1. 번쩍 has the following three meanings
* 번쩍번쩍 : 번쩍 + 번쩍
* 반짝 : weak word of 번쩍
* 반짝반짝 : weak word of 번쩍번쩍
1) [=빛 나는 모양] with a flash
* 번쩍하다 : give out a flash; flash
- 눈에서 불이 번쩍하다 : see stars
- 동에 번쩍 서에 번쩍하다 : appear in one place and then suddenly appear in another like a flash of lightning
- 그의 눈이 번쩍 빛났다 : His eyes glittered
* 번쩍번쩍하다 : [섬광] flash in rapid succession; [반사광] glitter; shine; sparkle
- 번쩍번쩍하는 보석 : a glittering[dazzling] jewel
- 번개가 번쩍번쩍했다 : Lightning played in the sky. / Lightning flashed in the sky in rapid succession
2) [=감관·의식에 들어옴] suddenly; with a start; strongly
- 눈이 번쩍 뜨이는 : eye-catching
- 귀가 번쩍 뜨이다 : strike[catch] one's ears
- 눈에 번쩍 뜨이다 : catch[strike] one's eye / be attractive[conspicuous]
- 정신이 번쩍 들다 : come to oneself with a start
3) [=들어올리는 모양] [수월하게(easily)] lightly; easily; without (any) effort; [높이(high)] aloft; high
- 두 손을 번쩍 들고 : with one's hands high up / with upraised hands
- 나는 큰 돌을 번쩍 들어올렸다 : I lifted a huge rock with agility
- 그는 쌀가마니를 번쩍번쩍 들어올렸다 He lifted up rice sacks easily[lightly] in rapid succession
2. 번쩍거리다 : [=번쩍하다] glitter, twinkle
3. 반짝거리다 / 반짝하다 : weak word of 번쩍거리다 / 번쩍하다
4. 번쩍거림 : a noun form of 번쩍거리다 by '-ㅁ'
5. 반쩍거림 : a noun form of 반짝거리다 by '-ㅁ'
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