
Let's learn about "뮤지컬 할인 티켓을 구했어요"

(쿠팡/11번가에서) 뮤지컬/전시회 할인 티켓을 구했어요 : I got musical tickets on Coupang; I bought musical tickets on 11th Street; I found discount tickets for this exhibition


A. 이게 타이완 밀크티야? 타이완에 갔던 거야? : Are these Taiwanese milk tea? Have you been to Taiwan?

B. 아니야. 11번가에서 샀어 : No, I bought it on 11th Street

[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 뮤지컬 할인 티켓을 구했다. (to younger people or friends)
- 뮤지컬 할인 티켓을 구했네. (to younger people or friends)
- 뮤지컬 할인 티켓을 구했어. (to younger people or friends)
- 뮤지컬 할인 티켓을 구했는데! (to younger people or friends)

- 뮤지컬 할인 티켓을 구했네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 뮤지컬 할인 티켓을 구했어요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 뮤지컬 할인 티켓을 구했는데요! (honourific by ‘-요’)

<극존칭(high honorific; extreme honorific)>
- 뮤지컬 할인 티켓을 구했습니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')

* 쿠팡 : Coopang is a online shopping mall in Korea
* 11번가 : 11 street is a online shopping mall in Korea
* -에서 : a place suffix mesns "from"

* 뮤지컬 : a musical
- 뮤지컬 드라마 : a musical drama
- 뮤지컬 코미디 : a musical comedy; a comic opera

* 전시 : [展示] exhibit
* 전람 : [展覽] exhibit
* 회 : [會] (1) [=조직] a society; [=협회] an association; a club (2) [=모임] a meeting; an assembly; a gathering; a party; a get-together; a conference

* 전시회 : [展示會] showing; exhibition <-- 전시 + -회
* 전람회 : [展覽會] an exhibition; an exhibit; a show <-- 전람 + -회

* 할인 : [割引] discount

* 티켓 : ticket
* -을 : a particle makes 할인 티켓 objective after a word ends in a consonant; this omitted

* 구하다 : [救하다] [위험·죽음에서{ rescue from ; save from ; [고통·가난·나쁜 환경 등에서] relieve from ; release from ; help out of ; deliver[extricate] from ; (죄에서) redeem; reclaim

* 구하다 : [求하다] (1) [=찾다] look for; seek (for / after); search for; pursue; want; need (2) [=청하다] ask for; call for; solicit (for); look[turn] to (3) [=얻다] get; have; obtain; [=찾아내다] find (out); [=사다] buy; purchase

* 구했다 : past tense of 구하다 by '-었-'; 하 + 었 contracted into 했

* 구했어요 : 구했(the stem of 구했다) + -어(a descriptive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 구했는데요 : 구했(the stem of 구했다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 구했습니다 : 구했(the stem of 구했다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

* -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데  : a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people
* -ㄴ데 : this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel like 아프다
* -는데 : this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel like 끼다
* -은데 : this used after the stem of a verb ends in a consonant like 좁다

* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -다 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -어 / -아 / -네 / -ㄴ데 / -는데 / -은데 + -요 : honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -습니다 / -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '스-' / ‘-ㅂ’

* 이게 / 저게 / 그게

* 이게 : a short form of 이거가/이것이
* 저게 : a short form of 저거가/저것이
* 그게 : a short form of 그거가/그것이
* 이 : this
* 저 : that (this has the nuance of distance place)
* 그 : that (this has the nunace of neaness)
* 것 : a thing
* 이거 = 이것 : this thing
* 저거 = 저것 : that thing
* 그거 = 그것 : that thing
* -가 : a particle makes 이거 / 저거 / 그거 subjective after a word ends in a consonant
* -이 : a particle makes 이것 / 저것 / 그것 subjective after a word ends in a consonant


- 이게 좋겠다 = 이거가 좋겠다 = 이것이 좋겠다 : I like this
- 저게 좋겠다 : = 저거가 좋겠다 = 저것이 좋겠다 : I like that over there
- 그게 좋겠다 = 그거가 좋겠다 = 그것이 좋겠다 : I like that

* 타이완 : Taiwanese; Taiwan

* 밀크티 : milk tea

* 이다 : be
* 밀크티야? : 밀크티 + 이(the stem of 이다; this omitted after a word ends in a vowel) + -야?(a non-honourific interrogative verb ending suffix)

* 타이와에: 타이완 + -에(a place suffix)

* 가다 : go
* 갔다 : past tense of 가다 by '-았-'

* 갔던 : 갔(the stem of 갔다) + -던(An ending of a word that makes the preceding statement function as an adnominal phrase and implies that an event or action has not been completed in the past but has been stopped)

* 거야? : a short form of 것이야?

* 것 : a thing

* 갔던 것 : what I went to

* 이다 : be
* 갔던 것이야? : 간던 것 + 이(the stem of 이다) + -야(a non/honourific interrogtive verb ending suffix)

* 아니다 : be not; no <--> 이다(be)
- 아니다. (to younger people or friends)
- 아니네. (to younger people or friends)
- 아니야. (to younger people or friends)
- 아닌데. (to younger people or friends)
- 아니네요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 아니예요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 아닌데요. (honourific by ‘-요’)
- 아니오. (honourific by ‘-오’)
- 아뇨. (honourific by ‘-요’; a short form of "아니오")
- 아닙니다. (formal; honourific by ‘-ㅂ’)

* 11번가 : 11 street online mall in Korea
* -에서 : a place suffix means "from"

* 사다 : buy
* 샀다 : past tense of present perfect of 사다 by '-았-'

* 샀어요 : 샀(the stem of 샀다) + -어(a descriptive verb ending suffix) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 샀습니다 : 샀(the stem of 샀다) + 스(a suffix makes a verb honourific) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)

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