엔진에서 소리가 (예전보다 많이) 나요 : The engine is making a lot of noise; There’s a noise coming from the engine ;I hear noises from the engine; The engine is a lot louder than it used to be
[other expressions]
<반말(talking down to)>
- 엔진에서 소리가 (예전보다 많이) 난다. (to younger people or friends)
- 엔진에서 소리가 (예전보다 많이) 나네. (to younger people or friends)
- 엔진에서 소리가 (예전보다 많이) 나. (to younger people or friends)
- 엔진에서 소리가 (예전보다 많이) 나는군! (to younger people or friends)
- 엔진에서 소리가 (예전보다 많이) 나는구나! (to younger people or friends)
- 엔진에서 소리가 (예전보다 많이) 나는데. (to younger people or friends)
- 엔진에서 소리가 (예전보다 많이) 나네요. (honourific by '요')
- 엔진에서 소리가 (예전보다 많이) 나는군요. (honourific by '요')
- 엔진에서 소리가 (예전보다 많이) 나요. (honourific by '요')
- 엔진에서 소리가 (예전보다 많이) 나는데요. (honourific by '요')
- 엔진에서 소리가 (예전보다 많이) 납니다. (formal; more honourific by '스')
* [Memo]
* Extreme honorifics(극존칭) are not used when the subject(주어) is not a person(사람). In other words, extreme honorifics(극존칭) are used only when the subject(주어) is a person(사람) : 주어가 사람이 아닌 경우는 극존칭을 사용하지 않는다. 즉, 주어가 사람인 경우에만 극존칭을 사용한다
* 엔진 : an engine (of a car)
* -에서 : a place where an action takes place
* 소리 : sound
* -가 : a particle makes 소리 subjective after a word ends in a vowel
* 예전 : [=옛날] the old days; ancient[old] times; [=이전] former days[times]
- 예전의 : old / old-time / ancient / [=이전의] former / past / bygone
- 예전대로 : as of old / as it was before
- 예전에 : in old[ancient] times / in the old days / in former days / once
- 예전부터 : from old times / from of old
- 이 읍에는 예전 모습이 없다 : This town is not what it used to be
- 그녀에게는 예전의 섬세한 아름다움이 없다 : She has lost the exquisite beauty she once had
- 그녀는 예전의 그녀가 아니다 : She is not her former self
* 보다 : (more) than
* 많은 : [Pronunciation: 마는] a lot; many; much; plenty; considerate
* 많이 : [Pronunciation: 마니] an adverb form of 많은
* 많다 : [Pronunciation: 만타] a verb form of 많은; this and "many" in English have the same etymology
* 나다 : (1) grow; sprout (2) happen; break out (3) occur to; cross one’s mind (4) come out
* 난다 : present tense of 나다 by '-ㄴ-'
* 났다 : past tense of 나다 by ‘-았-‘
- 소년의 턱에서 수염이 나기 시작했다 : Beard has begun to grow on the boy's chin[face]
- 언제 사고가 났습니까? : When did the accident happen?
- 화가 나다 : be[get] upset (with)
- 침이 난다 = 침이 고인다 : I'm drooling
- 트림이 난다 = 트림이 나온다 : I'm burping / belching
* 나 : 나(the stem of 나다; 나 + -아 contracted into 나) + -아(a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* 나는데요 : 나(the stem of ㄴ다) + -는데(a suffix has a nuance of hesitation to say other people; this used after the stem of a verb ends in a vowel) + -요(an honourific ending suffix)
* 납니다 : 나(the stem of 나다) + -ㅂ니다(an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix)
* a verb + -다 / -네 / -아 / -는데 : a non-honourific descriptive verb ending suffix
* a verb + -는군! / -는구나! : a non-honourific exclamatory verb ending suffix
* a verb + -네 / -아 / -는데 / -는군! + -요 : an honourific verb ending suffix
* a verb + -ㅂ니다 : an honourific descriptive verb ending suffix by '-ㅂ'
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