고 밤말은 쥐가 듣는다 : <속담(Proverb)> Pitchers[walls] have ears
- 들으면 병이요 안 들으면 약이다 : <속담(Proverb)> Listeners hear no good of themselves. / What the eye sees not the heart rues not. / Ignorance is bliss

(2) [소식·소문 등(news•rumour)]hear of; be informed[told] of[about]; learn ; understand; (사물이) come to one's ears[knowledge]

- 많이 들어본 이름 : a familiar name
- 별로 들어보지 못한 : unfamiliar / strange / new
- 듣는 바에 의하면[듣자하니 / 듣기로는] : from what I hear / I hear[we learn] / I'm told
- 소문으로 듣다 : hear of / hear say of / learn
- 풍문에 듣다 : learn[have it] by hearsay / get wind of
- 그런 얘기는 들어 본 적이 없다 : I never heard of such a thing
- 그것[그 사람]에 대해서는 들었다 : I have heard about it[him]
- 당신에 관해서는 요즘 많이 듣고 있습니다 : I have been hearing about you for some time now. / I have heard a lot about you
- 여기 유명한 불상이 있다고 들었어요 : I was told that[I hear] there's a famous statue of the Buddha here
- 나는 그 소식을 듣고 놀랐다 : I was surprised when I heard the news
- 그 회사가 도산한다는 소문을 들었다 : I heard a rumor that the company was going bankrupt
- 네가 서울에 와 있다는 말은 그녀에게서 들었다 : She told me[I heard from her] that you were in Seoul
- 처음 듣는 얘기다 : This is news to me
- 하이잭에 관해서는 현지로부터 아직 아무 것도 듣지 못했다 : We have no on-the-spot information yet about the hijack
- 듣자하니 아이가 아프다면서요 : I hear that your child is sick
- 그는 듣자하니 곧 사임한다고 한다 : I don't know for certain, but they say he is going to resign
- 그녀는 내가 듣던 것보다 훨씬 미인이었다 : She was even more beautiful than I had heard

(3) [칭찬·꾸지람(praise•scolding)] be praised and scolded

- 칭찬을 듣다 : be praised[admired / extolled / applauded] / catch[get] it / catch[have / get] a scolding
- 칭찬듣고 화낼 사람은 없다 : Nobody feels offended at compliments
- 그 따위 짓을 하면 꾸지람을 듣는 정도로 그치지 못할 걸 : If you do a thing like that, you can't get away with a mere scolding

(4) [이르는 말 등(order or command)] obey; follow; take advice; listen to; mind; [부탁] grant ; [요구 등]comply with[accede to] ; [호소] hear

- 말을 잘 듣는 어린이 : an obedient child / a child who listens to[does] what he is told
- 말을 안 듣는 어린이 : a disobedient child / an unreasonable[a willful / a naughty] child
- 부모의 말을 듣다 : obey one's parents / mind what one's parents say
- 충고를 듣다 : follow[take] advice
- 남의 말을 안 듣다 : will not listen to what others say / will not take advice from others / will give no ear[heed] to
- 아버지의 말을 안 듣다 : defy one's father
- 청을 들어주다 : grant a request[favor] / comply with request
- 그녀의 남편은 그녀의 말을 잘 듣는다 : She has a great influence over her husband
- 이 아이는 부모의 말을 잘 듣는다 : This child obeys his parents. / This child minds[does] what his parents tell him
- 나는 그의 충고를 듣고 담배를 끊었다 : Following [Taking] his advice, I gave up smoking
- 부탁을 들어 드리지요 : I will attend to your wishes
- 이번에는 네 청을 들어주겠다 : I will grant your request this time
- 어머니는 내 청을 들어주시려 하지 않았다 : My mother wouldn't do what I asked[wouldn't listen to my request]
- 그는 진정을 들어주는 정도로만 끝냈다 : He did no more than listen to the appeal

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