* 빠지다 has the following meanings
* 빠졌다 : past tense of 빠지다 by '-였-'; 었 changed into 였 after 지 for easy pronunciation
1) [=떨어져 들어가다] fall[get] into; run into; be led into; lapse into; be drowned[sunk into]
- 물에 빠지다 : fall[plunge] into water / drown
- (차가) 도랑에 빠지다 : be mired in a ditch
- 함정에 빠지다 : fall into[be caught in] a trap
- 혼수 상태에 빠지다 : lapse[fall] into a (state of) coma[delirium / stupor]
- 위험에 빠지다 : run into danger / be endangered
- 내 구두 뒤축이 진흙에 빠졌다 : My heels sank into the mud
- 나는 개골창에 빠졌다 : I fell into a ditch
- 그는 몹시 곤란한 처지에 빠져 있다 : He is in great trouble[in utter distress]
- 그는 물에 빠져 죽게 된 사람을 건졌다 : He save a drowning man
- 물에 빠진 사람은 지푸라기라도 잡는다 : <속담(proverb)> A drowning man will catch at a straw
2) [=마음을 빼앗기다] be steeped[immersed / bogged down] in; indulge (oneself) in ; abandon[surrender] oneself to; give oneself (up[over]) to; be given to[in / on]; be absorbed[engrossed] in; be crazy[wild] with[about]
- 사랑에 빠지다 : be lost[fall] in love / be deeply[gone] in love
- 주색에 빠지다 : give oneself up to women and wine
- 도박에 빠지다 : be addicted to gambling
- 그 녀석은 유행에 넋이 빠져 있다 : He is a slave to[of] fashion
- 삼촌이 우표를 몇 장 준 후 그는 우표 수집에 빠져들었다 : After his uncle gave him some stamps he got hooked on stamp collecting
- 그는 잠자는 것도 잊고 독서 삼매경에 빠졌다 : He was so completely lost[absorbed / engrossed] in the novel that he forgot even to go to bed
- 예술가지만 예술에 빠지는 사람은 아니다 : Artist though he is, he enjoys art in moderation
3) [=박힌 것이 그 자리에서 나오다] come[fall] out[off]; be taken[broken] off; get removed
- 머리털이 빠지다 : one's hair falls out[off] / one's hair thins (out)
- 이가 빠지다 : a tooth comes out / [그릇 등(bowl etc)] chip (off) / be chipped
- 못이 빠져 있다 : A nail is missing
- 이 새는 깃털이 빠지기 시작한다 : This bird is starting to lose its feathers[to molt]
- 그의 차바퀴가 빠졌다 : A wheel came off[flew off] his car
- 유리잔은 이가 빠졌다 : The spout of this teapot is chipped
4) [=누락되다] be left out; be omitted; [=없다] be missing; [=제외되다] be excluded ; be not included
- 두 페이지가 빠져 있다 : There are two pages missing
- 필요한 것 중에서 빠질 것은 하나도 없다 : We want for[lack] nothing
- 그의 이름이 명단에서 빠져 있다 : His name is missing[has been omitted] from the list. / His name was left off the list
- 중요한 구절이 빠져 있다 : The important passage is left out
- 빠진 것이 없나 잘 살펴봐 : See that nothing is omitted. / See that things are all as they should be
5) [=흘러 나가다] drain; flow off; run out; [=새어 나가다] leak out; [=물 등이 줄다] subside; abate; fall; go down; sink
- 싱크대의 물이 잘 빠지게 하다 : improve the drainage of a sink
- 그 땅은 물이 잘 빠진다[안 빠진다] : The ground drains well[badly]
- [홍수의(of deluge)] 물이 빠진다 : The water sinks[goes down / subsides]
- 이 타이어는 바람이 빠졌다 : This tire is flat[has gone flat]
6) [=힘·김·냄새 등이 없어지다] be gone; be got rid of; be free from; be got over; grow weak; be exhausted; get flat; become stale; fail; vanish; disperse; give out
- 맥주가 김이 빠졌다 : The beer drinks flat
- 그는 기운이 다 빠져 있다 : He's in very low spirits. / He's very depressed. / All his strength is gone
7) [여위다•살이 빠지다] get[become] lean[thin / peaked]; grow gaunt[slim]; lose (one's) weight; lose flesh
- 살 빠지는 약 : a fat-reducer / a flesh-reducer / an antifat remedy[cure]
- 너는 살이 빠진 것 같다 : You appear to have lost weight[flesh]
8) [=제거되다] be removed; [얼룩 등(dappled etc)] be taken out; [때 등(filth etx)] wash off[out]; [염색(dyeing)] run; [=빛깔이 바래다] fade[discolor]
- 얼룩이 잘 빠지지 않는다 : The stains will not come off
- 이 비누는 때가 잘 빠진다 : This soap washes out dirt[stains] well. / This soap really gets things clean
9) [=탈퇴하다·관계를 끊다] leave; quit; withdraw ; drop out; break off the connections ; secede from
- 자리에서 빠져 나오다 : leave one's seat / slip out of the room
- 네가 가입하지 않는다면 나도 빠지겠다 : If you not join, I will cry off
- 그가 경쟁에서 빠져서 우리는 수월해졌다 : Things become easy for us thanks to his withdrawal from competition
10) [=통과하다] go by[through]; pass[cut / get / run] through; lead ; [=돌파하다] break[smash] through; [=탈출하다] escape; slip[steal] out; get away; [=피하다] evade; avoid; dodge; excuse oneself from
- 빠져 나갈 수 없는 골목 : a blind[dead] alley[lane] / an impasse
- 3루를 빠지는 안타 : 『야구(baseball)』 a single past third
- 위험한 곳에서 빠져 나오다 : escape danger / find one's way out of danger
- 법망을 빠져 나가다 : evade[get round] the law / dodge[ward off] the law / slip from the grip of the law
- 감시의 눈을 빠져 나가다 : elude the vigilance of the guard
- 군중 틈을 빠져 나가다 : get[push] through a crowd / [쫓기는 몸(a body being chased by something)] dodge one's way through the crowd
- 수업을 빼먹고 학교를 빠져 나오다 : cut a lesson and beat it
- 배가 다리 밑을 빠져 나갔다 : A boat passed under the bridge
- 여기서 빠져 나가자 : Let's cut through[across] here
- 그는 나를 피하듯이 골목길로 빠져 버렸다 : He struck into an alley as if to avoid me
- 사원 문으로 빠지자 본당이 눈 앞에 있었다 : After I passed through the temple gate I saw the main building right in front of me
- 소매치기가 사람들 틈을 빠져 도망쳤다 : The pickpocket slipped through the crowd and ran away
- 좁은 길에서 나의 차는 간신히 트럭 옆을 빠져 나갔다 : My car barely managed to get[edge] past the truck[lorry] on the narrow road
11) [=뒤떨어지다] be inferior to; be worse than; be below; fall[lag] behind; yield to; compare unfavorably with
- 그녀의 옷이 그중 빠졌다 : Her dress was the least attractive one there
12) [=속다] be deceived[cheated]; be taken in; be put[imposed] upon
- 그는 그 계략에 완전히 빠졌다 : He fell right into the trap. / He was neatly taken in by the trick
- 그런 속임수에 빠질 내가 아니다 : I don't fall for such a trick. / That trick won't do with me
13) [=제비에 뽑히다] draw ; win ; fall
14) [=심하게 되다] become[get / be] very[quite / utterly / thoroughly] ‥; exhaustively; all-out; through and through; to the core[marrow]
- 낡아빠진 사상 : a moss-grown[threadbare] idea
- 썩어 빠지다 : be rotten to the core
- 시어 빠지다 : turn all sour
- 게을러 빠지다 : be very lazy[indolent / sluggish]
- 그는 마음이 썩어빠졌다 : He is corrupt[corrupted] at heart
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