* 위하다 : [爲하다]
* 위한다 : present form of 위하다 by '-ㄴ다'
* 위한 : adnominal form of 위하다 by '-ㄴ'
* adnominal [관형사(형)] : an adjective or a modifying phrase attached to or modifying a noun, a noun phrase, a noun clause or a noun sentence
* adverbial [부사(형)] : an adverb attached to or modifying a verb
1) [=이롭게 하다] do for the good[benefit] of; do in favor[behalf] of
- 예술을 위한 예술 : art for art's sake
- 초보자를 위한 영어책 : an English book for beginner
- 그런 환자를 위한 병원이 부족하다 : We are short of hospitals that can handle such cases
- 그 대학에서는 외국인을 위한 한국어 강좌를 개강하고 있다 : The university offers Korean language courses for students from abroad
- 그렇게 위하는 체하는 소리는 이제 듣기 지겹다 : I'm tired of hearing about how it'll be good for me[how it's all for my own good] (when in fact it's you who's going to benefit)
- 김 씨를 위한 송별회가 열렸다 : A farewell party was given in honor of Mr. Kim
- 그는 토론을 위한 토론을 좋아한다 : He likes to argue just for argument's sake
2) [=사랑하다] care for; love; [=공경하다] serve; honor; revere; respect; worship
- 부모를 위하다 : be devoted to[take good care of] one's parents
- 아이들을 위하다 : be kind to children
- 그는 아내를 몹시 위한다 : He thinks of his wife before himself
3) [=소중히 하다] have regard for; take good care of; esteem; value; make[think] much of
- 건강을 위하다 : take (great) care of one's health
- 돈보다 명예를 더 위하다 : care for one's honor more than for one's money
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